Friday, May 29, 2020


Ethiopia: Rape, extrajudicial executions, homes set alight in security operations in Amhara and Oromia

Ethiopian security forces committed horrendous human rights violations including burning homes to the ground, extrajudicial executions, rape, arbitrary arrests and detentions, sometimes of entire families, in response to attacks by armed groups and inter-communal violence in Amhara and Oromia, Amnesty International said today.
In a new report, Beyond law enforcement: human rights violations by Ethiopian security forces in Amhara and Oromia, Amnesty International documents how security forces committed grave violations between December 2018 and December 2019 despite reforms which led to the release of thousands of detainees, expansion of the civic and political space and repeal of draconian laws, such as the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation, which were previously used to repress human rights.
The Ethiopian authorities have made notable progress in changing the country’s bleak human rights record. However, it is unacceptable that the security forces should be allowed to carry on committing human rights violations with impunity. 
Deprose Muchena, Amnesty International's Director for East and Southern Africa
“The Ethiopian authorities have made notable progress in changing the country’s bleak human rights record. However, it is unacceptable that the security forces should be allowed to carry on committing human rights violations with impunity,” said Deprose Muchena, Amnesty International’s Director for East and Southern Africa. 
“With elections on the horizon, these violations and abuses could escalate out of control unless the government takes urgent measures to ensure security forces act within the law and remain impartial in undertaking their duties.”
In 2018, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government lifted a ban on opposition parties, some of which had been designated terrorist organisations and forced into exile, allowing them to take part in elections initially scheduled for August 2020 but postponed due to COVID-19.
With elections on the horizon, these violations and abuses could escalate out of control unless the government takes urgent measures to ensure security forces act within the law and remain impartial in undertaking their duties. 
Deprose Muchena, Amnesty International's Director for East and Southern Africa
In trying to mobilize support, politicians have however been stirring up ethnic and religious animosities, sparking inter-communal violence and armed attacks in five of the country’s nine regional states; Amhara, Benishangul-Gumuz, Harari, Oromia and the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR), and in the Dire Dawa administrative state.
In response, the government set up security Command Posts in 2018 to coordinate the operations of the Ethiopian Defense Forces (EDF), federal police, regular and special (Liyu) police units in regions, and local administration security officers called kebele militia.  
Complicity in the killings
Tensions have been high in Amhara after the Qimant, a minority group, voted for their own autonomous administrative unit in September 2017, resulting in clashes between the Amhara and Qimant communities. Amnesty International’s report reveals that the Liyu police, local administration militia and two Amhara youth vigilante groups joined forces to attack members of the Qimant community in January 2019, and again in September-October 2019, leaving at least 100 people dead and hundreds displaced. Qimant homes and property were also destroyed.
From 10-11 January 2019, the security forces and vigilante groups attacked a Qimant settlement in Metema with grenades and guns and set homes on fire. Fifty-eight people were killed within 24 hours as soldiers in a nearby camp failed to respond to cries for help. Flyers and leaflets telling Qimant civil servants to leave the area had been circulating since September 2018, but the authorities took no action.
Armed Amhara youth came and killed three of my brothers and my cousin and wounded my other brother. They killed them at point-blank range while I watched. They died instantly. 
Dinqie Tekeda, 25, victim of attacks on Qimant community
Dinqie Tekeda, 25, escaped from her burning house with four of her brothers and a cousin only for Amhara guards at Bunna International Bank, where they had sought refuge, to expose them to vigilante youths. “Armed Amhara youth came and killed three of my brothers and my cousin and wounded my other brother. They killed them at point-blank range while I watched. They died instantly,” she said.
Another attack on 29 September 2019 left 43 more Qimants dead and 12 injured. At least one family was burnt alive in their home, a witness told Amnesty International. “Just 100 metres from my home, the youth burnt Endihnew Nega, his mother, his sister and her baby at around 10pm,” Tsedal Abate said.
Just 100 metres from my home, the youth burnt Endihnew Nega, his mother, his sister and her baby at around 10pm on 29 September 2019. 
Tsedal Abate, a witness to attacks against Qimants
Businessman Abebe Tilahun, 38, sustained multiple injuries after a grenade was hurled into his house and the house set on fire forcing him out into a barrage of gunfire that hit his shoulder and hand. “I saw the Amhara Police Special Force and the local militia attacking the Qimant neighbourhood together with the Amhara vigilante youth. They were going from home to home to kill Qimant people,” he said.
Extrajudicial executions
Amnesty International documented the extrajudicial execution of at least 39 people in Oromia including 17-year old Seid Sheriff who was shot in the head outside a café in Harqelo, Goro Dola for allegedly alerting a motor-bike driver of an impending arrest.
Three other men - Debeso Megada (27), Ararso Gobena (16) and Qalicha Jarso (22), were killed while riding on a motorbike in January 2019 in Duqisa Megada kebele, Dugda Dawa. And yet another man, Aga Uddessa, was shot dead on 3 February 2019 as he rode past the Command Post in Harqelo, Goro Dola.
The authorities must immediately stop these horrific killings. They must also ensure that those responsible for these callous and brutal acts face justice. 
Deprose Muchena, Amnesty International's Director for East and Southern Africa
In Finchawa, Dugda Dawa, two truckloads of soldiers drove into town on 28 December 2018, and indiscriminately shot at people for an hour, killing 13. Witnesses told Amnesty International the attack was in retaliation for a soldier stoned to death three weeks earlier.
“The authorities must immediately stop these horrific killings. They must also ensure that those responsible for these callous and brutal acts face justice,” said Deprose Muchena.
Brutal beatings, lifetime scars
At least 10,000 people, including entire families, were arbitrarily arrested and detained in 2019 as part of the government’s crackdown on armed attacks and inter-communal violence in Oromia Region. They were accused, but never charged, for “supporting, sharing information with and feeding” members of an armed group calling itself the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) that splintered from the Oromo Liberation Front’s (OLF) military wing.
A gunshot wound  on the arm of victim of excessive force
A bullet wound sustained on the arm of one victim we interviewed
Many people were arrested multiple times, some detained for up to five months and put through political indoctrination to compel them to support the ruling party. Most were subjected to brutal beatings. For Momina Roba, who was beaten while four months pregnant, the ordeal ended in a miscarriage.
“I was beaten on the day I was arrested and the next day. I told them I was pregnant when they were beating me. But they said it does not matter whether I am pregnant or not. They said they may even kill me,” she said.
I was beaten on the day I was arrested and the next day. I told them I was pregnant when they were beating me. But they said it does not matter whether I am pregnant or not. They said they may even kill me. 
Momina Roba, was beaten until she miscarried
Ebise Eba was arrested in January 2019 by two local administration security officials who took her to the Duqisa Megada administration office and raped her. They said if she did not sleep with them, they would hand her over to EDF soldiers and she would be killed. “One of them, I only know his nickname ‘Qeyo’. He is from the kebele peace and security department. The other is the commander of the militia in the kebele,” she told Amnesty International.
Forced evictions, burnt homes
Since March 2019, security officers forcibly evicted at least 60 families from Oromia’s East and West Guji zones by burning down homes, often while families were inside, leaving them stranded homeless. Amnesty International further confirmed that another 300 families were forcibly relocated from their rural homes into peri-urban areas leaving being everything – household items, harvests and crops on farms.
“We are not able to come back though this is the season for harvesting coffee. We sent elders to petition the local officials to allow us to return. They told the elders we cannot return since we support (OLA),” Faysal Udo said.
“Failure to prevent inter-communal violence and the use of unlawful force by security forces against ordinary people in response to either inter-communal violence or armed attacks is tragic. Law and order measures should never harm people or deprive them of their livelihoods driving them into poverty. The authorities must ensure all evicted and relocated families can immediately and safely return to their homes and farms,” said Deprose Muchena.
Failure to prevent inter-communal violence and the use of unlawful force by security forces against ordinary people in response to either inter-communal violence or armed attacks is tragic. 
Deprose Muchena, Amnesty International's Director for East and Southern Africa
“The authorities must also recognize that holding diverse political views and opinions is legal. Everyone has the right to choose whom to support and these rights to freedom of expression must be guaranteed, upheld and protected. The authorities must stop killing and criminalizing people for their political choices.”


New report alleges killings, mass detentions in Ethiopia

Ethiopian soldiers and police officers allegedly carried out dozens of extrajudicial executions last year in a crackdown on a rebel group active in the country's restive Oromia region, Amnesty International said in a report Friday.
The alleged killings – 39 in total – are part of a pattern of abuses that also include torture and mass arbitrary arrests, with detainees subjected to "political rehabilitation training" promoting Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's government, the report said.
The abuses highlight how Ethiopian security forces continue "to crush dissent and political opposition" under Abiy, winner of last year's Nobel Peace Prize, Amnesty researcher Fisseha Tekle told AFP.
They risk aggravating political tensions ahead of general elections that were scheduled for August but have been delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic, Fisseha said.
"What is really happening is beyond a normal law enforcement mandate," he said. "They are going after people who are perceived to be supporters of the opposition as well as the families of militants."
A relative of one slain man described hearing the gunshot that likely killed him but told Amnesty, "I couldn't go and check since there was a curfew."
"The next morning, we found his body near the military camp," the relative said. "His body had clear marks of physical abuse, as his hands and leg were broken."
The crackdown in Oromia is ostensibly targeting the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), blamed for a spate of assassinations, bombings, bank robberies and kidnappings in Oromia.
The OLA, believed to number in the low thousands, broke off from the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), an opposition party that spent years in exile but was allowed to return to Ethiopia after Abiy took office in 2018.
The Amnesty report largely concerns abuses committed in the East and West Guji zones, in southern Oromia.
In February AFP reported on how the campaign against the OLA was playing out in an area of western Ethiopia known as Wollega, also in Oromia.
Residents there told of extrajudicial killings and mass arrests unfolding amid a monthslong internet blackout that was only lifted after Ethiopia recorded its first case of COVID-19 in mid-March.
Amnesty's report also claims security forces' "complicity" in intercommunal violence in the northern Amhara region, either through active involvement or a failure to intervene to protect vulnerable communities there.
When contacted by AFP, Abiy's office referred questions to Ethiopia's Ministry of Peace, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Amnesty notes in its report that various ministries and government bodies did not respond to multiple requests for comment on its findings in Oromia.
An official in Amhara rejected Amnesty's findings and claimed that security forces' responses in that region limited the number of casualties, the report said.
By dAILY Sabah


Aministii Intarnaashinaal: 'Humnoonni mootummaa lammilee nagaa ajjeesuufi mirgoota namoomaa sarbuu raga qabatamaan qaba'

Amanasitii InternaashinaalImage copyrightAMNESTY INTERNATIONAL
Aministii Intarnaashinaal bara 2019 keessatti humnoonni mootummaafi qaamolee al-idilee isaan waliin hojjatan naannoolee Oromiyaafi Amaaraa keessatti mirgoota namummaarratti miidhaa geessisaniiru jechuun yakkamoo taasisa.
Aministii Intarnaashinaal gabaasa haaraa baaseen qorannoo waggaa tokko Oromiyaa Lixaafi Gujii Lixaatti, akkasuams godinaalee Bahaafi Jiddu-galeessa Gondar raayyaan ittisa biyyaatiin, poolisii addaatiin, qondaltota naannichaafi garee dargaggootaa isaan waliin hidhata qabaniin miidhaan raawwatameera jedha.
Mata-dureen gabaasichaa "Mirga kabachiisuu dhabuun miidhaa mirgoota namummaa naannolee Oromiyaafi Amaaraa keessatti raawwataman" jedha.
Akka gabaasni kun jedhutti MM Abiy Ahmad ajjeechaa seeraan alaa, hidhaa jumlaa, seeran ala namoonni akka buqqa'an taasisuufi qabeenyaarratti miidhaan dhaqabaa jiru yeroodhaan akka dhaabbataniif ifatti ajaja akka kennan gaafateera.
Erga MM Abiy Ahmad gara aangotti dhufanii booda mirgoota namummaa kabachiisuun tarkaanfiiwwan gaariin fudhatamaniin cinatti, sodaan siyaasaafi sabummaarrati xiyyeeffate wal faana mul'ataniiru.
Sodaan kunneenis Naannoo Oromiyaatti, Amaaraatti, Ummattoota Kibbaa, Harariifi Dirree Dhawaa waal dhabdeen akka uumamuuniif sababa ta'aniiru.
Gabaasni Aministii Intarnaashinaal mirgoota namummaarratti miidhaa qaqqabaa turan kan naannolee lamaanii akka itti aanutti kaa'eera.


Jalqaba bara 2019 mootummaan Itoophiyaa garee nageenyaa Lixaafi Baha Gujiirratti hojjatu hundeesseera.
Gareen kunis kaayyoo sochii milishaa gandaa, poolisii addaa Oromiyaafi poolisii idilee, akkasumas raayyaa ittisa biyyaa deeggaruun Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo (WBO) bosona jiru godinaalee lamaanitti argamu hordofuu akka qabu ibsa.
Bara 2019'tti godina Gujii Bahaatti aanaa Gooroo Doolaafi godina Gujii Lixaatti aanaan Dugda Dawaatti namoonni 39 ajjeefamuusaanii bira gaheera jedha Aministiiniiin gabaasa isaa kanaan.
Isaan keessas 23 kan ta'an aanaa Gooroo Doolaatti raayyaa ittisa biyyaafi poolisii Oromiyaatiin yoo ajjeefaman, 16 kan ta'an immoo Dugda Dawaatti himannaa maleefi jumlaadhaan ajjeefamanuusaaniif raga qabatamaa qaba jedha.
Ji'a Onkololeessa keessa Gooroo Doolaa ganda Raarootti Caddachaa Mi'eessaa, Abdulaahii Guluu Halaakeefi Qaanqee Utaaraa Shuree firoottansaanii wabiidhaan isaan baasan irratti dhukaasni banamee ajjeefamaniiru jedha.
Firoottansaanii WBO deeggartu jechuudhaan kan shakkamani.
''Ilma keenya fuudhaaf qophaa'aa turetu nu duraa ajjeefame''
Ji'a Hagayyaa keessas firri dhihoo Abdulaahii Bodiishaa Culuqaa jedhamu erga raayyaa ittisa biyyaatiin hidhame booda ajjeefameera jedha gabaasni kun.
Hidhamee guyyaa itti aanutti maatiinsaa reeffa rasaasaan dhahamuu mul'isu bakkeerratti arganiiru.
"Loltoonni sangaa qallee gara bakka awwalchaa geessuusi nu dhoorkaniiru. Bakki itti awwaalame magaalaa ta'us shaneedhaaf nyaata geessitu nuun jedha," jetti fira Bodiishaa kan taatee Bonaanii Jaallataa.
Ajjeechaan wal fakkaatu Muddee 4, 2019 humna addaa poolisii Oromiyaatiin, Guraandhala 3 raayyaa itti biyyaatiin, Hagayya 2019 raayyaa ittisa biyyaatiin, Amajjiifi Caamsaa 2019, Muddee 2018 (raayyaa ittisa biyyaatiin raawwatameera jedha Aministii Intarnaashinaal.
Ajjeechaan alattis hidhaan seeraan alaa, yeroo hidhaarra jiran gidiraa, sadarkaa qorannoorra kan jiru ta'us himannaan gudeeddiinis na dhaqabeera jedha.
Namoonni qe'eesaaniirraa buqqa'aniifi qabeenyisaanii barbadaa'es ni jiru jedha dhaabbanni kun.


Fulbaanaa hanga Onkololeessa bara 2018 hanga Onkololeessa 2019'tti hawaasa Qimaantiifi miseensota saba Amaaraa godinaalee Lixaafi Juddu galeessa Gondaritti argaman jiddutti wal dhabdeen dabalee jiraachuusaa ibsa.
Aanaalee Quwaaraa, Mattammaafi Cilgaatti miseensonni poolisiifi milishoonni naannichaa hawaasa Qimaantirratti miidhaa geessisaniiru kan jedhu Aministiiniin, miseensonni raayyaa ittisa biyyaa yeroos achi turan wal dhabdee uumame dhaabsisuuf tarkaanfiin isaan fudhatan hin jiru jedha.
Amajjii 10 fi 11, akkasumas Fulbaana 2019 gaaffii jaarsummaa keenya keessa seenaa jedhee hawaasni gaafatus miseensonni raayyaa ittisa biyyaa deebii homaa hin kennineef jedha gabaasni kun.
Akka gabaasa kanatti Amajjii 2019 sa'aatii 24 osoo hin guutne namoonni 58 ajjeefamanii jumlaadhaan awwaalamuusaanii ibsa.
Akka ragaa biiroo nageenyaa magaalaa Gondar airraa rgadhe jedhutti wal dhabdee Fulbaanaafi Onkololeessa 2019 uuammee tureen namoonni 43 du'anii 12 immoo madaa'aniiru.
Hogganaan itti-aanaa Nageenyaafi Bulchiinsaa naannichaa akka jedhanitti, humnoonni nageenyaa, keessumaayyuu poolisiin federaalaafi raayyaan ittisa biyyaa naannichatti argamuunsaanii rakkoo kana caalaa mudatuu danda'u ture akka hir'atu taasiseera jechuun himaniiru.
Amajjii 10 bara 2019'tti magaalaa Mattammaa Yohaannis keessatti dargaggoonni miseensota Yegobaz Alaqaafi Faannoo jedhaman dhiibbaatamatti laakkaa'aman ganda sadii naanneessuudhaan hawaasa rasaasaan, dhagaadhaan akkasumas lammiilee biyyaarratti miidhaa geessisaniiru jedha dhaabbanni kun.
Gandi kunis bakka miseensonni hawaasa Qimaant hedduminnaan jiraataniidha.
Yeroo raayyaan ittisa biyyaa bakkichatti argamee hawaasa baraaruuf achi gahu haleellaan sa'aatii 24'f raawwatamee ture.
Namoonni yeroos bakkichatti argaman haleellaa kana raawwatuuf guyyootaaf qophii taasifamaa ture, haleellaan dargaggootaa poolisii humna addaatiifi milishoota gandaatiin kan deeggarame ture, raayyaan ittisa biyyaa naannicha ture sa'aatii 24 darbaniif homaa hin goone ture jedha.
Namni yeroos achi ture Ballaxaa Mangistuu jedhamu, "raayyaan ittisa biyyaa kan dhufe erga haleellaan raawwate boodadha.
Miseensonni Qimaant 1,600 ta'an gara kaampii loltoonni qubatan geeffamaniiru," jechuun himeera jedha Aministiiniin.
Amajjii 12 bara 2019 "namoota 53 du'an Bataskaanaa Mattammaa Takilaahaayimaanotitti awwaalleerra," jedha namni yerooas achi ture kun.
Aministiiniin suuraa saatalaayitii fayyadamuudhaan Amajjii 11 ganda hawaasni Qimaant jiraatu ibiddiifi aarri akka tureefi bakkeewwan Kaaba Lixatti argaman lamaanii waan gubatan akka fakkaatan bira gaheera jedheera.
Magaalaa Gondaritti gama Kaabaafi bakka hawaasni Qimaant jiraatan miidhaan gandoota akka Arbaabaa, Walqaafi Sayinaa raawwatan kan fakkaatu miseensota hawaasaa Amaaraarra gahee akka ture namootarraa odeeffadheera jedha dhaabbatichi. Haleellaan deebii kunis Onkololeessa 14-16 itti fiufeera.
Haleellaa hawaasaa kanaanis walumaagalatti yoo xiqqaate namoonni 130 ajjeefamaniiru. Kana keessas maal na dhibdeen humnoota nageenyaa akka ture ibseera.
Aministiin qaamolee mootummaa adda addaa akka gaheesaanitti yaada kan dhiheesseef ta'uu ibsa.
Warra dhiyeesseef keessaa MM'f, Minsitira Raayyaa Ittisa Biyyaaf, Minisitiraa Nagaaf, Komishiinii Poolisiif, akkasumas Abbaa Alangaa Waliigalaaf tarkaanfiwwan humnoota nageenyaa to'atu amanamaa, loogiirraa bilisa kan ta'eefi dhaabbilee siivilii hundeessuu, namoota miidhaa geessisan adda baasuufi seeratti dhiheessuu, loltoota haleellaarratti hirmaatan diiguu, yeroo yeroodhaan ajjeechaa seeran alaa mootummaa qorachuufi seeratti dhiheessuu ifatti baasuuf murteessuusaa kanneen keessatti ni argamu.
Yeroo gabaasa itti dhiheesse kanatti namoota dhuunfaa 80 ol ta'an Finfinneetti, Gondaritti, Ayimbaatti, Waalqayitittiifi Hawaasatti waliin wal arguusaa kan ibsu Aminiistiinii bu'aa qorannoorratti yaada akka kennaniif Ministira Nagaa, Ministira Rayyaa Ittisa Biyyaa, Komishiinii Poolisii Fedeeraalaa, Biiroo Bulchiinsaafi Nageenyaa Oromiyaa, Komishiinii Poolisii Oromiyaafi Biiroo Bulchiinsaafi Nageenyaa Amaaraa, akkasumas Komishiinii Poolisii Naannoo Amaaraa gaafachuusaa ibseera.
Ta'us garuu gaafiisaatiif deebii kan argate Biiroo Bulchiinsaa fi Nageenyaa Amaaraa qofarraa akka ta'e ibsuun galateeffateera.


Ethiopia: Rape, extrajudicial executions, homes set alight in security operations in Amhara and Oromia

Deprose Muchena, Amnesty International's Director for East and Southern Africa
Ethiopian security forces committed horrendous human rights violations including burning homes to the ground, extrajudicial executions, rape, arbitrary arrests and detentions, sometimes of entire families, in response to attacks by armed groups and inter-communal violence in Amhara and Oromia, Amnesty International said today.
In a new report, Beyond law enforcement: human rights violations by Ethiopian security forces in Amhara and Oromia, Amnesty International documents how security forces committed grave violations between December 2018 and December 2019 despite reforms which led to the release of thousands of detainees, expansion of the civic and political space and repeal of draconian laws, such as the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation, which were previously used to repress human rights.
The Ethiopian authorities have made notable progress in changing the country’s bleak human rights record. However, it is unacceptable that the security forces should be allowed to carry on committing human rights violations with impunity. 
Deprose Muchena, Amnesty International's Director for East and Southern Africa
“The Ethiopian authorities have made notable progress in changing the country’s bleak human rights record. However, it is unacceptable that the security forces should be allowed to carry on committing human rights violations with impunity,” said Deprose Muchena, Amnesty International’s Director for East and Southern Africa. 
“With elections on the horizon, these violations and abuses could escalate out of control unless the government takes urgent measures to ensure security forces act within the law and remain impartial in undertaking their duties.”
In 2018, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government lifted a ban on opposition parties, some of which had been designated terrorist organisations and forced into exile, allowing them to take part in elections initially scheduled for August 2020 but postponed due to COVID-19.
With elections on the horizon, these violations and abuses could escalate out of control unless the government takes urgent measures to ensure security forces act within the law and remain impartial in undertaking their duties. 
Deprose Muchena, Amnesty International's Director for East and Southern Africa
In trying to mobilize support, politicians have however been stirring up ethnic and religious animosities, sparking inter-communal violence and armed attacks in five of the country’s nine regional states; Amhara, Benishangul-Gumuz, Harari, Oromia and the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR), and in the Dire Dawa administrative state.
In response, the government set up security Command Posts in 2018 to coordinate the operations of the Ethiopian Defense Forces (EDF), federal police, regular and special (Liyu) police units in regions, and local administration security officers called kebele militia.  
Complicity in the killings
Tensions have been high in Amhara after the Qimant, a minority group, voted for their own autonomous administrative unit in September 2017, resulting in clashes between the Amhara and Qimant communities. Amnesty International’s report reveals that the Liyu police, local administration militia and two Amhara youth vigilante groups joined forces to attack members of the Qimant community in January 2019, and again in September-October 2019, leaving at least 100 people dead and hundreds displaced. Qimant homes and property were also destroyed.
From 10-11 January 2019, the security forces and vigilante groups attacked a Qimant settlement in Metema with grenades and guns and set homes on fire. Fifty-eight people were killed within 24 hours as soldiers in a nearby camp failed to respond to cries for help. Flyers and leaflets telling Qimant civil servants to leave the area had been circulating since September 2018, but the authorities took no action.
Armed Amhara youth came and killed three of my brothers and my cousin and wounded my other brother. They killed them at point-blank range while I watched. They died instantly. 
Dinqie Tekeda, 25, victim of attacks on Qimant community
Dinqie Tekeda, 25, escaped from her burning house with four of her brothers and a cousin only for Amhara guards at Bunna International Bank, where they had sought refuge, to expose them to vigilante youths. “Armed Amhara youth came and killed three of my brothers and my cousin and wounded my other brother. They killed them at point-blank range while I watched. They died instantly,” she said.
Another attack on 29 September 2019 left 43 more Qimants dead and 12 injured. At least one family was burnt alive in their home, a witness told Amnesty International. “Just 100 metres from my home, the youth burnt Endihnew Nega, his mother, his sister and her baby at around 10pm,” Tsedal Abate said.
Just 100 metres from my home, the youth burnt Endihnew Nega, his mother, his sister and her baby at around 10pm on 29 September 2019. 
Tsedal Abate, a witness to attacks against Qimants
Businessman Abebe Tilahun, 38, sustained multiple injuries after a grenade was hurled into his house and the house set on fire forcing him out into a barrage of gunfire that hit his shoulder and hand. “I saw the Amhara Police Special Force and the local militia attacking the Qimant neighbourhood together with the Amhara vigilante youth. They were going from home to home to kill Qimant people,” he said.
Extrajudicial executions
Amnesty International documented the extrajudicial execution of at least 39 people in Oromia including 17-year old Seid Sheriff who was shot in the head outside a café in Harqelo, Goro Dola for allegedly alerting a motor-bike driver of an impending arrest.
Three other men - Debeso Megada (27), Ararso Gobena (16) and Qalicha Jarso (22), were killed while riding on a motorbike in January 2019 in Duqisa Megada kebele, Dugda Dawa. And yet another man, Aga Uddessa, was shot dead on 3 February 2019 as he rode past the Command Post in Harqelo, Goro Dola.
The authorities must immediately stop these horrific killings. They must also ensure that those responsible for these callous and brutal acts face justice. 
Deprose Muchena, Amnesty International's Director for East and Southern Africa
In Finchawa, Dugda Dawa, two truckloads of soldiers drove into town on 28 December 2018, and indiscriminately shot at people for an hour, killing 13. Witnesses told Amnesty International the attack was in retaliation for a soldier stoned to death three weeks earlier.
“The authorities must immediately stop these horrific killings. They must also ensure that those responsible for these callous and brutal acts face justice,” said Deprose Muchena.
Brutal beatings, lifetime scars
At least 10,000 people, including entire families, were arbitrarily arrested and detained in 2019 as part of the government’s crackdown on armed attacks and inter-communal violence in Oromia Region. They were accused, but never charged, for “supporting, sharing information with and feeding” members of an armed group calling itself the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) that splintered from the Oromo Liberation Front’s (OLF) military wing.

Many people were arrested multiple times, some detained for up to five months and put through political indoctrination to compel them to support the ruling party. Most were subjected to brutal beatings. For Momina Roba, who was beaten while four months pregnant, the ordeal ended in a miscarriage.
“I was beaten on the day I was arrested and the next day. I told them I was pregnant when they were beating me. But they said it does not matter whether I am pregnant or not. They said they may even kill me,” she said.
I was beaten on the day I was arrested and the next day. I told them I was pregnant when they were beating me. But they said it does not matter whether I am pregnant or not. They said they may even kill me. 
Momina Roba, was beaten until she miscarried
Ebise Eba was arrested in January 2019 by two local administration security officials who took her to the Duqisa Megada administration office and raped her. They said if she did not sleep with them, they would hand her over to EDF soldiers and she would be killed. “One of them, I only know his nickname ‘Qeyo’. He is from the kebele peace and security department. The other is the commander of the militia in the kebele,” she told Amnesty International.
Forced evictions, burnt homes
Since March 2019, security officers forcibly evicted at least 60 families from Oromia’s East and West Guji zones by burning down homes, often while families were inside, leaving them stranded homeless. Amnesty International further confirmed that another 300 families were forcibly relocated from their rural homes into peri-urban areas leaving being everything – household items, harvests and crops on farms.
“We are not able to come back though this is the season for harvesting coffee. We sent elders to petition the local officials to allow us to return. They told the elders we cannot return since we support (OLA),” Faysal Udo said.
“Failure to prevent inter-communal violence and the use of unlawful force by security forces against ordinary people in response to either inter-communal violence or armed attacks is tragic. Law and order measures should never harm people or deprive them of their livelihoods driving them into poverty. The authorities must ensure all evicted and relocated families can immediately and safely return to their homes and farms,” said Deprose Muchena.
Failure to prevent inter-communal violence and the use of unlawful force by security forces against ordinary people in response to either inter-communal violence or armed attacks is tragic. 
Deprose Muchena, Amnesty International's Director for East and Southern Africa
“The authorities must also recognize that holding diverse political views and opinions is legal. Everyone has the right to choose whom to support and these rights to freedom of expression must be guaranteed, upheld and protected. The authorities must stop killing and criminalizing people for their political choices.”