Wednesday, June 2, 2021


 Voice of America is airing Ethiopian propaganda, staffers claim


Eritrean soldiers killed 19 civilians in latest Tigray atrocity, locals claim

Killings took place near Ethiopia’s Abuna Yemata church on 8 May, according to multiple testimonies 


 Dear valued viewers,

On May 28th, 2021, I received an audio clip through email purporting to be a recording of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed during the most recent Prosperity Party executive committee meeting. In that recording, the Prime Minister made very incendiary statements regarding the elections and his plans to rule for 10 more years. I received the audio from a source that has provided credible information before. Moreover, another credible source had earlier stated, without hearing the audio, that the Prime Minister had said those same things during the most recent executive committee meeting. I had the audio recording closely examined and authenticated by sound engineers before deciding to release it. Since I had confirmed its authenticity and due to the sensitivity of the contents, I made the decision to release the audio clip without consulting the Kello Media executive committee.
Since the audio was released, there have been several accusations that it is an inauthentic forgery. Videos of Abiy that were stitched together to sound like the audio clip have been widely shared as evidence of this. However, these videos barely capture half of what is said in the audio clip. On top of that, the similarities between what he said in those videos and what he said in the audio recording suggest nothing except that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed repeats himself. While I welcome cross-examination and attempts to verify the authenticity of the audio clip, these are simply disingenuous attempts to absolve Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of accountability.
Ultimately, I am ready to send the raw audio file to any third-party that wants to conduct audio forensics. Given the measures taken to verify the recording’s authenticity, I stand by the initial conclusion that this is a legitimate audio recording of PM Abiy Ahmed. There has been no valid reason provided to doubt its authenticity. Most important to note is that there has been a concerted effort to use these accusations to distract from the government’s brutal actions in Oromia and beyond. The Prime Minister’s statements in these audio clips should surprise no one, these words only reflect a fraction of his overall plan- the focus should remain on the practice
and not the rhetoric.
Having said that, since the audio recording was announced, there has been a relentless defamation campaign launched against Kello Media team members by the government’s social media cadres. On top of that, there have been repeated attempts to hack into Kello Media’s company accounts as well as repeated attempts to hack into the personal accounts of Kello Media team members. Most worryingly, a death threat was issued against two of our directors immediately following the release of the audio clip. This response itself hints at the authenticity of the audio clip.
Kiya Segni,
Executive Director,

Monday, May 31, 2021


LOL, Abiy Ahmed just came out defending himself on things he said in the revealing leaked audio published by Kello Media early this evening. His whole point is that the audio is doctored. Well, little boy shouldn’t worry because authenticating doctored or non-doctored audio is a simple technical stuff which can independently be verified😎
May be a Twitter screenshot of text that says 'Thread ብንቅር። Office of the Prime Minister- Ethi... @PMEthiopia The Office of the Prime Minister wishes to affirm that supposed leaked audio of Prime Minister @AbiyAhmedAli during Prosperity Party meeting of last week is a FAKE audio compilation which has been put together by drawing on different unrelated remarks made by the PM. 1/2'


#Ethiopia #EthiopianNews #Sergegna Wegoch #GEBEYANU #ግብፅ ጠላታችን ምን አመጣው?


Civilian abuses by Eritrean troops reported in Oromia and rest of Ethiopia 


 Sunday thread: beyond jingoistic patriotism & rallies.

Source; Tsedale Lemma

In the last 3 years the leadership of PM Abiy has offered Ethiopia to the west inch by inch, including inserting the US & WB in the GERD negotiations, compromising the policy independence the TPLF led EPRDF closely guarded.
Important to note that it’s Ethiopians who fiercely rallied behind the slogan #Itsmydam (1st used by Dr Seleshi & introduced by journalist Elias Meseret), forcing PM Abiy & his politicians to wrestle back GERD negotiations from the grips of the US & WB after they offered it for grabs.
Likewise, the decision by PM Abiy to dismantle the EPRDF & the developmental state economic policy, which was inspired by Asian Tigers + China, was meticulously overseen by the West/America.
Yes TPLF/EPRDF’s developmental state policy was debilitatingly undermined by kleptocracy & a crippling authoritarianism. But
that was barely the reason for its unceremonious undoing.
So, this notion that Abiy’s Ethiopia is pushing back against the West’s meddling is nothing but:
A/ an embarrassing push back against the demand/sanction by the west to stop the war crimes being committed in Tigray, and
B/ A paranoid electioneering even when the results are a sweeping win for the incumbent. This cause is laughable because the results of an election that takes place after jailing your formidable opposition & systematically pushing out what’s left of prison is a foregone conclusion.
So both reasons didn’t need rallies & posters because: A/ The west/America are putting the pressure after they have seen the neoliberal Ethiopia they wanted to create under PM Abiy is not only unable to stop the war crimes in Tigray & change course to their values of democracy but has become a liability to whatever interests they have in the Horn.
When a PM they have propped up as a “reformer” turned to a man overseeing a devastating civil war against his own people, by teaming up with an unhinged dictator in Isaias Afwerki & a jailer of his opposition so that he can capture a neoliberal state they wanted to see by using uncontested election, (needless to say by disenfranchising millions of voters), it becomes obvious that his western handlers drop him like a hot potato & distance themselves. That’s how their worldview functions.
The rallies aren’t going to serve electioneering either because there is so much to a legitimate government than holding an election; so much than winning & losing an election; & so much than animating a crowd (in times of COVID) by evoking jingoistic patriotism of an empire state.
And drooling for Putin, Erdogan & Xi isn’t a replacement of an independent foreign policy which will withstand the neoliberal world that is financing Ethiopia’s so called “reform”; it’s intended to make Ethiopia a pawn in a game it’ll ultimately end up losing.
Vicious cycle! 🤦🏿‍♀️