Wednesday, November 3, 2021


 OLF Press Release on the Mobilization of Peoples of Ethiopia into Senseless War

OLF Press Release – November 3, 2021
It is distressing to see the Ethiopian peoples in general and the Oromo people in particular are unwillingly trapped into endless war and conflicts for more than a century. Since the formation of Ethiopian empire, the country remained the home of internal conflicts. In these vicious circles of conflicts, the majority of Ethiopia peoples were victims of war for more than a century long. Particularly the Oromia people, which is peace-loving society, having deep-rooted tradition of solving any sort of conflicts peacefully, had been the most victimized society under the endless war of the Ethiopian ruling system. The selfish nature of consecutive dictators of the Ethiopian ruling regimes, who mostly come to power by the armed military force, had plunged the Oromia citizens and other Ethiopians into war and conflicts from generation to generation. This Authoritarian type of political system packed with elements of dictatorial regimes had put the Ethiopian peoples into continuous war and conflict and left the country without shred of civilization and economic development.
The Oromo people had been persistently resisting these conflict- driven ruling system for more than a century. Particularly since the OLF started consolidating the Oromo national struggle for self-determination 50 years ago, huge sacrifices had been made to change the dictatorial and conflict-driven system into democratic governance. In this journey, the Oromia citizens, particularly the Oromo youth, has paid heavy sacrifices to change the empire system into peaceful and democratic governance.
However, the consecutive Ethiopian regimes, particularly the current Prosperity Party has chosen the war line and continued reproducing conflicts after conflicts and trapping the Ethiopian peoples in endless war. OLF denounces this repeated extension of war. In this regard, the OLF seriously denounces the recent call of the Oromia Regional Government (aka Oromia Prosperity Party) to intensify war against opposition groups. This last minute’s call of ‘every able body to fight’ has no contribution to the peace and security of the country but designed to keep the Prosperity Party officials in power at the expense of human lives. The OLF believes that sending innocent youngsters to the senseless war is committing crime against this generation. We strongly denounce this generational crime and believe the mobilization of civilians for this dangerous war has no positive outcome but will be additional loss of people’s lives and destruction of country’s resources.
We would strongly advise the citizens of Oromia to reject the recent call- to- fight issued by Oromia Regional Government and instead ask the Oromia citizens to focus on building their regional governance and defending their regional territory. In this regard, we call the Oromia citizen to strengthen their regional governance and solidify the structure of the Oromia National Regional State Transitional Government and protect themselves. Every citizen of Oromia must clearly understand that the widespread conflicts orchestrated by PP ruling group may engulf into Oromia regional state whereby the defenders must be only the Oromia citizens and its armed forces, nobody else. We also call upon the Oromia citizens to maintain and strengthen peaceful co-existence with its neighboring regions and peoples.
The OLF want to use this opportunity to remind the TPLF and its force TDF to respect the sovereignty of the Oromo People and refrain itself not to enter into Oromia territory militarily. We hope the reason of our reminder will be understood.
We would like to advise the Ethiopian peoples to denounce any call that intensify conflicts among peoples and instead focus your attention to peaceful way of reestablishing Federal Republic Governance involving multi-nation societies and work together for peace and stability and organize free and fair election that reflect the long aspirations of Ethiopian peoples.
We urge the international communities to step up for seeking genuine and all involving peaceful solution to multifaceted crisis in Ethiopia and pressure all the stakeholders for peace and security and to establish a transitional system that paves the way for all-inclusive political dialogue.
Victory to the Masses!
Oromo Liberation Front
November 3, 2021

Facebook deletes Ethiopia PM's post that urged citizens to 'bury' rebels

Sunday, September 26, 2021

#Ethiopia: Travel: Illubabor, a land of unimaginable beauty that is unknown, underdeveloped

 #Ethiopia: Travel: Illubabor, a land of unimaginable beauty that is unknown, underdeveloped

By: Etenesh Abera
The evergreen and dense Yayo coffee forest has more than 450 plant species including wild coffee, spices alongside different indigionous trees. The forest is also home for 50 mammals, 30 bird species and 20 amphibians. Researchers also revealed that more than 100 endemic species of plants, birds and mammals are found in Yayo.
Sadly, 40 plant species, two mammals and two bird species are under the threat of extinction. The biosphere contains small rivers like Geba, Dogi, Saki and Sese which discharge to the Baro River, the main tributaries of the White Nile after joining Phibor in east South Sudan and becoming the main tributary for the Sobat River in Northeastern South Sudan.
According to a research paper reviewed by Addis Standard, Yayo coffee forest is unique, having the highest number of wild coffee trees in Ethiopia, being the most intact and undisturbed forest, its coffee breed being genetically diverse and related to other wild coffee breeds across Ethiopia, and having direct link to ancient Arabica type C breed.
Yayo forest coffee biosphere is surrounded by seven woredas. As of research the local community surrounding the forest are residing in the transitional zone of the forest. Semi forest coffee production areas, small coffee plantations, garden coffee and grazeland are the main sources of income for the local community. Production of honey and spices are other sources of income.