Monday, May 25, 2015

OLF - The Ethiopian Sham Election Serves Only the Dictatorial Government

The Tigray dictatorial ruling class was built on excessive military power. The regime indulged the country into extreme poverty. The corruption of the ruling class was one of the main machinery that put the country into the highest level of economic inequalities where the few members of the ruling class became the richest and the majority of the citizens are unable to even earn their daily bread.  This high level of inequality resulted into absolute poverty, migration and loss of lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Today hundreds of thousands of Ethiopian people are living in hunger and insecurity in their own country.  Some are cherished in Sahara desert and Mediterranean Sea while they were trying to escape from unfair and abusive government.

For the last 24 years, since the Tigray ruling class  came to power, the corruption, displacement of people and human rights abuses have increased with the tremendous speed. This misery darken the political space and eradicated people’s hope for democracy. The Ethiopian people have been denied political freedom and rights of expression of their opinions. In this current regime, it is a crime to have different political opinion rather than supporting the Tigray ruling class’s party. The Ethiopian regime recorded highest level of Human rights abuses, killings, and intimidations not only in African continent but also in the world.
The Tigray ruling class came to power with military force; it has built its dictatorial regime on military power and will continue to do so. One party dictatorship rule was the vision they had from the very beginning. They proved their vision within the last 24 years. In the future, they want to rule Ethiopia under one party dictatorship rule. The Tigray ruling class never listened to the Ethiopian people, nor willing to listen in the future. The responses to peoples’ questions were imprisonments, tortures and killings.
The main priority for the Tigray ruling class is to stay on power. One of the strategy they designed to stay on power is to carry out fake election every five years. The last four elections proved that the ruling class is the most dictatorial regime on the planet. This 5th election that will take place on May 24, 2015 is not different from the previous elections. This election will not make any change to the political system and democracy in the country but it is only to renew the power of the ruling class for the next 5 years. This election is not democratic and not expected to fulfil the interest of the Ethiopian people. The election board is established by the current ruling class; the so called participating political parties are not treated fairly; the members of the opposition parties are arrested, harassed and beaten; the election process do not follow the democratic principle. Therefore, one can easily to judge the outcome of such unfair and sham election.
The Ethiopian people was struggling for peace and democracy for several years. Among the people struggling for their rights the Oromo people was on the forefront. The Oromo people was struggling for many years and made huge sacrifices to regain their freedom and democracy. The Oromo people is not struggling to gain nominal seats in dictatorial government system but to become free from a century long political, economic and social domination. This objective cannot be achieved through participating in the election organised by the dictatorial ruling class.
Particularly to the Oromo youngsters and students, you have made significant sacrifices to move the Oromo struggle forward. In order to make your sacrifices yield a fruit, you must continue your struggle for freedom and democracy. Participating in this fake election means that you forget the sacrifices your brothers and sisters made. Participating in this election means that you’re building the power of your perpetrators. From many years’ experience, the OLF knows the plan and behaviour the Tigray ruling class. The OLF knows that this regime is not prepared to leave its position even if they lose the election, which is unlikely within the current election process.
Therefore, the OLF wants to inform the Ethiopian people in general and the Oromo people in particular, that this election stands only to serve the Tigray ruling class and to keep them in power for the next 5 years. This election does not fulfils the interest the Ethiopian people and do not lead to peace, stability and economic development of the country. The OLF wants to remind the Oromo and other people in Ethiopia that it should not mislead by this sham election.
Particularly to the Oromo people, you are the first target of the Tigray ruling class. The power and strength of this regime works against you. So the OLF remind you to stay away from any activity, including the current election that build the Tigray regime and keep them in power.
Victory to the Oromo people!
Oromo Liberation Front
May 23, 2015

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

 Filannoo Ethiopiaa Baranaa

Akkuma beekamu filannoon Ethiopia Bara 5tti al-tokko geggeeffama, haaluma kanaan filannoon baranaa Caamsaa 24, 2015  guutuu biyyattiitti geggeeffama jedhamee eegamaa jira.Haata`u malee filannoon biyyattii keessatti geggeeffamu yeroo maraa mootummaa wayyaanee abbaa hirree harkaa ba`uuf carraa hin arganne.Mootummaan wayyaanee bara mootummaa cee`umsaa 1991 irraa jalqabee aangoo biyya sanaa ufirkatti hanbifachuuf dhaabbilee Siyaasaa adda addaa mara irratti dhiibbaa guddaa taasisee ture ammallee haala cimaan itti fufee jira.Akkasumas namoota kumaatamaan lakkaawaman ajjeesuu fi hidhuun bara dheeraaf aangoo biyya sanii haala dimokraatwaan ituu hin ta`in haala lolaatiin hanga qaamni tokko dhufee harkaa baafatutti waan eeggachuuf murteeffate fakkaata.fakkeenyaaf filannoo bara 2005 biyyattii keessatti geggeefame irratti dhibbaa dhibbatti mootummaan wayyaanee moo`amuusaa ummata ethiopia keessa jiran qofa ituu hin ta`in addunyaan marri quba qaba.Haa ta`u malee Mootummaan wayyaanee humna guddaa biyyattii guutuu irratti fayyadamuun namoota dhibbaan lakkaawaman ajjeesuun isa kaan hidhuun filannoo bara sanii haala dinqisiisaan ukkaamsuun umurii aangoosaa dheeraffatee jira.Mootummaan wayyaanee filannoon dimokraasii fi seera qabeessa wanni jedhu akka isaaf hin mijoofne bara 2005 waan mirkaneeffateef jecha filannoo bara 2010 biyyattii keessatti gegeeffame 99.9 mo`adheen jira jechuun Paartiilee mormitootaa hunda mana marii bakka bu`ootaa keessa haree gadi baasuun biyyatti akka fedhanitti geggeessutti jiru.Ammallee itti fufuun dhaabbilee mormitoota Siyaasaa kan biyyattii sana keessatti karaa nagaa fi seera qabeessaan sochii siyaasaa mataa jaraa geggeeffachuuf tattaafatan mara,  mootummaan wayyaanee  filannoo baranaa haala gaariin akka hin hirmaanne gochuuf dirree filannoo dhippisuun fi Miseensota jaraa hidhuu fi sodaachisuun itti fufee jira.Haata`u malee diddaan fincila garbummaa biyyattii sana keessaa yeroo ammaa kallattii adda addaatiin itti fufee jira, dhaabbibbileen siyaasaa biyyatti keessatti karaa nagaan socho`an marri sochii nafiladhaa haala quufsaanillee ta`uu baatu  itti fufanii jiru.Keessumaayyuu akkuma torban darban arginetti dhaabni siyaasaa OFC ( Oromo Federalist Congress ) kan DR Maraaraa Guddinaan hoogganamu Oromiyaa mara keessatti sochii nafiladhaa saffisaan gegeessuutti jira, kanumaan walqabatee motummaan wayyaanees miseensota OFC sababa adda addaa sababeeffachuun hidhaa fi dararaa adda addaatiin irratti duulee jira.Akka DR Maraaraan jedhaaa jiranitti  filannoon baranaa haala Dimokraasii dhugaa fi seera qabeessaan geggeeffamee jennaan filannoo kana ni moo`anna jechuun afaan guutuun dubbachaa jiru.Mootummaan abbaa hirrees filannoo baranaa keessa darbuuf human waraanaa biyyattii guutuu keessatti baayyinaan gadi lakkisuun ummata sodaachisuu fi hidhuun filannoo baranaa akkuma barootan darbanii ukkaamsee moo`uuf carraaqqii guddaa taasisaa jira.Miidiaa
Miidiaan biyyattii keessa jiran  marri mootummaa wayyaanee qofa faarsuun misoomaa fi dimokraasii amma irra jirru kana kabajsiifnee itti fufuuf Motummaa wayyaanee  qofa filadhaa jechuun holola jaraa itti fufanii jiru.Mootummaan wayyaanee biyyattiidhaaf numa qofatu jira,nuti aangoo gadhiifnaan biyyattiin ni babbaddi, ni diigamti, biyyattiin akkas akkana taati jechuun holola sodaachisaa ummata irratti gadi lakkisuunni fi ofumaan uffaarsuun Miidiaa biyyattii keessa jiran hunda irratti lallabuutti jira.Dimokraasiin dhugaa biyyattii keessa ituu jiraatee dhaabbileen siyaasaa filannoo irratti hirmaatan marri walqixxummaan miidiaa biyya sanaa fayyadamuun fiigicha na filadhaa Ummata biraan ga`hachuuf carraa ni hargatuu turan.Ummmataakkuma beekamu ummatni biyyattii keessa jiru marri jechuun haala danda`amuun Mootummaa wayyaanee waliin haala mufannaa guddaa keessa jira.ummatni Oromoo millioonni hedduun muffii  yeroo dheeraa qofa ituu hin taane bara darbe waa`ee Master Plaanii finfinneen wal-qabatee mootummaa wayyaanee waliin muffii guddaa hangana hin jedhamne keessa jira. kanaafuu haala kanaan guutummmaa guutuutti ummatni Oromoo Mootummaa wayyaanee hin filatu jedhamee eegama.Akkasumas Ummatni muslimaa biyyattii guutuu keessa jiran waggaa sadiin dura gaaffiilee Amantii jaraatiin walqabatee seeraa biyyattii irraatti hunda`uun  karaa seera qabeessaan gaaffilee adda addaa mootummaaf dhiheessanii turan, haaluma kanaan mootummaan wayyaanee gaffiilee karaa nagaan ummatni muslimaa gaafate kanaaf deebii Ajjeechaa,Hidhaa fi  dararaa gurguddaa ummata muslimaa irraan ga`uutti jira.Muffii kanaan kan ka`e  ummatni musilmaa millionaan lakkaawamu Ammaa jalqabuun mootummaa wayyanee akka hin filanne karaa adda addatiin gurmaa`uun ibsuutti jiru.Ummatni biyyattii keessa jiran kan biroos haala adda addaatiin mootummaa wayyaanee waliin muffii keessa waan jiraniif filannoon baranaa mootummaa wayyaaneef haala salpaa ta`a jechuun na dhiba.Akkuma dhaabbileen siyaasaa, waldaaleen amantii fi Mootummoonni biyya adda addaa jedhaa jiranutti dhugaan Motummaan wayyaanee filannoo baranaa haala dimokraatawaa ta`een geggeessuf ni eeyyamaa?Akkasumas Mootummaan wayyaanee filannoo baranaan yoo mo`ame dhugumaan Aangoo karaa nagaa fi seera qabeessaan dabarsee qaama siyaasaa isa moo`ateef ni kennaa? Mee walumaan kan ilaalu ta`a.

Tofik Abdullah