Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Prepare for another bigger and bitter resistance - Jawar Mohammed

Mr Hayelom is saying the Addis Ababa Master Killer will be endorsed this coming year. He must be joking. The Oromia government should not even think about this unless its prepared for another even bigger and bitter resistance. We shall prepare for an all out confrontation should they move forward with this plan that is aimed to uprooting 2 million Oromo farmers from their ancestral homeland. Tigrichi Hayaloom Xaawiyee jedhan Master Pilaannin Finfinnee bara kana hojirra akka oolu dhaadataa jira. Bulchiinsi Oromiyaa karoora qonnaan bultoota miliyoona lama qe'eerraa buqqaasee dhabamsiisuuf baafame kana ammas irra deebi'een raggaasisa jedhee yaadnaan balaaf of saaxilaa jira. Oromooni hundi bakka jiranii tokkummaafi murannoon karoora kana dura dhaabbachuuf of qopheessuu qabna.

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