Thursday, April 14, 2016

OLF- wholeness and Holiness!

Many people use to look to OLF as only the party which represents nationalist oromo. This thinking actually was true since when this party was founded,1973, to the early period of 1990s. However, back after the millennium, it was transformed to be party of wholeness and holiness incorporating all those who claim to be Oromo. This needs to be elaborated as every one needs to understand it. When a given party is asked the number of its members certain number is set to be given depending up on the registration . In case when OLF out let’s this information in the early age and mid 1990 it was reported 60,000 members were there.
In actual sense, if one tries to check for this membership to day, it may leads to confusion as everyone feels it and believes to be a member . In such circumstance, OLFshares the nature of Gadaa administration in which one becomes member in born. Today, what is being observed in oromia is this one, where a baby of five cries for pansion of OLF on the back of its mom. This is its wholeness.Surprising enough again, with out any cadres’ propaganda, no time and budget spent, there born OLF sm in the heart of all oromo in and out; that is why every one tend to hold its flag every where mass appears, in crouds including religious events and even at funeral ceremonies, some intentionally and others feeling normal as simple life of having milk from their cows.
This is the holiness of this party. So, for every one going to work with or on Oromo way forward, it is only be possible to succeed if he bears the banner of OLF in his hand and hears and calls this part’s name as many times as possible per activities. For the real existence of the country Ethiopia too, the best politics and policy so far to be followed is the policy of adopting OLF sm as all Oromo is currently OLF and no long can they be detached from the love of this party. It has now been party of all in one and one for all. OLF wholeness and holiness! 

olf flag

ABO- ummaa

ABO qaama addaati jedhanii yaaduun hangam dogongora seetan yaa jamaa. Yeroo bara dura dhaabni kun dhaabbatu dhaabichi dhaaba miseensan socha’u qofa ture. Toora bara 2000 booddee garuu dhaabni kundhaaba saba keenya maraafi kan nama ani Oromoodha jedhuu maraati. Waan kana beekuuf wanti biraa hin jiru, ijoollee harma haadhaa gadhiiftee ABO koo jettee boochu kana qofa ilaaluun gahaadha. Ijoollee tana namni waa’ee dhaaba kanaa itti hime hin jiru. Kun waan dhiiga keessa namatti darbu akka ta’e nama hubachiisa. Amala kanaan ABO’n amala Sirna Gadaa kan namiyyuu dhalootan dhaalu san qooddata.
Haalli kun afaan ingiliizitiin “wholeness” jedhamu san ta’a. Gama biraatin ammoo namiyyuu kiyya jedhee keessa isaatti qabaachuun amala jaalalaafi abbummaa qulqulluu mul’isa. Kun ammoo”holiness” kan jedhan sanitti ciisaa. Kanaaf ABO n yeroo kana nama hunda. Miseensummaanis dhiiga. Kanaafi kan namni gaddaa gammachuu isaa isaa keessatti, bakka rakkoofi bal’oo keessattillee, bakka amantiifi iddoo gataatittillee alaabaa kana qabatee kan deemu. ABO’n amma gara “ABO ism, divinely being” gara jedhutti dhaaba jaalala sabaatin guddateedha. Kanaaf namiyyuu yoo saba Oromootif hojjechuu yoo fedhe naqaa dhaaba kanaafi alaabaa isaa kana kaasee isaan yoo socha’een achi sabni kun akka baalatti salphiser nama darba.
Biyyi toophiyaa jefhamtuufi warri toophiyicha jedhanis dhugaa tana hadhooftullee liqimsuun dirqama itti ta’a. Kan tana dide karaa ganda ABO nama hindabarsu yoo jennuun dhugaa qabatamaarta teenyeti. Kanaaf ABO n hunduma, hunduus ABO dha. Namiyyuu gahee isaa yaa bahatu malee kan tokkoof dhiifnee cina tokkoo dubbannuu miti dhimmichi.

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