Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Fedhii Rabbiitiin Hidhaa waggoota 5 ykn guyyoota 2030 booda Alhamdulillah kunoo masjiida kanatti wal agarree jirra. Qaamotiin adda addaa hidhaa jechuun maal jechuu akka ta`e yaada adda addaa qabu ta`a.
Haa ta`u malee nuti hidhamnee qaamaan mana hidhaa jiraannus Fedhiin keenya, Amantaan fi yaadni keenya gonkumaa hidhamee hin turre. Ustaz Ahmedin Jabal
የአላህ ፍቃድ ሁኖ ከ 5 አመት ወይም ከ 2030 ቀናቶች ቡሃላ አልሃምዱልላ እሄዉ እዚህ መስጅድ ተገናኝተናል. መታሰር ስባል የተለያዩ ህብረተሰቦች የተለያዩ ነገሮችን ያስባሉ ፣ ነገር ግን እኛ እስር ቤት ሁነን አካላችን ብታሰርም ፣ ስሜታችን ፣እምነታችን፣አስተሳሰባችን አልታሰረም፣፣ ኡስታዝ አመዲን ጀበል.
I would like to welcome all of you to your Family and your lovely community.
we and the group who was keep you in prison knows well, that you have been jaild without any reasons, only because of your diffrent idea.
Now and next we are expecting Ethiopian government to resign and give back the power to the peoples, with out any condition!!

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