Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Rally in Oromia region

Renewed Rallies in Oromia: Few Points

- This is not an upraising against the government but a call for paying attention and fulfilling the promises of reform.  It is not rejection of PM Abiy/ Pre Lemma's administration. Its a wake up nudge.
- Its not rejection of one party and endorsement of any other. In fact its warning to all leaders be it ruling or opposition. To the ruling party, speed up the transition, do not ignore the region and don't fail on your main obligation of protecting lives. To the opposition, don't be idle, unite, organize and build your capacity.
- Although the main issue is the killings in the Western provinces,  thats not all. The public feel they are neglected despite heavy sacrifice they paid over last years. They are frustrated people continue to be killed. They are disappointed the much hyped reform has not reached them at the bottom. Basically they are saying keep your promises and deliver them quickly.
- The rallies give much needed push to the transitional process. 
- I think the message has been loud and clear to all stakeholders. I hope they will listen to the voices of the street and act quickly. Failing to do so will have dangerous consequences for the transition.
- This round of rallies displayed much more discipline and order. Proud and grateful.

By Jawar. M

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