Monday, February 24, 2020



Sunday, February 23, 2020


Ethiopia's leader promised to protect freedom of expression. But he keeps flicking the internet kill switch


By Jawar Mohammed

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    “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” Reagan


    PP’s Plan of Economic Zones in Oromia a State within a State: Disintegrating & Weakening Oromia

    By Barii Ayano1. A friend inbox me PP’s Cafee Oromia draft a proclamation titled “Wixinee Labsii Zoonii Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa”, which has a theme to create economic zones. I read it thoroughly. It is important to note that the proposed economic zones stretch from Adama to Minjar Shonkoraa and Gurage zone. Thus, it is not limited to the Oromia Regional State. It is another puzzling document that adds to our mistrust of PP leaders’ plans for the Oromia State & the Oromo people.2. Different countries create economic zones for various reasons. However, the underlying objectives are similar. The special economic zones have sets of business, trade, financial and economic laws that differs from the wider systems of a country. Economic zones also have sets of tax laws and regulations, which are very lax and different from the rest of a country. For instance, China started establishing special economic zones in late 1970s to create two economic systems in the country. The larger China operates under the Central Planned Economy whereas economic zones operated under the liberal market economy like the West. The goal of the two economic system was to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from the advanced economies to the economic zones, which have the modus operandi of the Western liberal market economic system. Simply put, the market economy was allowed in the economic zones whereas planned economy operates in the rest of the larger China. The plan worked for China in attracting foreign capital in the form of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), which helped China to largely avoid foreign borrowing-dependent economy.
    3. When it comes to PP’s plan for the economic zones, it raises more questions than answers. First, the title of the “Zoonii Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa” is literally annoying. I am stating this not based on my opinion but after reading the contents of the draft proclamation. The planned economic zones have nothing to do with the Gadaa culture. The economic zones will be very independent of Oromia Regional State in business, trade, governance, etc. laws and regulations. Simply put, the economic zones will be administered by a board, which will be mandated to administer the economic zones as the board members see fit. The outlying areas (like farmers) that will be included in the economic zones will be subjected to the laws and regulations set up by the board. (I am well versed in the economic zones and their applications in different countries). The planed economic zones of PP will one of the most relaxed economic zones in the world that accord unlimited powers to the board that govern the economic zones. Simply put, the economic zones will be a state within a state, with very little control of the Oromia Region on their modus operandi.
    4. The economic zones will be independent and the most economically powerful area in the Oromia Region, which can eventually surpass the already economically powerful Addis Ababa. What is the core purpose of creating an independent economic power within the Oromia Regional State? Why does the border of the economic zones cross all the way to Minjar Shenkora and Gurgage zones? What is the impact of the very large independent and powerful economic zones on the integrity and viability of Oromia as a state? What is the effect of the economic zones on rural Oromia around and within the economic zones? The draft proclamation states the economic zones will have positive impacts on the Oromo people and our cultural ethos. Yet, the economic zones will be governed by independent board members, with the prime duty to attract foreign and local investors. The Oromia Region cannot intervene and enforce pro-Oromo laws and regulations.
    5. Whenever we discuss economic matters, our premise should be the fact that our people are predominantly agrarian with rural based economy. An economic model that transforms the livelihood of our people must begin from transforming the mainstay-the dominant-agricultural sector. PP’s economic plans of mega city and economic zones owned by foreigners and the few local rich people won’t improve the living standards of our people. They are just another master plan schemes that will evict Oromo farmers in millions from their ancestral lands. We will end up under the scenario where the top 2% or 1% of the rich, who are connected nepotism and corruption are rampant, owning and dominating the economy. At its core, PP’s economic plan is merely serving the rich. The majority will end up being daily laborers with meager salary that cannot even feed their families. The farmers within the economic zones will be evicted and become landless. (PP’s document itself hints this and glossy over it by stating compensation). There is nothing economically worse for the Oromos or other farmers than losing their ancestral lands. Simply put, we should measure economic progress and development in terms of their contributions to improving the living standards of our people. The proposed economic zones will not improve the living standards of our farmers, who dominate the economy. The few rich, who have access to capital, so-called investors, will get rich; the poor majority will get poorer. There are alternative economic policies that can be drawn that can seriously consider the economic hardships of our people in order to improve their living standards.
    6. Politically speaking, the economic zones will create a powerful economic state within Oromia. It will weaken the rest of Oromia in political and economic terms. The economics zones will be more powerful than the other parts of larger Oromia. It also destroys the integrity and viability of Oromia as a state. We can safely conclude that PP’s unitary government plan has the agenda to bank on unitary economic plan. In other words, unitary government will give us unitary economic policy tools that favors the few rich urbanities, with the help of foreign finance. It’s not geared towards addressing the economic plights of the rural majority. The multinational federal system, if it is correctly implemented, will give us decentralized economic system that will consider the real economies on the ground. Banking on mega cities and mega economic zones will not help the majority. They are just extensions of the garrison-town-economic-model of Ethiopia, which has survived for generations by exploiting and extracting resources from the rural sector with very little reciprocated benefits.
    7. Theoretically speaking, Ethiopia is heading towards elections in few months. Why do the PP leaders in Oromia come up with large scale mega projects that take years to complete? Where do they get the mandate for the long-term plan on the eve elections? They cannot be taken as economic policy proposals for election campaigns either since the opposition groups can easily dig into them and capitalize on them for their advantages. PP leaders are not drawing economic policies that attract the majority. Giving it a title “Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa” for the proposed economic zones is less than fool hardy. It is insulting our intelligence. We can read their proposal and evaluate its impact on our people in terms of economy, politics, culture, etc. The EPRDF/PP regime never contemplate impact studies of their mega projects. They are addicted to copycat syndrome. Yet, they have the audacity to lecture us that they are building ‘homegrown’ economy.
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    Friday, February 21, 2020



    Monday, February 17, 2020


    Did Ethiopia's Abiy Ahmed get the Nobel Prize too soon?

    Rights groups have raised concerns about threats to freedom of expression in the country.

     EthiopiaAbiy AhmedDemocracyHumanitarian crisesAfrica

    • In 2018, Abiy Ahmed became prime minister of Ethiopia after protests caused the ruling coalition to reshuffle and remove the governing party from power after nearly 30 years of authoritarian rule.

    In addition to sweeping political and economic reforms, Abiy released political prisoners and made a peace deal with neighbouring Eritrea, ending two decades of hostility. For this, he won the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.

    But under his government, protesters have been jailed, the internet has been blocked and a new law has just been passed that could jail people whose online posts stir unrest.

    However, Lencho Bati, a senior adviser to the office of the prime minister, says the government of Abiy has done nothing wrong.

    "All oppositions, armed and peaceful, are invited back, so the political space is wide and everybody is in the country, registering and campaigning," Bati said.

    Abiy's tenure has also been plagued by ethnic conflict, with hundreds of thousands of people being internally displaced. Yet Bati says the current government is not to blame.

    "Ethiopian people used to live together peacefully. This is politically masterminded, agitated from behind in order to sabotage the reforms," Bati said.

    "The overthrown elites, the people who were enjoying privilege for 27 years, they want to make sure this process is sabotaged," he added.

    Perhaps the most radical of Abiy's reforms is the dissolution of the governing coalition and the merging of several parties to form the Prosperity Party.

    The Prosperity Party has its critics, among them, some of Abiy's allies: his defence minister, Lemma Megersa, said the creation of the party is "not timely, as there are many dangers".

    But Bati says the creation of the Prosperity Party is a positive move.

    "Peace and stability is the burning issue, there is no question about that. The prime minister liberalised the political space, all oppositions are invited in, including those who are in armed struggle. Those who were in prison were released and now the political space is free," Lencho said.

    This week's headliner is senior adviser to the office of the prime minister of Ethiopia, Lencho Bati.

    Source: Al Jazeera

    Sunday, February 16, 2020

    Abiy must go

    Colonel Abiy Ahmed, the Nobel laureate of Ethiopia is resoring to authoritarianism that he served for more than two decades. Despite his promise of transitioning the country to democracy, practically his administration is suppressing dissents and harassing opposition members and supporters, particularly in the largest region - Oromia, where the glorious protest that removed the TPLF regime from power erupted and later spread to the rest parts of the country. He is using development funds from international donors to recruit and train his own party cadres who are aggressively working against the quest of the Oromo struggle that led the protest evicted former regime from power. Abiy's administration is driving the country to civil war using mechanisms such as, on one hand, attacking Oromo nationalism with divide-and-rule tactics and on the other hand glorifying criminal old imperial lines that are bitterly antagonistic to the Oromo cause. And more alarming developments are underway including religious conflicts. The world needs to know that the probability of emerging 'African Aung San Su Chi' is high now in Ethiopia.

    By Yaya Bashir

    Saturday, February 15, 2020



    Addis Abeba, February 01/2020 – Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) executive member Tiruneh Gemta said Jawar Mohammed, who recently joined OFC, is an Ethiopian citizen. Tiruneh said this following a letter, the second of its type, sent to OFC by the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) demanding the party to present proof of Jawar’s Ethiopian citizenship status.
    Jawar Mohammed, who held a US citizenship, has renounced his US citizenship, according to Tiruneh. A letter written by Jawar to the Main Department for Immigration and Nationality Affairs on January 22/2020 and received by an officer named Atikilti Abraha on the same day, requested the immigration office for re-admission of citizenship. In the two pages letter Jawar stated that he attached with the letter nine different supporting documents as required by the law. Among the documents listed, No. 4 stated that he has attached a copy of a letter from the US embassy in Addis Abeba written on January 06/2020 announcing that he has renounced his US citizenship. No. 5 of the same letter stated that a certificate of loss of his US nationality given to him by the US embassy in Addis Abeba on January 06/2020 was attached along with other documents.
    Apart from those, the letter described having other supporting documents such as copy of his previous Ethiopian passport, documents corroborating his return to Ethiopia as of August 2018 and copy of an ID indicating that he was residing in Ethiopia, all of which are required by Ethiopian nationality proclamation for re-admission to Ethiopian nationality.
    According to Proclamation No.378/2003 Ethiopian Nationality Proclamation, Article 22: Re-Admission to Ethiopian Nationality:
    1.    A person who was an Ethiopian national and who has acquired foreign nationality by law shall be readmitted to Ethiopian nationality if he:
    a)    Returns to domicile in Ethiopia;
    b)    Renounces his foreign nationality; and
    c)    Applies to the Authority or re-admission.
    2.    The provisions of Sub-Article (1) of this Article shall also apply to person who has lost his Ethiopian nationality pursuant to Article 20(2) of this Proclamation. i.e: “An Ethiopian who acquires another nationality by virtue of being born to a parent having a foreign nationality or by being born abroad…”
    On the other hand, The Ethiopian Electoral and Political Parties Proclamation 1162/2019 Article 63/1 and 2: Political Party Formation, stated that 1. Every Ethiopian has the right to form a political party or be a member of a political party.
    2. Any Ethiopian aged 18 or above has the right to be a member of a national or regional party in accordance with this Proclamation.
    Article 69: Political Party Barred from Registration – 69/1/E states that
    1- The political party shall not be registered if:
    E. It has members with international nationality.
    In an interview with VOA Amharic, Birtukan Mideksa, Chairwoman of NEBE, said the Board took these provisions as bases of its decision to write the letter. The Board also gave an ultimatum to OFC to prove Jawar’s citizenship status until February 07/2020.
    “First, he has returned to his country. Second he has renounced his US citizenship. And third he has notified concerned authorities and requested a readmission of his Ethiopian citizenship. The law does not require him to do more than this. Jawar is an Ethiopian,” Tiruneh told BBC AmharicASj

    Wednesday, February 12, 2020

    Ellection Ethiopia 2020

    Ethiopia's electoral body seeks verification of activist Jawar's citizenship

    Ethiopia's electoral body seeks verification of activist Jawar's citizenship


    Ethiopia’s electoral commission on Wednesday sought to verify the citizenship of popular activist Jawar Mohammed’s citizenship, ahead of the national elections in August.
    In a letter sent to the immigration authorities, the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) said it wants clarification on the technicalities for regaining Ethiopian citizenship.
    The clarification is sought by February 17.
    Jawar, who recently renounced his American citizenship has declared his interest to contest the forthcoming elections as a member of the opposition Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) party.
    Jawar is a prominent critic of the government led by prime minister Abiy Ahmed, and has previously criticised NEBE’s decisions including the timing of the elections.
    Popular among Oromo youth, Jawar was at the center of violent protests after he accused the government of endangering his life by withdrawing his security detail.
    ALSO READ: Ethiopian activist turned politician ‘cries’ over security idleness amid attacks