Sunday, February 16, 2020

Abiy must go

Colonel Abiy Ahmed, the Nobel laureate of Ethiopia is resoring to authoritarianism that he served for more than two decades. Despite his promise of transitioning the country to democracy, practically his administration is suppressing dissents and harassing opposition members and supporters, particularly in the largest region - Oromia, where the glorious protest that removed the TPLF regime from power erupted and later spread to the rest parts of the country. He is using development funds from international donors to recruit and train his own party cadres who are aggressively working against the quest of the Oromo struggle that led the protest evicted former regime from power. Abiy's administration is driving the country to civil war using mechanisms such as, on one hand, attacking Oromo nationalism with divide-and-rule tactics and on the other hand glorifying criminal old imperial lines that are bitterly antagonistic to the Oromo cause. And more alarming developments are underway including religious conflicts. The world needs to know that the probability of emerging 'African Aung San Su Chi' is high now in Ethiopia.

By Yaya Bashir

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