Wednesday, November 4, 2020


 Responding to the Press Statement of the Chairperson of African Union Commission

(OLF Statement -November 4, 2020)
We would like to express our appreciation to the statement issued by the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, H. E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, on 3 November 2020 regarding the current Situation in Ethiopia.
The OLF had predicted the looming danger and repeatedly appealed to the Ethiopian Government for the last two and half years to shape and properly manage the reform process. We had been suggesting to provide timely solution to the crises and conflicts and to involve stakeholders in dialogue and the democratisation process. We specifically expressed our concerns of security crises and related inter-communal conflicts.
We also have provided several proposals to the government on our own as well as jointly with other opposition groups to shape the reform process leading to democratic avenues through inclusive national dialogue to build a national consensus.
We have been continuously informing the international community on dangers coming up if the reform process is not properly managed and if the grievances of diversified nations and peoples is not soberly and genuinely addressed.
We are very glad that the African Union Commission has seriously considered our concerns and became ready to assist Ethiopia in its efforts to promote peace and stability in the country and to hold inclusive national dialogue.
As we had repeatedly asserted, we would like to reaffirm that we shall be involved in any joint initiative to design a roadmap and formulate strategy and implementation plan that would lead to to solve the constitutional crisis and eventually to free and fair election for the formation of democratic Country.
We would like to use this opportunity to bring to the attention of Your Excellency that citizens of Oromia Regional State of the FDRE have overwhelmingly supported the OLF call for Oromia National Transitional Government (ONTG) in FDRE. We think this will avert further deterioration of political and security crisis in this highly populated region. We also strongly believe the formation of this ONTG will defuse the non-stop killings, massive imprisonments and repeated protest to counter these atrocities and secure peace and stability in wider regions of Ethiopia.
Finally, we would like to reiterate that we accept the African Union Commission’s proposal to engage in an inclusive national dialogue and work with all stakeholders to build a national consensus to prevent the country from grave crises and to avoid its negative impacts on the Horn of Africa and beyond.
Victory to the masses!
November 4, 2020

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