Thursday, August 12, 2021


 Circumstances around the death of Attorney Abduljebar Hussien:

1. Abdulajabar is a fearless and selfless attorney who currently co-represents (along other attorneys) high profile political prisoners including Jawar Mohammed, Bekele Gerba, Hamza Borena et al.
Abduljabar’s recent case was that of Lidetu Ayalew (a non-Oromo political prisoner). He represented Lidetu and fought for him before Supreme Court of Oromia. Lidetu managed to get released after so many political interferences from Abiy Ahmed’s administrations.
2. Today, we heard news of Abdulajabar Hussien’s body found dead. Autopsy isn’t done yet. However, here is what we know so far.
A. Two strangers (a male and female) called the phone of Abduljabar’s wife. They called her to tell her the news. They said “We found the body of your husband.” The wife doesn’t recognize the strangers and their phone number.
Possibly, they might have had access to his phone contact list; or this could be a premeditated act in which they have already dug her number from external sources!
B. Abduljabar’s phone is always on strict security lock. He uses a highly secured and complex pattern to unlock his phone. This is a matter of fact.
C. The strangers’ phone was off forthwith. Any attempt to call back didn’t go through.
D. About a week ago, Abduljabar’s wife received a death threat from stranger via phone call. “Atis Abbaan manaa kee ni argattu.” Translation: “you and your husband will get it one of these days” was the threat message.
E. Abduljabar spent the afternoon before his death at one of his closest friend, who is a professor. When Abduljabar left his friend’s house in the evening.
F. His body was found dead on a route he never uses to get to his house in Adama.
G. His body was taken to Rift Valley university hospital. Nothing is visibly seen on his body, according to the hospital’s doctors.
H. His body is now en route to government operated St. Paul hospital in Addis Ababa.
Abduljabar is a brilliant Oromo person, a friend, former colleague who served as Judicial Trainer at Oromia judicial training center and also Supreme Court Judge of Oromia before starting his own solo practice, where he represents high profile Oromo and non-Oromo political prisoners.
Rest In Peace Jabboo!

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