Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Yaada Ummataa Hundeefama OMN Bitootessa 10, 2015

Caamsaa 5, 2015 – Qeerroo

Qeerroo: Walitti Bu’iinsa Uummataa fi Poolisoota Wayyaanee Jidduutti Uumameen Godina Wallaggaa Magaalaan Qassoo Goolamaa Jiraachuu Qeerroon Gabaase

Barruuleen warraaqsaa maxxanfame ykn faca’eera sababaa jedhuun, Wallaggaa aanaa Waamaa Hagaloo magaalaa Qassoo Keessatti warraaqsa Bilisummaa ka’een uummataa fi Poolisoota Wayyaanee jidduu walitti bu’iinsi uumameen Poolisoonni mootummaa Wayyaanee afur uummataan reebamuun kaan ammo magaalicha gadhiisanii bahanii kan turan duubaan humna Poolisa Federaalaa gurmeeffachuun gara magaalaatti deebi’anii uummata gooluu fi hidhuutti babba’anii akka jiran Qeerroon gabaase.
Haala kanaan poolisiin maqaa isaa Gulummaa jedhamu kanneen reebaman keessaa madaan cimaa kan irra gahe yeroo ta’u kanneen hafan kaan dabalatee konkolaataa mootummaan mana yaalaatti ergamuu beekame.
Poolisoonni Federaalaas dargaggoota magaalaa ari’anii qabuun badii tokko malee hidhanii reebaa kanneen jiran keessaa hamma ammaatti kan maqaan beekame.
1. Dargaggoo Asaffaa Dabalaa
2. Dargaggoo Asfaw Mootii
3. Dargaggoo Nagaasaa Beekumaa
4. Jiraataa Qannoo Fiqaaduu
Ta’uu Qeerroon magaalaa Qassoo gabaasee jira.
Caamsaa 4, 2015 Mootummaan Abbaa Irree EPRDF/TPLF yakka tokko malee ilmaan Oromoo sabboontota ta’an ukkamsaa jira haala kanaan guyyaa har’aa sabboonaan Qeerroo Oromoo kan ta’ee barataa Urgeessaa Dammanaa Kumsaa humnoota tikaa mootummaa EPRDF/TPLF magaalaa Finfinnee keessatti ukkanfame.
Barataa Yuunivarsiitii Rift Valley kan ture, Sabboonaan Qeerroon Oromoo Urgeessaa Daammanaa yakka tokko illee utuu hin qabaatiin daa’imummaa isaa irraa eegaluun Oromummaan yakkamee manneen hidhaa biyyattii garaagaraa keessatti hidhamuun dararamaa kan ture, fi bara 2011 Mana hidhaa Maa’ikalaawwii, fi Qaalliittii Waggaa tokkoo oliif badii tokko malee hidhamee dararamaa kan turee fi yeroo garaagaratti mana hidhaa lixaa Shaggar magaalaa Amboottis hidhama kan ture yoo ta’uu, Guyyaa har’aa kanas badii tokkoo malee FDG Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo gaggeessa jiru qinddeessiteetta jechuun yeroo dheeraa erga hordofamaa ture, ammas humnoota tikaa mootummaa Wayyaanee EPRDF/TPLF’n guyyaa hardhaa ukkanfamee eessa buuteen isaa hin beekamne.
Sabboonaan Qeerroon barataan Oromoo kun FDG Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo biyyattii keessatti qindeessee gaggeessa jiru keessa harka qabda sabaabaa jedhuun nannoo dhaloota isaa Godina Lixaa Shaggar Magaalaa Amboo kolleejjii Rift Valley Amboo utuu barachaa jiruu yeroo sochii Warraaqsaa FDG bara darbee Ebla 2014 Qeerroon barattootni fi uummatni Oromoo sirna bittaa Wayyaanee balaaleffachuun mormii guddaa gaggeessa turanitti FDG kana qindeessuu keessa harka qabda jechuun naannoo dhaloota isaa magaalaa Amboo irraa baqachiifame, barnoota isaas akkatti baratuu dhabuun haala baay’ee rakkisaa ta’ee keessatti gara magaalaa Dirree Dawaatti barnoota isaa itti fufuuf akkuma Koolleejjii Rift Valley Damee Dirree Dawaatti galmaa’ee barnoota eegaletti hordoffiin humnoota tikaa fi dabballoota Wayyaanee itti jabaachuun akka barnoota isaa itti fufee barachuu hin dandeenye dhorkatame akkatti baratuu dhabuun gara magaalaa Finfinneetti deebi’uun hojiilee wardiyummaa fi hojiiwwaan humnaa garaagaraa hojjechuun utuu of jiraachisuu guyyaa hardhaa humnoota tikaa mootummaa EPRDF/TPLF’n ukkanfamee eessa buuteen isaa dhabamee jira.
Ilmaan Oromoo biyya abbaa isaanii keessa jiraachuu dadhabuun Mootummaan Wayyaanee diina itti ta’uun mirga namummaa fi dimookiraasii mulqamnee guyyaa irraa gara guyyaatti ilmaan Oromoo ukkaanfamaa jiraaniif dhaabbileen mirga namummaa addunyaa fi mootummootni gamtooman uummata Oromoof dirmachuu qabu, ilmaan Oromoo biyyoota garaagaraa keessa jirtan dhaabilee Idil-Addunyaa mirgoota namummaa kabachiisan hundatti akka uummata keenyaaf iyyaannu Qeerroon bilisuumma Oromoo dhaamsa

Oromo TV:Oromo Chamber of Commerce, MN 2015

Friday, May 1, 2015

The Stateless Oromo Persecuted at Home, Harassed Abroad – Announcing March for Oromo Refugees (May 1, 2015)

Statement of the Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria Inc.
Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria Inc
A.B.N. 52 554 165 204
225 Bourke St; Melbourne VIC 3000
P.O.BOX 2123; Footscray, VIC 3011
Tel: + 61 3 9663 9092
1 May 2015
The Stateless Oromo Persecuted at Home, Harassed Abroad
The Australian Oromo Community in Victoria will be gathering at Spring Street and the corner of Treasury Place, next to the Victoria Parliament in a bid to express our grave concern and appeal to the recent tragedies on Oromo and other refugees from the Horn of Africa.
The recent killings of Oromo refugees in Libya and South Africa, and displacements of Oromo refugees in Yemen due to the war are heartbreaking. Oromo refugees, who have escaped the dire situation in their home country, where they had faced daily terror at the hands of the Ethiopian regime, have fled from the widespread extra-judicial killings, abductions and disappearances, removals from their ancestral land, tortures and constant humiliations that have been going on for years. Hence, many Oromo refugees have been forced to flee from their homeland.
However, the intimidation and harassment of Oromo refugees have continued to the extreme. On Sunday, the 19th of April 2015, the terrorist group ISIS in Libya released videos of men being beheaded, and another group of men being shot. As a community, we describe the executions of those innocent refugees is absolutely barbaric and unacceptable. Similarly, the current situations of Oromo refugees in Yemen and South Africa gravely concern us. As the result of the war and conflicts in Yemen, and the widespread anti-immigration sentiment in South Africa, the current situations of Oromo refugees are terrifying. It is very disheartening to hear about these developments of communal hatred on our refugee population, and the intolerance and politicization of religion.
Oromo refugees are experiencing agonizing dreadful of human rights violations in countries where they are seeking UNHCR protection as refugees. The Ethiopian government is hunting these refugees in Yemen, even in the refugee camp while they are under UNHCR – to forcefully take them back to Ethiopia by bribing security forces in the host country.
Ethiopia’s human rights abuses are well documented by Human Rights watch and the U.S. State Department, and the current Oromo protests have renewed support to launch an international investigation to bring the responsible perpetrators to justice.
In response, more than 10 international cities, including Washington, Toronto, Oslo, Frankfurt and London, have staged mass peace protests, picking up interest globally and trending heavily on social media. Many Oromo community members have also established emergency appeals and fundraising to support people who are in need.
On Friday, the 1st of May 2015, the Australian Oromo community will call on the Australian government to urgently consult UNHCR and other international aid agencies to rescue Oromo refugees, particularly in Libya, Yemen and South Africa. It will also appeal to the Australian government to set an example by using its influence in the United Nations to put political, economic and diplomatic pressures upon the Ethiopian government to stop its continued attacks on Oromo lives, their political organisations, educational establishments and their right to self-determination.
Members of Australian Oromo community in Victoria will be gathering at Spring Street and the corner of Treasury Place, next to the Victoria parliament in Melbourne on Friday, the 1st May 2015, at 10am.
For information, please call Yadata Saba (0412 795 909)