Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Rebel Fighters Enter Capital of Ethiopia’s Tigray Region


Rebel Fighters Enter Capital of Ethiopia’s Tigray Region



Ethiopia is crumbling! All inappropriate pieces Abiy put together is unraveling quickly. While there is a serious fear that more irredeemable damages may be happening, any reasonable policy or pressure from international actors should consider the following:
1. Ensure all forces operating at regional levels take a responsible and reasonable leadership. This means, allow TDF and Tigray government to restore and take control of its region. Allow Oromo armed and civilian forces to take a responsible and reasonable leadership of their region. This requires a pressure on Abiy Ahmed to release political prisoners and meet with their corresponding regional forces to prepare for any possible transitional settlement.
2. In the next few days and weeks, put in place an entity that plays an overseeing role for all regional forces to abide by ceasefire and focus on security of citizens and average Joes.
3. Limit Abiy Ahmed’s forces from causing irredeemable damages during this moment. Downsize Abiy to a party whose voice counts in any peace conference. This might hinder any future accountability. But, that’s the only route to a lesser evil; or we risk many more lives.
4. Keep Isayas of Eritrea out of any major decision on Ethiopia (he does it through Abiy Ahmed).
3. We know this moment is exactly similar to the last moment of Mengistu Hailemariam. International community got it wrong then! That’s why we are in this difficult situation.

By Henok G. Gabisa

Tigray's former rulers back in Mekelle, Ethiopian government declares ceasefire


Tigray's former rulers back in Mekelle, Ethiopian government declares ceasefire

Monday, June 28, 2021



Waraana Tigraay: Humnootiin TPLF lola baatii saddeetii booda deebiisanii Maqalee to'atan


 Obbo Jawaar Mohammadfaa fedhii keenyaan mana murtiirraa of ittisneerra jedhan.

Obbo Jawaar Mohammad, Obbo Baqqalaa Garbaa, Haamzaa Booranaafi Obbo Dajanee Xaafaa, kana booda mana murtiitti dhihaachuu akka hin barbaanne, xalayaadhaan mana murtii Federaalaa, dhaddacha sadarkaa 1ffaa dhimmoota yakka shororkeessummaa Lidataatiif
Obbo Jawarfaa xalayaa sanarratti akka ibsanitti "Mootummaan Moorkattoota siyaasaa jajjaboo ta'aan qofaatti adda baasuun, ajjeechaa Artist Haacaaluu Hundeessaan sababeessee mana hidhaatti erga nu naqee waggaa tokko ta'ee jira. Waggaa tokko keessatti heera biyya keenyaa kabajuun, adeemsa haqa argachuuf hordofamu hordofnee, mana murtiitti marmaaraa yakka ittiin himatamne akka hin raawwatin ibsuuf yaalaa turree jirra.
Kana hunda gochaa yeroo turretti, Abbootii seeraa, poolisiifi qaamota haqa argamsiisan hundaaf kabaja qabnu utuu hin hirrisin, abdii isaanirra kaawwannee marmaaraa turreerra. Haa ta'u malee adeemsa mana murtii biyya kanaarraa hubachaa akka jirrutti, hidhamtoota siyaasaa manni murtii biliisa isaan baase poolisiin hiikuu diduu, gariin isaanii ammoo deebisee butuun yeroo dhabamsiisuu argaa jirra. Kanaaf nutis murtii haqaa ni arganna jennee hin amannu" jechuun sababa mana murtiirraa of daangessuuf murteessan ibsaniiru.
Hidhamtoonni siyaasaa kunniin "kana booda mana murtiitti hin dhihaannu" murtee jedhurra ga'uusaaniin duratti, kana dura yeroo mana murtiitti dhihaatan, hidhamtoota siyaasaa manni murtii biliisa isaan baase poolisiin deebisee hidhuun murtee shiraafi siyaasaa ta'uu mana murtiitti watwaatanii himachaa turanis, amma yoonaatti furmaatnisaa hin argamin jiraachuu yaadachiisaniiru.
Itti fufuunis "dhaddacha yeroo darbee irratti akkuma ibsinee turre, ilmaan Oromoo sababa siyaasaaf hidhaman ilaalchisee murteen manni murtii dabarsu kabajamaa hin jiru. Nutis ammoo qaama saba kanaa waan taaneef hireen ilmaan Oromoo kan biroo mudate nus ni mudata jennee yaadna. Kanaaf murtee manni murtii kun dhimma keenyaaf murteessus ni kabajama jennee amanuun nutti ulfaata. Sababa kanaaf fedhii keenyaan beellama mana murtii irraa of hambisuu keenya ibsina" jechuun xalayyaa barreessan kanaan yaada isaanii ibsataniiru.
Olaantummaan seeraa fi ajajni mana mana murtii kabajamuu dhabuusaaf muffii qabaachuu kan himan hidhamtootni siyaasaa kunniin, "Qondaalli ABO olaanaan Obbo Abdii Raggaasaa himata ittiin himatamerraa biliisa jedhamee manni murtii erga hiikee booda poolisiitiin deebisee butamuunsaas kanuma agarsiisa" jechuun muffii isaanii xalayyichaan addeessaniiru.
Xumura xalayaa kanaarrattis, "mana murtii kanarraa haqa ni arganna jennee waan hin yaadneef, asitti deddeebinee yeroo abukaatota keenyaa, abbootii seeraafi eegdota nu eeganii gubuu hin feenu" jedhaniiru.
Itti aansuun, "biyya olaantummaan mana murtii hin jirretti, yeroo keenyaafi qaamota biroo gubuurra, har'arraa eegaluun fedhii keenyaan dhaddacharraa of ittisuun, taatota diraamaa Haqa haqaanqalsuu ta'uurraa of qusachuu murteessineerra. Yeroo dhihootti olaantummaan mana murtii kabajamee lammiileenis haqa argachuuf waan itti of amanan ni qabaatu jennee amanna" jechuun xalayaasaanii goolabaniiru.
Walumaa galatti hidhamtoonni siyaasaa Oromoo mana hidhaa Qaallittii jiran keessaa Obbo Jawaar, Obbo Baqqalaa, Haamzaafi Dajaneen mana murtiitti deddeebi'uu akka dhaaban xalayaa kanaan kan ibsatan yoo ta'u, beellama guyyaa har'aa mana murtiirraa qabanittis utuu hin dhihaatin hafaniiru.

New video of Ethiopia massacre shows soldiers passing phone around to document their executions of unarmed men

New video of Ethiopia massacre shows soldiers passing phone around to document their executions of unarmed men

Saturday, June 26, 2021

An Urgent Call to All Oromos in the collapsing Regime in Ethiopian to Join Oromia National Defense Force


An Urgent Call to All Oromos in the collapsing Regime in Ethiopian to Join Oromia National Defense Force


 #Ethiopia: News: #OLF, #OFC call for ‘Government of Salvation’ based on an all inclusive dialogue

By Siyanne Mekonnen
The two parties suggested the commencement of an all inclusive political dialogue to establish what they referred to as the ‘government of salvation’. While the OFC suggested holding an election in one year based on an agreed road map, the OLF recapitulated its calls for the withdrawal of Eritrean forces from Ethiopia and the cessation of hostilities across the country.
In a statement released two days after the election, the OFC cited the exclusion of the OLF and OFC from the election, the violence in many parts of the county, the rather problematic pre-election preparations as well as the reactions of the participants of the election that followed and concluded “In a nutshell, about 50% of the population of the country was out of this election process.” OLF’s sentiments were no different in this regard, “We believe that we all have now learned that the push for the election offered nothing but the losses of many lives and resources.”
The two parties suggested the commencement of an all inclusive political dialogue to establish what they referred to as the ‘government of salvation’. While the OFC suggested holding an election in one year based on an agreed road map, the OLF recapitulated its calls for the withdrawal of Eritrean forces from Ethiopia and the cessation of hostilities across the country.



You spoke and we listened!
The idea behind giving you a gratification Track “Ilma Namaa” and an Album preview on iTunes, is to promote the Album and also to generate more sales lead. With that, when you buy an album for $4.99 on a pre-order and also when you repurchase the Album on the release date of June 29th, you are honoring the our Hero Artist Haacaaluu by putting his name out on the sales record.
Haacaaluu’s magnificence and talent belongs and deserves to be on the top of the music charts. So, it’s not just about the money but also the sales record, which we are aiming to register in Ethiopia, Africa and across International music chart.
By considering the reality below, we are counting on you to join us in making history one last time.
Those who already purchased the album, we say to you THANK YOU! We take this opportunity to challenge you to repurchase the album.
Why is the #AlbumRepurchase a reasonable idea:
1. Haacaaluu’s album contains 14 songs. Online music platforms won’t allow us to charge more than $9.99/Album. So, our best route is to encourage the fans to repurchase the Album.
2. Haacaaluu and his family deserves it! The Album is the last chance that we have to hear from Haacaaluu.
3. Fans back home don’t have access to online purchases as they simply have no credit or debit cards. So, we encourage Haacaaluu fans, who reside in North America, Europe, Australia and the rest of the world to consider the #repurchase of the album on behalf of their fellow Oromos back home.
This is an emotional moment for all of us. Haacaaluu left a lasting impact. The least we can do is honor him and keep his name on the top list of international music chart.
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Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: What happened the day a bomb hit a market


Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: What happened the day a bomb hit a market