Saturday, June 18, 2016

Ethiopia: Protest Crackdown Killed Hundreds

Ethiopia: Protest Crackdown Killed Hundreds

Human right Wach Report About what is going on in Oromoiya ( Ethiopia )

Hiwmaan Raaytis Waach Tarkaanfii Mootummaan Mormii Oromiyaa Keessaa Ukkaamsuuf Fudhateen Namoonni 400 ol Ajjeefamuu Gabaase

Tigist Gammee
Faayilii - Mormii baratoota Yunvarsiitii Haramayaa, Oromiyaa
Faayilii – Mormii baratoota Yunvarsiitii Haramayaa, Oromiyaa
Hiwmaan Raayitis Waach, dhaabbanni mirga dhala namaatii falmu, gabaasa ballaa mormii Oromiyaa laalchisee haarra baasee, mata duree “tarkaanfii gara jabinaa mormii ukkamsuu, ajjeecha fi hidhaa – deebii mootummaan Itiyoophiyaa mormii Oromooti kenne” jedhu jallatti akkamitti mootummaan Itiyoophiyaa sochii mormii Oromiyaa ukkaamsudha humana barbaachiisaa hin turre akka fayyadame, bayyina namoota mormii Oromiyaa irratti lubbun darbee fi namoota hidhamanii akkasumaas tarreessa.
Fiilix Hoorn ,Hiwumaan Raayitis Waachitti qorataa dhimmoota Itoophiyaa fi Eertiraa
Fiilix Hoorn ,Hiwumaan Raayitis Waachitti qorataa dhimmoota Itoophiyaa fi Eertiraa
Gabaasnni fuula 61 qabu kun, mootummaan Itoophiyaa mala namni odeeffanno akka hin argannee fi walii hin daddabarsine gufuu ta’u hojjirra olchuus dhaabbanni isaanii qorannoodhan mirkaneeffachuu agarsiisa.
Kana malees, humnoonni nageenyaa rasaasa fayyadamuun deddeebi’anii namoonni akka walitti hin qabamne gochuun mormii tokkorratti hoo xinnaate nama tokko yookin sani ol ajjeesdhan ji’oota xinnookessatti mormitoota dhibbaan lakkawwaman galaafataniirus jedha.
Daarkiteerri dhaabbata mirga namaa hordofu, Hiwumaan Raayitis Wochii kan taate Lesilee Lafkaw akka dubbattetti, humnoonni nageenyaa Itiyoophiyaa, lubbuu namaaf tufii guddaa argisiisun, baratoota, qonnaan bultoota fi mormitoota nagayaa irratti dhukaasun ajjeesanii jiru.
Gabaasnni Humaan raaytis baasee kun gabaasa torbbanuma kana Koomishiniin Mirga Dhala Namaa Itoohpiyaa, han teechoon isaa Itoophiyaa ta’e, dhimmi Mormii oromiyaa irratti baaseen addaan goraadha. Komishinichi tarkaanfiin humnoonni mootummaa fudhatan madaalawaa akka ture dubbata.
Faayilii - Naannoo Oromiyaa magaala Holonkoommiiti mormii godhamee keessa konkolaataa caccabe, Muddee 17, 2015
Faayilii – Naannoo Oromiyaa magaala Holonkoommiiti mormii godhamee keessa konkolaataa caccabe, Muddee 17, 2015
Fiilix Hoorn ,Hiwmaan Raayitis Waachitti qorataa dhimmoota Itoophiyaa fi Eertiraati. Qorannoo gabbasa amma baheee kana irattis adda dureedhan hirmaatera. Waayee gabaasichaa fi haala Oromiyaa yeroo ammaa laalchisee Filex hasofisiisera. Mootummaan Itoophiyaa hoo Gabaasa Hiwmaan Raayitis kana akkamitti laala lata? Gabaasaan Raadiyoo Sagalee Ameerikaa, Heenook Samagzaabeer ministiri dhimoota koominikeeshinii Itoohpiyaa Obboo Getachoo Raddaa Dubbiseera. Kutaa duraa sagantaa kanaa armaan gaditti caqasaa. Kuta lamaata wajjin boru sinitti deebina.


Messengers of two tyrannical regimes cat-fighting on Kenyan television. Now these are diplomats? Its funny seeing Dina Mufti struggle to clean Getachew Reda's verbal diarrhea about supporting Eritrean opposition in contradiction to the governments long standing official position. By the way, message to these two guys and their regimes: Neither of you can speak for the Oromo people. Leave us alone and go fight over that barren land.


Messengers of two tyrannical regimes cat-fighting on Kenyan television. Now these are diplomats? Its funny seeing Dina Mufti struggle to clean Getachew Reda's verbal diarrhea about supporting Eritrean opposition in contradiction to the governments long standing official position. By the way, message to these two guys and their regimes: Neither of you can speak for the Oromo people. Leave us alone and go fight over that barren land.

World View 17th June 2016 - Ethiopian and Eritrean Ambassadors go head-t...


‪#‎OromoProtests‬ after decades of TPLF's 'double digit' economic growth, the vast majority of people in Oromia do not have access to clean water. This is the cause of recurrent outbreak of cholera.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


‪#‎OromoProtests‬ Oromo athletes finally had it enough. They are opening up about the rampant ethnic discrimination within the athletic federation of the country. For decades, Oromo athletes have been the face of the country's domination in middle and long distance. Despite their success in winning races on behalf of the country, in private, the Oromo athletes always complained of ethnic based humiliation, ridicule and threat by those in control of political power. It now appears the attack has reached a level where the can no longer take it and hence began taking on the system publicly. Holder of world and olympic record for 5k, 10 k, Kenenisa Bekele who is often criticized by Oromos of being too oblivious seems to awaken to the reality and has chosen to speaking up and leading the charge against the rampant discrimination in favor of Tigreans, the 'chosen ethnicity' whose elite are trying monopolize everything Ethiopia. We owe to our athletes and NPR for exposing this.

Oromo TV: Deggartoonni KFO Biyya Alaa Minneapolis-tti Waajiraa Banatan

Monday, June 6, 2016


Jawaar Mohammed: Mootummaan Gaaffii Dhiheessineef Deebii Gahaa Kennuu Yoo Dide Tarikaanfii Itti-aanee Fudhannuun Kasaaraa Isa Mudatuuf Itti Gaatamaan Isuma

Jawaar Mohaammed
Jawaar Mohaammed

Saturday, June 4, 2016


Ethiopia: Detainees beaten and forced to appear before court inadequately dressed

Authorities in Ethiopia should immediately stop the ill treatment of political opposition members and human rights defenders who were beaten in detention and then forced to appear before the court inadequately dressed, Amnesty International said today.
The 22 defendants, including political opposition leaders Gurmesa Ayano and Beqele Gerba, Deputy Chief of the Oromo Federalist Congress, were brought today before the court inadequately dressed. According to complaints lodged with the court by Beqele Gerba, some defendants were beaten while in detention, and prison officials confiscated all the defendant’s black suits, which they intended to wear to court. The rest of their clothes were taken by other prisoners.
The Ethiopian authorities and the Court cannot let this ill-treatment go unanswered. They must ensure a prompt credible investigations and that those responsible are held accountable
Michelle Kagari Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for Eastern Africa and the Great Lakes
“Aside from the beatings they suffered in detention, degrading the defendants by making them attend court in their underpants is a new low in the behavior of the prison authorities and a total outrage,” said Michelle Kagari Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for Eastern Africa and the Great Lakes.
“The Ethiopian authorities and the Court cannot let this ill-treatment go unanswered. They must ensure a prompt credible investigations and that those responsible are held accountable.”
The 22 defendants were charged under the Anti-terrorism Proclamation law for organising the November 2015 Oromia protest. On 26 April 2016 the court adjourned their hearing for 11 May 2016. However on 11 May 2016 the prison authorities failed to present the defendants in court. The defendants all wore black suits in mourning for those killed during the protests, which apparently caused the prison authorities to refuse to take them to court.
“Ethiopia’s long time muzzling of dissent has had a devastating effect on opposition members and human rights defenders who are completely prevented from exercising their right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly,” said Michelle Kagari
Beqele Gerba and the co-defendants in the case were arbitrarily arrested following the largely peaceful protests which began in November 2015 against the dispossession of land without adequate compensation in Ethiopia’s Oromo region.
In response to the protests, the authorities arbitrarily arrested thousands of people, and several hundreds of people participating in the protests have been unlawfully killed by the security services.


Ethiopia: Detainees beaten and forced to appear before court inadequately dressed

Authorities in Ethiopia should immediately stop the ill treatment of political opposition members and human rights defenders who were beaten in detention and then forced to appear before the court inadequately dressed, Amnesty International said today.
The 22 defendants, including political opposition leaders Gurmesa Ayano and Beqele Gerba, Deputy Chief of the Oromo Federalist Congress, were brought today before the court inadequately dressed. According to complaints lodged with the court by Beqele Gerba, some defendants were beaten while in detention, and prison officials confiscated all the defendant’s black suits, which they intended to wear to court. The rest of their clothes were taken by other prisoners.
The Ethiopian authorities and the Court cannot let this ill-treatment go unanswered. They must ensure a prompt credible investigations and that those responsible are held accountable
Michelle Kagari Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for Eastern Africa and the Great Lakes
“Aside from the beatings they suffered in detention, degrading the defendants by making them attend court in their underpants is a new low in the behavior of the prison authorities and a total outrage,” said Michelle Kagari Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for Eastern Africa and the Great Lakes.
“The Ethiopian authorities and the Court cannot let this ill-treatment go unanswered. They must ensure a prompt credible investigations and that those responsible are held accountable.”
The 22 defendants were charged under the Anti-terrorism Proclamation law for organising the November 2015 Oromia protest. On 26 April 2016 the court adjourned their hearing for 11 May 2016. However on 11 May 2016 the prison authorities failed to present the defendants in court. The defendants all wore black suits in mourning for those killed during the protests, which apparently caused the prison authorities to refuse to take them to court.
“Ethiopia’s long time muzzling of dissent has had a devastating effect on opposition members and human rights defenders who are completely prevented from exercising their right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly,” said Michelle Kagari
Beqele Gerba and the co-defendants in the case were arbitrarily arrested following the largely peaceful protests which began in November 2015 against the dispossession of land without adequate compensation in Ethiopia’s Oromo region.
In response to the protests, the authorities arbitrarily arrested thousands of people, and several hundreds of people participating in the protests have been unlawfully killed by the security services.