Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July 13: Finfinne Day | Guyyaa Finfinnee | Revisiting the Oromo Roots of Finfinne in Pictures

Posted: Adoolessa/July 13, 2015 · Finfinne Tribune | Gadaa.com | Comments
July 13 is marked every year by Oromo nationalists around the world to celebrate Finfinne, and to commemorate the heroines and heroes who had fallen while fighting against the removal of Oromia’s Capital from Finfinne in the early 2000’s.
Finfinne used to be the home of Oromo tribes/clans of Gullallee, Galaan and Ekaa, to name a few, before it fell under Abyssinia’s rule in the late 19th century, and got renamed as “Addis Ababa.” Before its fall, Afan Oromo used to be the official language of Finfinne to conduct political duties of the then Gullallee Gadaa government. Since the late 19th century, Afan Oromo has been banned as the official language of Finfinne. Currently, there is a campaign to reinstate Afan Oromo as the official Working Language of the Federal Government seated in Addis Ababa (Finfinne). Culturally, the inauguration of the Oromo Cultural Arts and National History Center in Finfinne earlier this year has been lauded as a historic milestone. The Center has already become the focal point of the resurgent Oromo culture and arts in Finfinne.

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