Thursday, May 19, 2016


As usual ‪#‎Addis_Standard‬ raised an important issues of "Ethiopian Gauntanamo" called " Maekelawi " that has been used to inhumanly torture innocents for the last 50 years by two successive regimes.
The current regime, that supposedly struggled to dismantle the previous regime repression , has perfected and enhanced the repression and torture once it secured power and still running the torturing facility.
Thanks Addis Standard editors for continuously raising issues that resonate to public's heart. Tsedi
"After declaring itself a “Democratic Republic” 25 years ago this month, why is Ethiopia still running a ‘Torture Chamber’ from the past? Why keep it running even as it goes against the basic principles of constitutionalism? Why keep it running when part of the reason the founders of the current regime paid the ultimate price was precisely to dismantle repressive institutions like Ma’ekelawi? And what do we know about the inside of this infrastructure of repression? "
On our editorial –

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