Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Irreechaa Massacare in Oromia Oct.2 2016

The holiday of Irreechaa is a well-respected holiday among the Oromo people. Therefore, people come every year to celebrate this holiday from every corner. Likewise, around 2 million oromos gathered in Bishoftu on October 2.2016 to attend this celebration. However, the enemy of the people had deployed its army with a mission to destroy the happiness of the Oromo people by massacring innocents who were only gathered for the celebration.
The people began to peacefully protest to express their discontent to the system. The protest was triggered by the unwelcomed activity of the government people on the stage, as the Oromo people have already had an anguish as a result of a long time suffering and torture.
The regime which already had the plan of killing started shooting to the people which transformed the day to a sad Irreechaa day, which the history of Oromo will never forget. Though, the official report of the government undermines the count only to 52 dead, the real figure was around 500 as of many reliable sources. The incident had even got a wide media coverage around the world. 
History will remember this day as dark, bitter and disastrous day for the entire Oromo people. We will never forget the martyrs of that day and we will avenge the death of all freedom fighters of Oromia who sacrificed their lives to the cause of freeing their people.
The enemy never stops killing our people for a day, even on this unique day of Irreechaa. Therefore, I urge all Oromos living inside the country and abroad, as it is our duty, to come together and to overthrow Woyane (the current regime) just as they threw our people in to the ditch.  

A soldier may fall, but the struggle continues
Victory to the Oromo people!

Writen by

Tofik Abdullah Jamal

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