Thursday, December 14, 2017

What can Ambo learn from India’s 1919 Amritsar; reflection on Woyane’s weakness, its use of military

Posted: Onkoloolessa/October 26, 2017 · Finfinne Tribune | 

On April 3, 1919, thousands of Indians gathered in Amritsar, in India’s Punjab province, for a religious and cultural celebration. The time was at the turning point of the nonviolent/peaceful movement against the British occupation of India. Thus, similar to Oromia’s Irreecha celebrations, there were expressions of pent-up protests against the occupation at the celebration. These expressions of protests didn’t settle well with the British army in India.
The vast gathering place was all fenced with few gates here and there. On the orders of the British army leaders in India, the military was brought in and ordered to seal all but one of the gates, then machine guns were fired on the unarmed celebrants. Bodies piled up in the hundreds. The incident brought international condemnation against the British occupying force in India. This incident was also one of the motivations for Mahatma Gandhi to turn his focus into building a formidable nonviolent/peaceful movement that finally ended the British occupation of India in 1947.

Today (on October 26, 2017), we have witnessed a similar incident in Ambo, Oromia/Ethiopia. Ambo was sealed off while Woyane’s military brutalized the Oromo people, killing at least 10 people, according to media reports. There’s no doubt that it was a military operation by Ethiopia’s Defense Forces against own citizens (against own unarmed civilian citizens). That it was a military mission has now been confirmed by Woyane’s Deputy Prime Minister (PM) Debretsion Gebre-Michael on his official Facebook page. There are also photos of the military in Ambo on social media (one is attached here).
The Deputy PM, after calling the incident in Ambo a “military operation,” congratulated the “Defense Forces” for carrying out the “mission” successfully. This provocative statement was posted on his Facebook page (see quote below). This, as you can see in the video of the 1919 Amritsar below, shows his weakness, and the weakness of his government, not his or his government’s strength as he put it on his Facebook post. There is no reason for sending in troops of the “Defense Forces” against own unarmed civilian citizens unless it’s out of weakness and desperation.
The formidable and mightier Oromo force is the nonviolent/peaceful movement that has brought the Woyane government to its current weakest and most desperate state. Inspired by the Oromo Gadaa ethos of complete reverence for all creatures of The Almighty (Waaqa), including for those – like Debretsion Gebre-Michael – who knowingly inflict pain on this great Oromo nation, the Oromo nonviolent/peaceful movement has become a force to be reckoned with in the Horn of Africa, which has, for decades, hosted the world’s deadliest violent struggles for freedom and democracy with no sign of freedom and democracy in the region. There is absolutely no shred of doubt that the Oromo nonviolent/peaceful movement has become stronger, and will also become stronger, with each drop of blood spilled by the ever weakening Woyane force. Let Debretsion gloat in the blood of the Oromo spilled in Ambo; let him show his weakness by declaring war on defenseless citizens. We shall continue to believe that Waaqa will not let us down in our quest to be free of all forms of oppression; Waaqa will not let us down. We will be free of Woyane – nonviolently/peacefully.

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