Wednesday, December 2, 2015



Oromo student protest(OPride) — At least two Oromo students were killed, dozens injured and hundreds detained by Ethiopian security forces in week-long protests across Ethiopia’s Oromia state, according to eyewitness reports.

The Oromia police on Wednesday said the situation was "under control," acknowledging the death of one student protester in Guliso district in Western Oromia. At least three Haramaya University students remain in critical conditions after police and the Agazi special forces roughed up peaceful protesters on Tuesday. (An unnamed Haramaya University student told the Voice of America Afaan Oromo service that two protesters were killed.)

Protests, beatings, and arrests have been reported in Mandi, Ambo, Jarso, Kiltu-kara, Najo, Jaldu, Sululta, Shakiso and Robe towns.

Oromo student protests have become a fixture in Ethiopia’s modern political life. A year ago, Ethiopian security forces shot and killed dozens of students and jailed thousands after protests broke out over the unconstitutional expansion of Ethiopia’s sprawling capital, Addis Ababa, into Oromo areas.

Non-participatory development

The protests returned again last week. The students are demanding a halt to the planned implementation of the controversial Addis Ababa and the Surrounding Oromia Special Zone Integrated Development Plan, or the master plan. But they also have a number of local grievances related to non-participatory approaches to development. For example, in Ginci town, Western Shawa zone, where the latest round of protests began last month, the students oppose the transfer of school compound to a regional cabinet, the sale of Ginci stadium to investors and the clearing of nearby Chilamo forest to make way for further development projects. 

It’s an all-too-familiar story. The central government in Addis Ababa proposes a development scheme that does not involve local stakeholders. College and high school students take to the streets in protest. Security forces respond using disproportionate force. A handful of students are killed and many more wounded and incarcerated in preventive arrests. The diaspora holds solidarity rallies at Western capitals and the story gains marginal references in the media.

After a few months, as the story begins to fade from the limelight, despite the stiff opposition to it and loss of life, the government moves ahead with its proposed plan or project. Then it happens again as we have seen over the past week.

A worrisome trend

It is a worrisome trend indeed. The Oromo question has become the Achilles heels of Ethiopian politics. And the heavy-handed crackdown on student protesters has heightened Oromo’s already fraught relations with Ethiopia’s ruling party, EPRDF, now in power for close to 25 years.

But, for all its potency and potential, the protests have also lacked coherence, leadership and clear direction to bring about lasting solution. The government knows this. And it has responded using brute force time and again to quell these largely disparate uprisings. True, the lack of leadership is no fault of the students. It's insurmountable to be an activist in Ethiopia today. Dissent is highly criminalized. The Oromo dissent, both real and imagined, even more so. There are few avenues for air societal grievances. The media and civil society are virtually dismantled. The Oromo opposition faces ever greater scrutiny.

It is time for Oromo political organizations, in and outside the country, to come together, put aside petty political differences and devise a sustainable strategy to end the recurrent killings and incarceration of Oromo students. We have seen the unity mantra many times before, particularly from diaspora-based Oromo organizations. But the recurrent killings of Oromo students and the continued suffering and displacement of Oromo farmers calls for a fundamental change. Meetings and diaspora solidarity rallies can only do so much; it is time for the Oromo to return to the drawing board and forge a unified front to challenge the Ethiopian regime by all means necessary. Diaspora activists and the Oromo media can amplify the voices of the protesters but must do so without fanning the situation with empty rhetoric or without appearing to cheerlead the protests given that the protesters have absolutely no protection or redress, judicial or otherwise. (e.g., Diaspora-based activists should refrain from any suggestion that the latest protests are a continuation of the much politicized Fincila Diddaa Gabrummaa or that it’s a work of  the so-called Qeerroo).

Student protesters have long been the vanguard of Oromo rights in Ethiopia. But the greater Oromo public must now stand in solidarity with these students. Every so often, the government writes off genuine grievances as demands of young students misled by diaspora-based anti-development forces. The public’s greater involvement would break this narrative and any suggestion that the students opposition to the Addis Ababa master plan and other development projects is a work of few anti-peace provocateurs that can simply be silenced by use of force. This is why the students should take time and coordinate their resistance by establishing communication channels across multiple college campuses and high schools. There are clear and marked improvements over similar protests in the years past, but greater coordination is largely absent.

Where is the OFC?

Today's protesters are armed with social media and better positioned to coordinate their efforts. In theory, the local Oromo opposition, which espouses a nonviolent resistance, can play a critical role in linking and organizing the student movements. However, the Oromo opposition faces severe restrictions to even hold public rallies. Still, that can no longer be an excuse. A movement organized around civil disobedience should not wait for permission from a repressive state. All it needs is broad-based public support for its goals and effective communication skills and tools.

The main Oromo opposition, the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) on Wednesday has threatened to organize a nationwide strike. It should act on those threats by calling and leading a national day of rage. It's a fool's errand to expect the Ethiopian regime to respond differently than it did in the years past. Sacrifices, including the loss of life, must be part of that calculus as the OFC leader, Bekele Gerba, indicated earlier this year. Oromo students are already paying heavy prices. A little more coordination and a broad-based public participation in the protests could radically alter the status quo.

This year’s protests come at a crucial point. Ethiopia is struggling to minimize the effect of an El Nino-induced drought that is undermining the government’s “miraculous” economic development narrative. The protests pose yet another challenge to the outward image of the EPRDF government. That’s all the more reason why authorities may, in fact, use even more disproportionate force to quell the protests.
Haramaya University

Free Oromiya

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Oromo TV: Solidarity Messages on the 15th Anniversary.

ODUU Mormiin Maaster Pilanii Finfinnee cimee itti fufaa jira.

Mormiin Maaster Pilanii Finfinnee cimee itti 

fufaa jira. 


OMN:Oduu Sadaasa 30,2015 Maastar pilaanii Finfinnee ilaalchisee mormiin barattoota Oromoo gadinaalee Oromiyaa hedduu keessatti itti fufee akka jiru himame.
Godina Harargee bahaa yuniversiitii Haramayaa keessatti mormii geggeeffameen, barattootaa fi poolisoota Federaalaa irra miidhaan dhaqabuu isaa himamaa jira.
Haaluma wal fakkaatuun mormiin kun itti fufuun godina Wallagga lixaa aanaa Laaloo Assaabii, Gimbii fi Ayiratti itti fufee akka jiru jiraattonni dubbatan.
Dhimma maastar pilaanii Finfinnee irratti, mormiin barattootaa torbaan lamaan darban godina Sahwaa lixaa aanaa Daandii magaalaa Gincii keessatti eegalamee ture, wayta ammaa kana babbaldhachuun, godinaalee gara garaa keessatti itti fufee jira.
Mormii jalqabame kana dhaasbisuuf jecha, humnootiin tikaa barattootaa fi jiraattota irratti tarkaanfii gara jabeennaa fudhataa jiraniin, namoonni hedduun kan miidhaman yoo ta’u, kan ajjeefamanis jiraachuun himamaa jira.
Haaluma kanaan Godina Harargee bahaa yuniversiitii Haramaayaa keessatti mastar pilaanii Finfinnee irratti mormii ka’een, barattoonni Oromoo hedduun, poolisoota Federaalaatiin reebichi hamaan kan isaani irratti raawwatame ta’uu barattoonni dubbataa jiran.
Bifuma wal fakkaatuun, godina Wallagga lixaa aanaa Laaloo Assaabii fi, aanaa Ayiraatti hiriirri mormii cimaani itti fufee jira.
Aanaa Laaloo Assaabii mana barumsa sadarkaa lammaffaa Wanjootti guyyaa hardhaa barattoonni hiriira bahuu isaanii jiraataan magaalattii tokko OMN tti himan.
Namni kun akka jedhanitti, hiriira san irratti, humnootiin darbatamaa jedhaman, dhukaasa irratti bananii, hiriira san bittiinneessuun barattoota hedduu hidhaniiru.
Manni barumsaa guutumatti cufamee jira. Lammiilee nagaa irratti wayta meeshaa dhukaasan argamaniiru jedhan.
Humnootiin darbatamaa jedhaman kun gara laafinna tokko malee barattoota nagaa irratti reebicha hamaa geggeessaa jiru.
Manni barumsaallee akkuma cufametti jiraachuullee namni kun dubbatanii jiru.
Gaafileen barattoonni dhiheessaa jiran kun, maqaa maastar Pilaanii Finfinnee jedhuun, ummanni Oromoo lafaa fi qabeenya isaa irraa buqqifamuu hin qaban kan jedhu yoo ta’u, garuu mootummaan deebii kennuu dhiisee rasaasa barattootarratti roobsaa jira.
Aanama kana keessatti, kanaan dura mormiin wal fakkaataan geggeeffamee akka ture kan nuuf himan namni kun, ammas bifa adda ta’een geggeeffamee jira.
Humnootiin tikaa mootummaa mormii kana dhaamsuuf jecha barattoota hedduu qabanii hidhuudhaaf barbaadaa akka jiranis dubbatan.
Yeroodhaaf barattoonni qabamanii hidhaman, barataa Boonaa Mulaatuu,  Maartaa Taammiruu,  fi Ayyaantuu Baculaa yoo ta’an, barattoonni kun barattoota kutaa 6ffaa, 8ffaa, fi 9ffaa ta’u isaanii mirkanaahee jira.
Kana males jiraattota keessaa obbo Mulaatuu Olqabaa immo reebichi cimaan kan isaan irratti raawwatame ta’uullee jiraattonni dubbataa jiran.
Kun kanaan osoo jiru, aanaa Gimbii manneen barumsaa Sadarkaa 2ffaa fi 1ffaa Burqaa Oonjoo fi Laaloo Oonjoo keessatti, barattoonni Oromoo gochaa maastar pilaanii Finfinnee irratti mormii dhageesisuu isaanii himame.
Humnotiin tikaa mormii kana fashalsuuf jecha, tarkaanfiilee reebichaa barattootaa fi jiraattota aanichaa irratti reebicha hamaa raawwatuu isaanillee jiraattonni himanii jiru.
Reebicha geggeeffame kanaan namoonni hagi tokko akka maleetti kan miidhaman yoo ta’u, namoonni hedduunis hidhamuu isaanii himamaa jira.
Akka jiraattonni himanitti, barattoonni Oromoo hiriira dhageesisan kanaan, wayta humnootiin tikaa reebicha irratti raawwataa turanitti jalaa dheessanii manneen jiraatotaatti dhokatanii kan turan yoo ta’u, humnootiin tikaa mana mana irraa deemuun, barattoota kana funaananii hidhaa jiru.
Usmaan Ukkumeetu gabaase.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

16 Nov 2015 Oromia Insight Oromo-TV 15th-Year Anniversary Celebration P...

Irree fi Gaachanni Ummata Oromoo WBOn Godina Kibba Baha Oromiyaa Keessatti Tarkaanfii Hidhattoota Wayyaanee Irratti Fudhateen 9 Ol Hojiin Ala Godhe; Meeshaalee Waraanaas Booji’e. Hidhattootni Diinaa 5nis WBOtti Harka Kennatan.

Irree fi Gaachanni Ummata Oromoo WBOn Godina Kibba Baha Oromiyaa Keessatti Tarkaanfii Hidhattoota Wayyaanee Irratti Fudhateen 9 Ol Hojiin Ala Godhe; Meeshaalee Waraanaas Booji’e. Hidhattootni Diinaa 5nis WBOtti Harka Kennatan.
(SBO – Sadaasa 14, 2015) Humnaa fi qabeenya qabu irratti hundaawee mirga abbaa biyyummaa fi bilisummaa ummata Oromoo mirkaneessuuf qabsoo of irratti hirkannoon falmaa diina irratti godhu finiinsaa kan jiru gootichi WBO, godinaalee Oromiyaa adda addaa keessatti tarkaanfilee diinaa fi lukkeelee diinaa irratti fudhatu daran cimsuu irratti argama.
Haaluma kanaan abdii fi gaachanni ummata Oromoo WBOn Kibba Baha Oromiyaa Godina Baalee keessa sossohu tibbana diina irratti tarkaanfii laalessaa fudhateen injifannoo boonsaa galmeessee jira.
Haaluma kanaan Humni Addaa WBO Risaa jedhamu Sadaasa 10, 2015 Godina Baalee Ona Gooroo Baqaqsaa bakka Qalqalcha Bultii Tafarii jedhamutti ganama barii sa’aa 5:00 irratti humna diinaa ummata dararuu fi sochii WBO danquuf bobbaa irra ture haxiidhaan haleelee loltoota 5 yeroo irraa ajjeesu, 4 ol ammoo madeessuun meeshaalee waraanaa adda addaa irraa booji’uun dantaa qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoof akka oolche Ajaji WBO Godina Kibba Baha Oromiyaa beeksisee jira.
Humni Risaa tarkaanfii boonsaa kana fudhate diina irraa qawwee AKM-47 5, boombii harkaa F1 jedhamu 20, boorsaa waraanaa kan dugdatti baatamu 5 mi’a qabu waliinii fi meeshaalee biroo diina irraa booji’uun bu’aa qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoof akka taasise beekuun danda’ameera.
Kana malees Humni Addaa WBO (Risaan) Godina Baalee Ona Gooroo Baqaqsaa bakka Qalqalcha Bultii Tafarii jedhamutti wayta tarkaanfii kana fudhatetti sabboontota Oromoo hidhattootni wayyaanee maqaa ABO fi WBO gargaartu, nu rukuchiistu jedhuun qabanii deemaa turan keessaa tokko akka harkaa baases oduun kun ni hubachiisa.
Hidhattoota wayyaanee tarkaanfii humna addaa WBO Risaan haleelaman keessa turan keessaa 5 (shan) hidhannoo isaanii guutuu waliin WBOtti akka harka isaanii kennatan Ajaji WBO Godina Kibba Baha Oromiyaa mirkaneessee jira.
Tarkaanfiin diinaa fi lukkeelee diinaa irratti fudhatamu jabinaan kan itti fufu ta’uus Ajaji WBO Godina Kibba Baha Oromiyaa hubachiisee jira.
Xumura irratti Oromoota dabalatee ilmaan ummatoota cunqurfamoo sirna wayyaaneef meeshaa ta’uun qabsoo bilisummaa fi mirga isaanii deebifachuuf ummatootni kun taasisaa jiranitti gufuu ta’anii jiran hidhannoo isaanii sirna wayyaanee diina ummatoota cunqurfamoo empaayerattii ta’ee jirutti nannessuun xumura sirna gabrummaa isaa akka shaffisan WBOn hiree kanaan yaamicha isaa haaromsee jira.
Gumaacha WBO: Hawaasni Oromoo Magaalota Riyaadii fi Tabuuk Akkasumas Naannawaa Magaalota Kanneenii Jiran Guyyaa Ayyaana Arafaa Sababeeffachuun Walitti Dhufanii WBO Jabeessuuf Riyaala Sa’udii 70,483 Gumaachan
(SBO) – Oduun Riyaad Sa’ud Arabiyaa irraa SBO dhaqqabe akka hubachiisutti, Konyaa ABO jalatti hawaasni Oromoo magaalaa Riyaadii fi naannawa isheetti argamu Fulbaana 26,2015 Ayyaana Arafaa sababeeffachuudhaan walitti dhufanii dhimmoota adda addaa irratti marii taasisuun walgahii bareedaa geggeeffatanii jiran.
Walgahiin kun akkuma aadaa Oromootti eebba maanguddootaan kan jalqabame oggaa ta’u, dura ta’aan Konyaa ABO Riyaad hawaasa walgahii kana irratti argameen baga nagaan dhuftan jechuun simatan.
Biyya Sa’ud Arabiyaatti bakka bu’aan ABO Engineer Mahaammad Haajii sirna kana irratti argamuudhaan dhimma QBO ABOn durfamu, sochii WBO fi dhaamsa WBOn dhaammataa jiru irratti ibsa bal’aa hawaasaaf akka kennan oduun SBO dhaqqabe kun ni addeessa.
Hawaasni Oromoo Riyaadii fi naannawa ishee WBO jabeessuuf akkuma waadaa seenee tinnisa jajjabaa godhaa turetti, walgahii kana irrattis ibsa laatameefiin booda, Riyaala Sa’ud Arabiyaa 33,700 (Kuma Soddomii Sadii Fi Dhibba Torba) WBO jabeessuuf gumaachuun isaanii gabaafameera. Gara fuula duraattis WBO jabeessuuf waan danda’ameen bira dhaabbachuu irraa kan of booda hin deebine ta’uus mul’isaniiru.
Konyaa ABO jalatti Walgahii hawaasni Oromoo Riyaadii fi naannoo ishee Fulbaana 26,2015 Ayyaana Arafaa sababeeffachuun geggeeffatan kana irratti nyaatni aadaa Oromoo kan Godinoota Oromiyaa cufaa kan dhihaate oggaa ta’u, walaloolee fi diraamotni gara garaa miidhaa fi cunqursaa Oromoo irra gahaa jiru mul’isanis dhihaataniiru.
Artistootni Oromoo kan akka Bakkalcha Konbolchaa fi Siinboonee Addunyaa faa waltajjii kana irratti argamuun hawaasa kan bashannansiisan oggaa ta’u, xumura walgahii kanaattis hawaasni walgahe ibsa ejjennoo qabsoo jajjabeessu dabarfachuun walgahii isaanii milkii fi injifannoon xumurachuu isaanii oduun Riyaad irraa SBO dhaqqabe hubachiisee jira.
Haaluma walfakkaatuun Fulbaana 26, 2015ttis biyyuma Sa’ud Arabiyaatti Konyaa ABO jalatti hawaasni Oromoo kan magaalaa Tabuukii fi naannawa ishee jiraatu Ayyaana Arafaa sababeeffachuudhaan walitti dhufanii achumaanis dhimma QBO irratti walgahii godhachuu isaanii oduun walqabatee nu dhaqqabe beeksisee jira.
Qophiin hawaasaa kunis akkuma aadaa Oromootti kan baname eebba maanguddoota Oromoon oggaa ta’u, dura ta’aan Konyaa ABO Tabuuk Obbo Fayyisaa Kumsaa simannaa hawaasaaf godhaniiru.
Miseensi Gumii Sabaa ABO Jaal.Atoomsaa Kumsaa karaa bilbilaan walgahii kana irratti hawaasa walgaheef haala QBOn irra jiru irratti haasaa akka godhanis beekuun danda’ameera. Hawaasni Oromoo qabsoo isaanii cina dhaabbatanii akka jajjabeessan, WBOn humna ummata Oromoo waan ta’eef, haga Oromiyaan bilisoomtutti WBO jabeessuu fi Qabsoo itti fufuun daandii filmaata biraa hin qabne ta’uu Jaal.Atoomsaan dhaamsa isaanii keessatti hubachiisaniiru.
Haaluma kanaan hawaasni Oromoo magaalaa Tabuukii fi naannoo kanneen walgahii kana irratti argaman WBO jabeessuuf Riyaala Sa’ud Arabiyaa 36,783 (Kuma Soddomii Ja’aa fi Dhibba Torbaa fi Saddeetamii Sadii) tinnisa, bittaa fi gurgurtaa irraa argame walitti qabuun gumaachuu isaanii oduun SBO bira gahe hubachiisee jira.
SBOs Hawaasa Oromoo Sa’ud Arabiyaa WBO jabeessuuf gumaacha jajjabaa gochuu irratti argamaniin galatni kessan Bilisummaa dha jechaa, ammas irra deebi’uun hawaasa Musliimaan Baga Ayyaana Arafaan isin gahe jedha. Kanneen Hajjiidhaaf gara Sa’ud Arabiyaa deemanii balaan du’uu fi miidhaan adda addaa irra gaheef ammoo gadda isaa irra deebi’ee ibsa.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Caalaa Haayiluu: The Guy in the Next Cell | A Radio Documentary in Swedish about an Oromo Prisoner of Conscience in Ethiopia’s Prison

Caalaa Haayiluu: The Guy in the Next Cell | A Radio Documentary in Swedish about an Oromo Prisoner of Conscience in Ethiopia’s Prison

The following is a 49-minute radio documentary in Swedish by journalist Martin Schibbye for Sveriges Radio; Martin Schibbye was unlawfully imprisoned in Ethiopia’s notorious prison – Maikelawi – in early 2010’s. Next to his prison’s cell was Caalaa Haayiluu, an Oromo poet and prisoner of conscience – Caalaa Haayiluu was one of the estimated 30,000 Oromo prisoners of conscience; these prisoners are tortured and harassed for being Oromo as Amnesty International reported last year. Oromo is the biggest ethno-national group in Ethiopia, but the Ethiopian government is controlled by a minority hegemonic group hailing from North Ethiopia – the Ethiopian state’s/government’s policy is to eradicate anything of Oromo (through genocide and ethnocide), and replace it with the minority group’s national identities (with the ultimate goal of dispossessing the Oromo nation of its ancestral land and natural resources) — for this reason, poets – such as Caalaa Haayiluu – who write in the Oromo language (Afan Oromo) or those individuals who practice Oromo culture (Aadaa Oromo) or the Oromo religion (Amantaa Oromo), or study Oromo history (Seenaa Oromo) – are targeted for torture and harassment by the Ethiopian government. Caalaa’s crime is nothing but writing in Afan Oromo, the language the Ethiopian government wants to relegate to the regional level for a slow extinction, then replacement by the language from North Ethiopia.
(Source: Sveriges Radio)
Translated from Swedish using Google’s Translate service (the contextual meaning can be lost during this computerized translation.)

The Guy in the Next Cell (Sveriges Radio)

The poet Caalaa sat in the cell next to journalist Martin Schibbye at the police station in Addis Ababa [Finfinne]. He was tortured daily. Later, Caalaa, fleeing for his life, ended up alone in a wintry Hälsingland.
During Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson’s time in a cell at the police station in Addis Ababa [Finfinne], they could, some days, see how the prisoners were taken up in the exercise yard of an underground part of the station. The prisoners squinted against the bright light and were in poor conditions. At night, you could hear the screams from neighboring cells.
One of them shouting was Caalaa Haayiluu Abaataa, a young poet from the Oromo nation – imprisoned and tortured for his dissident poems. Martin threw a package Ethiopian “Nyala” cigarettes to him on one occasion and communicated through hand signals when the guards did not see them.
When Martin became free, he never thought he would see Caalaa again. But in December 2012, he received a friend request onFacebook from a refugee camp in Sudan. It was Caalaa – who had fled to the Sudan.
The situation in the camp was terrible, his friends had been killed by Ethiopian security forces and gangs of traffickers operating in the camps. He feared for his life and felt he fled from bad to worse.
“I am coming to Sweden,” he writes to Martin suddenly on a spring day in May. He has been accepted as a refugee en route to Sweden, and he will take a course in Swedish Migration Board director and then fly to Sweden. When he lands at the airport, he meets Martin up and has since followed Caalaa’s life as a quota refugee in Färila in Hälsingland. Now begins his real challenge.
The documentary “The Guy in the Next Cell,” is made by Martin Schibbye.

Grabben i cellen bredvid (Sveriges Radio)

Poeten Caalaa satt i cellen bredvid journalisten Martin Schibbye på polisstationen i Addis Abeba. Han torteras dagligen. Caalaa flyr för sitt liv och hamnar ensam i ett vintrigt Hälsingland.
Under Martin Schibbye och Johan Perssons tid i en cell på polisstationen i Addis Abeba kunde de en del dagar se hur fångar togs upp på rastgården från en underjordisk del av polisstationen. Fångarna kisade mot det starka ljuset och var i dåligt skick. På nätterna hörde man skrik från granncellerna.
En av dem som skrek var Caalaa Haayiluu Abaataa, en ung poet frÃ¥n Oromofolket som fängslats och torterades för sina regimkritiska dikter. Martin kastade ett paket etiopiska “Nyala”-cigaretter till honom vid ett tillfälle och kommunicerade via handsignaler när vakterna inte sÃ¥g dem.
När Martin blev fri trodde han aldrig att han skulle se Caalaa igen. Men i december 2012 fick han en vänförfrågan på Facebook från ett flyktingläger i Sudan. Det var Caalaa som hade flytt.
Situationen i lägret var fruktansvärd, vänner till honom hade dödats av etiopisk säkerhetstjänst och ligor med människohandlare opererade i lägren. Han fruktade för sitt liv och kände att han flytt ur askan i elden.
”I am coming to Sweden” skriver han plötsligt till Martin en vÃ¥rdag i maj. Han har blivit antagen som kvotflykting och han kommer att gÃ¥ en kurs i Migrationsverkets regi för att därefter flyga till Sverige. När han landar pÃ¥ Arlanda möter Martin upp honom och har sedan följt Caalaas liv som kvotflykting i Färila i Hälsingland. Nu börjar hans verkliga utmaning.
Dokumentären Grabben i cellen bredvid Ã¤r gjord av Martin Schibbye.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Shame on For Ethiopian regjim!!

Can Ethiopia cope with worst drought in decades?

Ethiopia is suffering its worst drought in 30 years, but the country is better equipped to cope than the crisis in 1984, writes the BBC's Clive Myrie, who has visited one of the worst affected areas.
It is a hard-scrabble life being a farmer in northern Ethiopia.
Normal years are tough. In some areas the soil is poor for farming. There is little or no application of manure, so it is low in nutrients and crop yields are not as high as they could and should be. Any failure of seasonal rains spells big trouble, because reserve stockpiles of food will never be plentiful.
Bertukan Ali has lived such a life like many of the rural poor in the district of North Wallo, the most drought-prone region of Ethiopia.
Earlier this year she and her family waited patiently for the spring "belg" rains to fall.
Day after day they waited. Their fields, full of sorghum seeds, were thirsty. But the rains never came.
"OK", she said to herself, "we'll survive. The spring 'belg' are notoriously unreliable anyway, the summer 'kiremt' rains will shower the sorghum seeds in warm water."
So they waited, and waited, but again the rains did not come.

'Everyone is suffering'

When I met Bertukan a couple of days ago, she had just buried her five-year-old son Abdu Mohammed. He was a sickly child, not in the best of health, but when the family ran out of food because the rains did not come, he just got weaker and weaker.
Bertukan and I visited his grave, crowned with a vibrant green canopy of vine leaves.
We stood in front of it, and suddenly she began to cry. I did not know what to do. I did not know how to console her, help take away her pain. So I put my arm around her, it seemed to make sense at the time.
Bertukan Ali
Image caption"Everyone is suffering," says Bertukan Ali
Bertukan told me that when Abdu Mohammed died, she felt as if she'd lost everything.
"Everyone is suffering," she told me. "We all have so little to eat because there was no harvest this season."
The UN says that in one area, two babies were dying every day. So Bertukan had joined a growing list of other mothers who had been left inconsolable.

As bad as 1984?

Many Ethiopians still remember the famine more than 30 years ago that spawned a global humanitarian response.
I met a man this week in North Wallo, less than 50 minutes drive from Korem, the area where so many people died in 1984, who recalls a "famine of biblical proportions".
Abera Weldu
Image captionAbera Weldu vividly remembers the drought of 1984
Abera Weldu is now 68 and he has a face full of character. Like someone out of a pulp fiction novel, he had seen it all, done it all.
Every crease, every line, betrayed a life full of experience, and one of those experiences is having lived through the worst drought in a hundred years.
He looked me right in the eye, and like the man from a pulp fiction novel, gave it to me straight, both barrels blazing.
"Although this drought has just started, it's going to get worse," he said.
"It's already really severe. Some people have died of hunger, others are sick in their beds - right now it's just like 1984."
Media captionThe reasons for Ethiopia's drought
"Hang on," I thought to myself, "some estimates put those dying in the drought of 31 years ago at 100,000 to 200,000 people."
But the UN confirmed what Abera knew in his gut, from experience. The failure of the rains in 2015 were indeed as bad as the failure of the rains in 1984.

Much has improved

But much has changed in the intervening years.
In the 1980s, money that may have helped ease the effects of the drought, was instead used to fight a war to keep the country together, with the province of Eritrea wanting to break away.
Eritrea gained independence in 1993 but later fought a bitter border war with Ethiopia, which ended in 2000.
Map of food shortage areas in Ethiopia
Ethiopia's economy is now one of the fastest growing in the world according to the International Monetary Fund - a far cry from the 1980s.
So much so that the government is now able to set aside $192m (£127m) to help deal with the current emergency, although the UN says far more is needed.
Poorer farmers in rural areas have for several years now been able to take advantage of a sort of social security safety net, where in lean times they have received money for public works, like digging water holes for animals.
That has meant that fewer people have starved when harvests have been poor.
And crucially Ethiopia has moved to a much more federal system of government since 1984. This means local officials have more autonomy to assess regional needs and mobilise resources more quickly to deal with hunger.
When I spoke with Bertukan Ali, by the grave of her son, she was carrying one of her other little boys in a sling on her back. He looked fit and strong.
Maybe he will survive this drought.