Friday, July 29, 2016

የኦሮምያ ህዝብ በህዝባዊ እምቢተኝነቱ እንደቀጠለ ነው

Map of the Oromia region in Ethiopia

Map of the Oromia region in Ethiopia


OLF ( Oromo Libration Front )
>>>> WBO <<<<
(W). Wirtuu Qabsaawota sabaa
(B). Barbadeessaa diina jabaa
(O). Oromiyaaf lubbuu dhaba.
Hawaasni kee si'abdataa
Roorroo sabaa sitti iyyata,
Lubbuu qalii sabaaf laattaa,
Bobaa diinaa jala galtaa
Diina keenya fixaa jirta.
Lafti teeti tarkaanfadhu
Beelaa dheebuf garaa hidhu
Jiraachudhaaf mamarqadhu
Firiif hidda mukaas nyaadhu.
Roorroo jibbee kan falmatu
Du'ee ajjeesuu hin sodaatu
Gabrummaanuu du'a caalaa,
Tana jibbee dhugaaf lola.
Riphxee duulun hojii teetii,
Gabroomfataa mudhii kuti,
Tarsimoodhaan masakamtee,
Buutee baatee,Kuftee kaatee
Seenaa dhiigaan galmeessite.
Qabsoon sabaa addan cittu
Hanga oromoo kabaja argatuu
Hanga oromiyaan bilisoomtuu.
Qeerroon biyyaa sijaalatti
Abbaan biyyaa WBO jettii,
Bakka maraa suma yaamtii,
Jira jedhii abdachiisii,
Qeeyroo biyyaa gammachiisi.
Hin fagaatin as dhihaadhu
Saba kankee irkoo godhuu
Waboo duruu si jaalannaa,
Ar'aa borus sitti boonna.
Munawar Laga Arbaa tin
Adoolessa 28 /2016

Thursday, July 28, 2016

#Oromo Protests

OLF ( Oromo Libration Front )
WBO koo yaa leencaa
yaa caallaa hundarraa
Siitu seena qabaa
seenaa bara dheera,
Ciqqaawwati turtee 
diina kee lafarraa,
Yaa abbaa hiyyeessaa
bar si cinaa jirraa
Himadhu waan feete
maaliin si gargaarra?
Oromof oromiyaa
sii baasa miidhaarraa,
Kanaaf xiqqaa guddaan
si jala hiriirraa,
Abdiin qabnu suma
nuti yeroo maraa
Yaa jajjabee kiyyaa
si malee kan biraa,
Kan oromoof yaaduu
tokko essa jiraa?
Yaa qarayyoo ijaa
yaa agartuu firaa,
Teepha gabrummaadha
siitu nurra ciraa,+2
Long live WBO koo! !!

Dispatches: Ethiopia’s Opposition Leaders on Hunger Strike

Protesting Against Mistreatment in Prison
It has been nine days since prominent Ethiopian opposition leader Bekele Gerba and several other senior members of the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) went on a hunger strike to protest their treatment in detention. Bekele, who is the deputy chairman of the OFC, and his colleagues are currently being held in Kilinto prison near Addis Ababa on terrorism charges. Their health has reportedly deteriorated significantly in recent days.
Bekele Gerba in Washington DC, December 2015.
Bekele Gerba in Washington DC, August 2015. 
Bekele and his associates were detained on December 23, 2015 and later charged under Ethiopia’s terrorism law for allegedly belonging to the banned Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) – a charge that is regularly used to silence ethnic Oromos who are critical of the government. They were first taken to the notorious Maekalawi prison, where torture and other ill-treatment are routine. Since moving to Kilinto, Bekele and his colleagues have repeatedly petitioned the courts to investigate their mistreatment in detention, to allow their families visiting rights, and to provide them with proper medication.
Bekele is a staunch advocate of non-violence and is one of tens of thousands who were detained during the mostly peaceful proteststhat have swept through Oromia since November. Many of those who have since been released reported being tortured in custody.
Since the protests began, the security forces have killed over 400 people, most of them students. Yet, there has been no meaningful investigation into the killings and no effort to hold security forces accountable. Instead, the state-affiliated Human Rights Commission in an oral report to parliament in June concluded that the level of force used by security forces was proportionate to the risk the forces faced, sending an ominous message to Ethiopians that security force members can shoot unarmed protesters with impunity.
As it is clear that the Ethiopian government is either not willing or not able to conduct a credible investigation into the conduct of its security forces, there is increasing need for international involvement in any investigation.
Unfortunately, the authorities’ failure to treat Bekele and his colleagues with the most basic respect for their rights is indicative of a government that shows little willingness to right the wrongs it has committed. Their continued detention sends a message to young Ethiopians that the government equates peaceful protest with terrorism, putting Ethiopia on a dangerous trajectory. 

Dispatches: Ethiopia’s Opposition Leaders on Hunger Strike

Dispatches: Ethiopia’s Opposition Leaders on Hunger Strike


Videos Chronicle How Fear Got Defeated by Oromo Protests in Oromia (Dec. 9, 2015 to Jan. 4, 2016)

Note that the Part-1 of this video series covers the period of the Oromia-wide Oromo Protests from November 29, 2015 to December 8, 2015 – which was posted earlier here. The following set of four videos chronicles the period of the Oromo Protests from December 9, 2015 to January 4, 2016 as the Oromo Protests against the Master Plan continue into a third month and into the new year.
Oromo students in particular, and the Oromo public in general, have been protesting against the Ethiopian Federal government’s Master Plan to evict millions of Oromo farmers around the Capital, Sheger, and other major towns in Oromia, and transfer the ownership of the land to investors affiliated with the government. The Ethiopian Federal government’s response to the demands of the Oromo protesters has been militaristic over the last two months; according to media estimates, more than 130 Oromo persons were killed, more than 2,000 Oromo persons were wounded, more than 35,000 Oromo persons have been imprisoned, and more than 800 Oromo persons have disappeared over the last months – all for peacefully protesting against the Master Plan (or for being suspecting of protesting against the Master Plan) – and this violence of the government has continued to date. In many of these cases, the government’s actions are random as it uses terrorizing the public into fear and submission as a means of ruling over them without their consent. The heavy violence that the Ethiopian Federal government has been willing to unleash on the Oromo civilian population, however, seems to turn the Oromo public into unshakable determination for the protests – rather than into fear and submission. No conscience mind can tolerate such level of violence – including those ordering these atrocities and those carrying them out; that is why – in recent days, some members of the Ethiopian government’s police and military apparatuses have joined the popular Oromo Protests against the Master Plan and against the violence of the Ethiopian government on the Oromo people (see attached photo here).
In the following video clips (recorded by amateur citizen journalists all over Oromia), some scenes will be disturbing as they show the heavy violence the Ethiopian Federal government has used to terrorize the Oromo civilian population (viewer discretion is advised). The video clips show how fear was defeated in Oromia through peaceful (nonviolent) means; since this Ethiopian government came to power without the consent of the people (and sustained itself in power through many cycles of electoral frauds over the decades), “fear” was the only element that it had used to oppress the people “mercilessly.” The Oromo protesters are demanding that they want a government that fears and respects its citizens – and earns their consent, not a government that uses its military to terrorize its own citizens into fear and submission.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


‪#‎OromoProtests‬ SAD NEWS : Ibsa Adem, who was shot in Dogu town, Gurawa District, East Hararge has just died. Ibsa graduated from Adama University in accounting just few weeks ago.He returned to his home town where he and 6 more people were gunned down by government soldiers. A young girl identified as Rihana Ahmed, who was visiting the town from Haramaya was killed instantly while Ibsa and 5 others survived and taken to hospital in Gara Mulata. Ibsa died just an hour ago from the injuries.


‪#‎OromoProtests‬ CALL ON DIASPORA: As you might be aware, it has been 8 days since Bekele Gerba & other political prisoners at Qilinto started hunger strike in protest against inhumane treatment at the hands of the prison officials. Instead of addressing their just demand, the prison officials have blocked lawyers and families of the prisoners from visiting them. They have not been seen by medical personnel to assess the impact of hunger on their health either. Hence the lives of these precious leaders and freedom fighters are ins serious danger.
The diaspora must play its role to save their lives. In addition to calling on the international community to intervene, we must take direct impose direct pressure on the regime through nonviolent direct action on its embassies and consular services across the world. We will be announcing the date of global action after consulting with community organizations.

Oromo activists!!

Military Force terrorizing people in Oromia,Borena Zone, Ethiopia

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Oromo TV: Gaafi fi Deebii : Hayyu Duree Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo Ob.Daaw...


Ibsa Walgahii Gumii Sabaa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo ( ABO ) 

Gumiin Sabaa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo haala Dhaaba ABO fi waliigala Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo yeroo ammaa irratti kan xiyyeeffate walgahii hatattamaa Gurraandhala 27, 2016 gaggeeffatee milkiidhaan xumuratee jira.
Walgahii kana irrattis dhimmotni fardiin adda addaa dhihaatanii irratti mari’atamuudhaan tarkaanfiileen fudhatamuu qabanis qajeelfamanii jiru. Akka kanaanis:
Haala Ummata Oromoo kan yeroo ammaa ilaalchisee
Itti-fufa Qabsoo Diddaa Gabrummaa fi falmaa mirga Bilisummaa fi Abbaa-biyyummaa Saba Oromoo waggoota dheeraadhaaf gaggeeffamaa dhufee kan tahe falmaan hadhaawaa fi seena-qabeessi Ummatni keenya baatiilee afran dabraniif osoo addaan hin citin walitti fufiinsaan belbelchaa jiru (Fincilli Xumura Gabrummaa) akeekaa fi galiin isaa Bilisummaa Sabichaa mirkaneessuu dha. Ummatni Oromoo sochii kana kan gaggeessaa jiru harka qullaa karaa nagaa osoo mirga Ummata biraa tokko illee hin tuqin roorroo fi hacuuccaa mootummaa Itoophiyaatiin isa irra gahaa turee fi jiru mormuudhaan mirga ofii gaafachuudhaani.
Mootummaan Itoophiyaa gaaffii haqaa fi sochii karaa nagayaa Ummatni keenya gochaa jiru akka weerara alagaatti ilaaluudhaan humna waraanaa maqaa Ittisa Biyyaatiin ijaarrate itti bobbaasuudhaan afaan qawweetiin dura dhaabbatee Ummata karaa nagaa mirga isaa gaafatu fixaa jira. Tarkaanfii faashistummaa Wayyaanee kanaan baatiilee afaran dabran keessatti qofa lubbuun ummata nagaa dhibbootaan lakkaawaman galaafatamee kanneen kumootaan lakkaawaman madaawuu fi kuma kudhanootaan kan lakkaawaman hidhaatti guuramanii jiru. Gochaan suukanneessaan kun ammas akkuma itti fufetti jira. Haa tahu malee Ummatni keenya ajjeecha fi hidhaa dabalatee miidhaa bifa kamiinuu Wayyaaneen irraan gahuuf osoo duubatti hin jedhin murannoo ol’aanaadhaan wareegama bifa hundaa baasee mirga isaa kabajsiifachuuf guutuu Oromiyaa keessatti tokkummaadhaan sochii isaa finiinsaa jira.
Haala Dhaabaa ABO fi Mooraa QBO ilaalchisee
Gaaffiin Sabni Oromoo har’aan tana goleelee Oromiyaa mara keessaa tokkummaadhaan ol ka’ee lallabachaa jiru gaaffii haqaa kan ummatni hundi uumamaa fi seeraanis qabu kan Dhaabni keenya Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo irratti bu’uurfamee fi waggoota 40 dabraniif qabsaawaafii jiruu dha. Injifannooleen cululuqoon galmeeffamaa jiranis itti baha hojii qabsoo kan waraanaa, siyaasaa fi dippilomaasii Dhaabni keenya Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo gaggeessaa ture fi jiruu ti. Kanaafis ragaan guddaan dhaadannoo Ummatni keenya sochii kana keessatti dhageessisaa jiruu fi Alaabaa inni maxxanfatee socho’aa jiruu dha.
Waan taheef, abdii Ummata keenyaa kana milkeessuu fi wareegama qaalii baafamaa jirutti firii gochuuf, Jaarmayni Dhaaba ABO addatti fi kan mooraan QBO waliigalatti haala itti jabina daranii horatuu fi gaafatama hoogganummaa Qabsoon Bilisummaa Oromoo fi haalli siyaasa waliigala naannichaa yeroo ammaatti gaafatu gahummaadhaan bahachuu danda’u irratti ciminaa fi shaffisaan akka hojjetamuu qabu GS qajeelchee jira.
Wareegama ulfaataa Ummatni keenya murannoo ol’aanaadhaan diina dura dhaabbatee baasaa jiru xiqqeessuu fi galma gahiinsa Kaayyoo qabsichaa shaffisiisuudhaaf ABOn kan yeroo kamii iyyuu caalaa ciminaan kan sossohu tahuus hundaaf mirkaneessa.
Haala Mootummaa Itoophiyaa ilaalchisee
Murni har’a aangoo mootummaa Itoophiyaa harkaa qabu Wayyaaneen (TPLF) waggoota 25 dabraniif kan inni ittiin hawaasa Addunyaatti kijibaa jiraate sirna Mootummaa Federaalawaa fi Dimokiraatawaa tahe diriirsee Ummatootni hundi akka naannoo naannoo isaaniitti aangoo ofiin of bulchuu qabaatan taasiseetin jira kan jedhu ture. Haa tahu malee har’aan tana Bubbee Warraaqsa Bilisummaa Oromootiin waaroon dimokiraatummaa fi federaalummaa dharaa inni ittiin of golguu yaalaa ture irraa mulqamee maalummaan mootummichaa inni dhugaa warra duraan hin hubatiniif hubatamee kanneen beekaa wallaalanis qaanfachiisee jira. Har’aan tana “Federeeshinii” dharaa Wayyaaneen ittiin eenyummaa ofii dhoksuuf yaalaa ture keessatti “Mootummoota Naannoo” jedhamanii warra beekamaa turan keessaa isa guddicha kan tahe “Mootummaan Naannoo Oromiyaa” diigamee naannichi guutummaatti Bulchiinsa Waraanaa Wayyaanee jala akka galu taasifamee jira. Tarkaanfiin kun qaama Labsii Lolaa Wayyaaneedhaan Ummata Oromoo irratti irra deddeebi’ee labsamee ti.
Haallan kanneen irraa ka’uudhaan ABO yaamicha armaan gadii dabarsa.
Ummata Oromoof:
Bilisummaan wareegama malee akka hin argamne hubachuudhaan wareegamni qaaliin baasaa turtee fi jirtu har’aan tana dhageeytii addunyaa hedduu argatee jira. Mootummaa akka Sabaatti si diinomfatee duula duguuginsa shanyummaa (Genocide) si irratti gaggeessaa turee fi jiru gootummaa fi irree tokkummaa keetiin raastee afaan boollaa irraan geessee jirta. Falmaa kana daran finiinsuudhaan xumura itti gochuu qofaatu roorroo, ajjeechaa fi saaminsa jaarraa tokko oliif si irratti saare dhabamsiisee bilisummaa kee mirkaneessuu fi jireenya Sabummaa keetti iggituu horuu danda’a. Kanaaf, xiqqaa-guddaa, dhiiraa-dhalaa, kan biyya keessaa fi alaa hundi wal faana socho’uudhaan wareegama qabsoon gaafattu hunda baastee bilisummaa qabsoo fi wareegama keetiin dhuftee balbala kee irra geesse harkatti galfachuuf murannoo daraniitiin qabsaawi.
Ilmaan Oromoo hidhattanii humna waraanaa, humna tikaa fi poolisa Wayyaanee keessatti argamtan hundi diinummaa fi roorroo daangaa dabre kan Wayyaaneen ifatti Ummata Oromoo irratti gaggeessaa jiru kana dhaabsisuuf fi guyyaa bilisummaa Saba keessanii dhiheessuuf har’a kan yeroo kamii iyyuu caalaa dirqamaa fi gaafatama seenaa fi kan dhalootaa qabdan. Hidhannoo harka keessan jiruun Ummata irraa dhalattan kan Wayyaaneen lafa irraa fixuuf murteessee waraana isaa itti ajaje cinaa dhaabbadhaa irraa faccisaa.
Oromootni caasaa mootummaa Wayyaanee kan gara garaa keessa jirtanii fi abbootiin qabeenyaa yeroon amma keessa jirru yoomuu caalaa kan Ummatni keenya akka diina innikkaatti ilaalamee mootummaa Wayyaaneetiin lolli irratti gaggeeffamaa jiru waan taheef bakka jirtanitti daandii fi mala dandeessan hundaan miidhaa Saba keessan irra gahu hanqisuuf yookaan xiqqeessuuf dirqama lammummaa keessan akka bahattan ABO gadi jabeessee dhaama.
Ummatoota Ollaa Oromiyaaf:
Jabaachuun Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo, qabsoo sabootni kaan godhanis ni jabeessa, mirgi hiree murteeffannaa sabootaa akka mirkanaawu taasisa. Nageenyi naannoo Gaanfa Afrikaa akka mirkanaawuufis qooda ol’aanaa qaba. Waan taheefis, Ummatootni ollaa Oromoo fi Oromiyaa jirtan hundi falmaan hadhaawaan har’aan tana Ummatni Oromoo mirga isaa kabajsiifachuuf gaggeessaa jiru qaama furmaata rakkina keessanii tahuu hubachuudhaan akka cinaa dhaabbattan ABO jabeessee gaafata.
Jaarmayoota Siyaasaa Oromoof
Mooraa Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo gabbisuu fi itichuun Imaammata Dhaabbataa ABO kan yeroo hundaa ti. ABOn jaarmayootni siyaasaa Oromoo kan bilisummaa Oromoo mirkaneessuuf qabsaawan hundi bifa danda’ame hundaan qindoomina uumanii qabeenya, beekumsaa fi humna namaa Ummata keenyaa bittinnaawuu fi qisaasamuu irraa oolchanii dandeeytii jiru hundaan diina irratti dhiibbaa akka godhan haala dandeessisu uumuuf waan danda’u gochaa ture. Har’as itti jira. Yaaliin kun akka milkaawuuf jaarmayootni siyaasaa Oromoo hundi gahee isaanii akka bahatan ABOn yaamicha godha.
Humnoota Siyaasaa Itoophiyaaf
Gaaffiin Oromoo gaaffii haqaa fi kan Bilisummaa ti. Kaayyoon ABOs gaaffii haqaa Ummata Oromoo kana fiixaan baasuu dha. ABOn hanga gaaffiin haqaa Ummata Oromoo kun deebisaa guutuu hin argannetti rakkoon siyaasaa, kan dinagdee fi hawaasummaa naannoo kanaa furamuu akka hin dandeenye jabeessee amana. Kanaaf jaarmayootni Siyaasaa Itoophiyaa kanneen rakkina siyaasaa, dinagdee fi hawaasummaa Ummatoota Itoophiyaa keessa jiraatanii furuuf qabsoofna jedhan hundi gaaffii haqaa Saba Oromoo kana amananii fudhachuu qofaatu gara furmaata haqaa fi waaraatti geessuu danda’a. ABOn kanneen gaaffii haqaa Ummatni Oromoo fi Ummatootni biroo mirga hiree murteeffannaa ofii dhugoomsuuf kaasanitti amanan wajjin hojjetee rakkoo naannoo kanaatti furmaata waaraa gochuuf yeroo hunda qophii tahuu isaa irra deebi’ee beeksisa.
Hawaasa Addunyaaf:
Murtii dhiheenya kana Gamtaan Awroppaa fudhateef irra deebinee maqaa qabsoo bilisummaa Ummata Oromootiin galateeffachaa fi dinqisiifachaa, hawaasnii Addunyaa fi mootummootni biyyoota gara garaa kanneen gargaarsa bifa adda addaa mootummaa Wayyaaneef kennaa turtan hundi fakkeenya gaarii Gamtaa Awroppaa kana hordofuudhaan imaammata keessan akka keessa deebitanii ilaaltanii fi qabsoo haqaa Ummatni Oromoo bilisummaa isaa gonfachuuf gaggeessaa jiru yoo dandeessan deggeruu, dadhabamu waan gufuu itti tahu dalaguu irraa akka of qusattan jabeessinee gaafanna.
Injifannoo Ummata Oromoof!
Gumii Sabaa ABO
Gurraandala 29, 2016