Wednesday, July 27, 2016


‪#‎OromoProtests‬ CALL ON DIASPORA: As you might be aware, it has been 8 days since Bekele Gerba & other political prisoners at Qilinto started hunger strike in protest against inhumane treatment at the hands of the prison officials. Instead of addressing their just demand, the prison officials have blocked lawyers and families of the prisoners from visiting them. They have not been seen by medical personnel to assess the impact of hunger on their health either. Hence the lives of these precious leaders and freedom fighters are ins serious danger.
The diaspora must play its role to save their lives. In addition to calling on the international community to intervene, we must take direct impose direct pressure on the regime through nonviolent direct action on its embassies and consular services across the world. We will be announcing the date of global action after consulting with community organizations.

Oromo activists!!

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