Friday, February 23, 2018

Ethiopia reveals details of 6-month state of emergency

State television says government has shed more light on six-month state of emergency order issued last Friday.
Police officers patrol along a road in Addis Ababa [Tiksa Negeri/Reuters]
Ethiopia has released new details about the six-month state of emergency ordered last week amid mass anti-government protests, according to state media reports.
Siraj Fegessa, minister of defence and head of the command post charged with implementing the state of emergency order, announced the details on Wednesday, state broadcasters FANA Television and EBC said.
Fegessa unveiled the order last Friday, a day after Hailemariam Desalegn abruptly resigned as prime minister and head of the ruling Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) coalition.
"The government has previously made several efforts to curtail violence, but lives have continued to be lost, many have been displaced and economic infrastructure has been damaged," Fegessa said, as quoted by Reuters news agency.
But at the time, few details were released about how the state of emergency - the second in Ethiopia since 2016 - would function.
The order comes amid widespread anti-government protests calling for more political inclusion, the release of political prisoners and an end to human rights abuses.
According to FANA TV, the state of emergency prohibits:
  • Violating Ethiopia's constitution or "constitutional order"
  • Supporting or having links to "terrorist" organisations
  • Holding unauthorised demonstrations and meetings
  • Promoting a political agenda
  • Issuing statements on security issues without Command Post permission
  • Obstructing public transportation services
  • Attacking infrastructure or development institutions
  • Blocking the work of law enforcement officials
  • Having firearms in a public area
  • Hampering the functioning of schools
  • Striking at sports fields
  • Impeding cultural, public and religious festivals
It also includes prohibitions on poorly defined activities, such as any action that may "erode tolerance and unity", or "affect the peace and wellbeing" of people in Ethiopia.
The order bars anyone from carrying weapons in "unauthorised regions", but those regions are not specified, FANA reported.
Earlier, the broadcaster said the state of emergency would also give law enforcement officers the power to detain anyone suspected of violating "the constitutional order".
They would also have the ability to search houses, cars and individuals, all without a court warrant.
The government is expected to deliver the state of emergency decree to parliament for ratification within 15 days from last Friday.
What triggered unrest in Ethiopia?

What triggered unrest in Ethiopia?

Thursday, February 15, 2018


Ethiopia prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn resigns

Hailemariam Desalegn says he has submitted his resignation as both Ethiopia's prime minister and chairman of the country's ruling coalition.
Hailemariam's announcement comes amid a political crisis and lingering unrest in the Horn of Africa country, which has been releasing thousands of political prisoners to ease tensions.
"Unrest and a political crisis have led to the loss of lives and displacement of many," Hailemariam said in a televised address on Thursday.
"I see my resignation as vital in the bid to carry out reforms that would lead to sustainable peace and democracy," he said.
Hailemariam added, however, that he will stay on as prime minister in a caretaker capacity, until the ruling Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) and the country's parliament accept his resignation and name a new premier.
Al Jazeera's Mohammed Adow, reporting from Doha, said parliament will meet on Friday to choose Hailemariam successor and noted that Ethiopian Foreign Minister Workneh Gebeyehu is considered to be a leading candidate for the position.
"If they choose a candidate from either of the two main groups who have been protesting for most of the past three years, the Oroma and the Amhara, then it will be interesting to see how they are going to appease the other group that they leave out of this coalition," he said.
Hundreds of people have died in a wave of violence across Ethiopia, initially sparked by an urban development plan in the capital, Addis Ababa, in 2015.
The unrest spread as demonstrations against political restrictions and human rights abuses broke out.

Prisoners released

Demonstrations demanding greater freedoms began in late 2015 and engulfed much of the restive Oromia and Amhara regions, Ethiopia's most populous areas, before spreading to other parts of the country.
The unrest led to a months-long state of emergency that has since been lifted.
The government has long been accused of arresting critical journalists and opposition leaders.
Human rights organisations and opposition groups have called for their release, saying they were arrested on trumped-up charges and punished for their points of view.
In January, Hailemariam announced that his government would release detainees and so far 7,000 people either saw their charges dropped or were pardoned.
An academic-turned-politician, Hailemariam has led Ethiopia since 2012, after the death of former leader Meles Zenawi.
He served as deputy prime minister and foreign minister under Meles before assuming power, and he was also elected chairman of the African Union in 2013.


Ethiopia's Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn has resigned today-- the ruling EPRDF party accepted his resignation from the top position and as the head of the party. He had been in power since 2012, following the death of Meles Zenawi. The timing of the resignation has taken many observers completely by surprise. RFI's Laura Angela Bagnetto spoke to Mohammed Ademo, a horn of Africa analyst and the editor of O Pride magazine, who says that the sheer numbers of people celebrating the prisoner releases around the country show that the government is not in control:


Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Fedhii Rabbiitiin Hidhaa waggoota 5 ykn guyyoota 2030 booda Alhamdulillah kunoo masjiida kanatti wal agarree jirra. Qaamotiin adda addaa hidhaa jechuun maal jechuu akka ta`e yaada adda addaa qabu ta`a.
Haa ta`u malee nuti hidhamnee qaamaan mana hidhaa jiraannus Fedhiin keenya, Amantaan fi yaadni keenya gonkumaa hidhamee hin turre. Ustaz Ahmedin Jabal
የአላህ ፍቃድ ሁኖ ከ 5 አመት ወይም ከ 2030 ቀናቶች ቡሃላ አልሃምዱልላ እሄዉ እዚህ መስጅድ ተገናኝተናል. መታሰር ስባል የተለያዩ ህብረተሰቦች የተለያዩ ነገሮችን ያስባሉ ፣ ነገር ግን እኛ እስር ቤት ሁነን አካላችን ብታሰርም ፣ ስሜታችን ፣እምነታችን፣አስተሳሰባችን አልታሰረም፣፣ ኡስታዝ አመዲን ጀበል.
I would like to welcome all of you to your Family and your lovely community.
we and the group who was keep you in prison knows well, that you have been jaild without any reasons, only because of your diffrent idea.
Now and next we are expecting Ethiopian government to resign and give back the power to the peoples, with out any condition!!


Dear Facebook,
Jawar Mohammed is the Director of Oromia Media Network, a political activist and has been on Facebook for almost 13 years. He has always been very active on this platform, particularly over the past four years. However he has been blocked from posting on Facebook since yesterday for "going too fast".
Your algorithm must have flagged his posts as spam by mistake. All the posts on his page are made by himself, he has a verified page with over 1.2 million followers and uses Facebook responsibly. As a media personality, he needs to constantly relay information to his followers. Please lift the blockage on his profile ( as soon as you possibly can.

Friday, January 19, 2018



Qeerroo oromoo kan Oromiyaa
Kan jiraattus biyya alaa
Harmeen siyaamti howwaadhume jalaa
Walitti qabamii bakka jirtumara irraa
Walittigurmaa`I Ulaa hundarraa
Dhaamsa siif qaba mi`oftu akka dammaa
Maaf didda howwaachu harmee jalaa
Yaadaan wal-dhabdanii, maalumaaf faffachatu
Balbalaan wal-qooddani maaliif harcaatu
Ganddummaan Wal-gurmeessitanii, kankolfaa maa nagootu
Dalagaa badii, bittinnaa`uuf ulaa mijatu
Dalagaa badii, bittinnaa`uf ulaa mijatu.

Nuun jetti harmeen haati keenya Oromiyaa
Isin Ilmaan  haadhaa fi abbaan takkaa
Wal-qabadhaa yaa`aa akka kanniisaa
Haagubattu  Diinni alagaan
Silaa hinfedhanu ,ni gubatu yoo taatan  takka
Wal- jabeessaa bakka hunda irraa
Waliin wal-hutubaa akka gaaddisaa.
Ani isin qaba, darggaggoo ciccimaa
Nuun jetti harmeen Oromiyaan
kan baratee balaliisu, samii irra akka xiyyaaraa
kan hojjetee hinquufne ,halkanii fi guyyaa
kan lolee hin galle,moo`u malee akka leencaa
hirribni kan  hin qabne, dhaga`yaa iyya harmee isaa
kan hunda dursee yaadatu saba oromoo  isaa.
 bakka deeme chufatti kan lallabu aadaaf seenaa isaa.
mee naaf himaa darggaggotni ammaa
eessa jirra nuti Maal gochaa jirraa
gara fulduraatti maal gochuu qabna?.
Maaliif callifne wal-ilaalla akka gowwaa
ituu dandeenyu hojjechuu hunda caalaa
hin dhageenyee nuti jecha oromtichaa
Yoo waliif galan alaa galu jechaa
Yoo waliif galan alaa galu jechaa.

ka`aa waliin hakaanu harka walqabannee
gufuu nudura deemu ufjalaa kuffifnee
ni dandeeyna bilisoomuu yoo waliif gallee
niqabna human chimaa kan addaan hin citnne
ofiifisgammadneeoromoo chufa boonsinee.
Sammuun keenya hayaadu fulduratti
Haxiinxxallu baa`ifnee akka hammayyaatti
Tarkaanfiin keenya hata`u akka baranaatti
mee ofirraa  hadhiifnu bashannanuu seenaa qofatti
Seenaa qofa lallabuun  nudadhabse hanga ammaatti.
nuti darggaggoonni  oromoo hakaanu hatattamatti.
Haa-mullisnu eenyummaa keeyna addunyaatti.
Alaabaaa keenya haabalaliifnu, ija diinaa duratti
haa-fayyadamnu darggaggummaa kanatti
haa-fayyadamnu darggaggummaa kanatti.

Yaa  biyya  abbaakoo oromiyaa bareedduu
Yaa biyya haadhakoo Oromiyaa bareedduu
Nama siif dhimmu dhabdee kan akkanatti rakkattu
Nan qaaneffadhe yaamuu maquma kee qofaatu
Dalagaa tokko malee akkanumatti siin boonuu.
Oromiyaan midhagduu dachee laliftuu
damma hin jettu aannan kan uf keessaa qabdu
Mee maal dhabde Oromiyaan naaf himaa isin hundu
Isee dhumaan guddannee asiin baane nu martuu
Yaa Oromiyaa biyyakoo bareedduu
Waadaa siif gala hanga dhumaattu
Hirribni nan fudhatu hanga yoomiittu
Sibilisoomsu malee hanga dhumaattu
Sibilisoomsu malee hanga dhumaattu


This is how TPLF Growing our country Ethiopia

“If Egypt wage war on Ethiopia, do not support the current gov’t” says Tigist, daughter former president Mengistu Hailemariam