Thursday, July 16, 2020



Today, I am reaching out to you regarding your employee who is closing and deactivating FB accounts of Oromo individuals who are critical of Ethiopian government. Oromos are the marginalized and targeted ethnic group in consecutive Ethiopian regimes. 

Tinbit Berhanu, who recently joined FB Dublin office has close ties to Ethiopia govt who is actively closing FB accounts of oromo activists and politicians only because they are oromo and being voice for their people. Sofar, tens of Oromo activists and politician accounts were closed and deactivated without any notice and warning. 

I think this kind of activities are against Facebook value. I kindly request you to look into the acts of Tinbit B closely and stop targeting oromo voices on FB social media platforms.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration into this matter.

Fiixaa Mootii


I read with a great sadness Brother Bekele Garbaabaa’s statement given to the court during his court appearance today, July 15, 2020.

Brother Bekele Garbaa is an honest and credible person. He is an epitome of integrity. I believe that the statement he gave to the court, I believe he gave it under oath, is the true story of the circumstances their arrest; Bekele Garbaa, Jawar Mohammed and probably Hamzaa Boranaa.

It is evident that their arrest was part of the Ethiopian regime’s preplanned crackdown on the opposition. It was setup.

Jawar, Bekele and all political prisoners have committed no crime, they are innocent and they must be released without any preconditions.
Sooner or later justice will prevail.


The Prime Minister's Gambles 

Abiy Ahmed is a gambler. He takes risks. Some of his past gambles were good and had paid off but his latest gamble risks plunging the country into its depths. He might see this crisis as an opportunity to further consolidate power by eliminating his adversaries and muzzling critical voices. The attempts of his government to blame all his political adversaries - Egypt, TPLF, OLF-Shanee, Jawar/OMN as a part of a joint enterprise carefully crafted to destabilize Ethiopia is one of the earliest indication of this. It is laughable but can be an excellent smokescreen to move against his political foes. 

The political show trial against Jawar Mohammed, Bekele Gerba and others, and the widespread crackdown against critical voices bears the hallmarks of a witch hunt orchestrated by the regime to expunge its political foes from the political sphere. Just like EPRDF 1 perverted the institutions of law and order, Abiy's Prosperity Party is instrumentalising the justice system to achieve political ends. This must worry anyone who believes in democracy and the rule of law as values worth upholding. 

I am all for accountability and justice but this is an essentially political problem that requires a political solution. The country is on the brink and the PM is not showing leadership. But he still can. He can release all prisoners, and work towards an all-inclusive national dialogue that would chart Ethiopia's path to political settlement and democracy.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


What is next for haccalu, Oromo and Ethiopia?

The government seems to figure out the assassin of hachalu before police investigation. 😕 hmmm,

Starting from the very first day of hachalu's assassination the government as an entity and officials has been engaged in non-stop accusations and judgmental incriminating allegations.
It is very interesting to see the very responsible party, the government, that was supposed to make sure of the principle of "free until proven guilty" is respected, turns out to violate the principles, and opening propaganda warfare on its political opponents. 
This by itself, has a lot to say. 
Instead of trying to find out the real criminal behind the murder of hachalu the deeds of the government not only seems to be an act of covering up the trails but also is a clear indication that the government is trying to exploit the situation at hand for its own political agenda.
By now all of the following have been incriminated by Abiy Ahmed's government
1- Egypt
2- TPLF (the Tigray people liberation front)
3- OLF (Oromo liberation front)
4- jawar Mohammed and other prominent Oromo figures.

Abiy Ahmed's propaganda machines are bringing Egypt into this mess in an attempt of buying a popular support from Ethiopians. This kind of attempt is not new in the spectrum of Ethiopian politics. The previous regime also used to link its oppositions with Egypt. Has it worked out for it? No. Will it work now? Somehow, maybe. 
This time around its not only the government that is trying to link oppositions with Egypt. The far right-wing media and "The former oppositions the now mouthpieces of the government" are also trying to link Egypt with Oromo politicians and tplf.
This coordinated attempt might get the attention of the ultra-Ethiopian supremacists. Apart from the ultra-nationalist cabin, it surely will not penetrate through the hearts of the Oromo people and the majority of nations and nationalities of Ethiopia.
 Assuming the regime will stay on power for a considerable amount of time
What's next for the judiciary procedure of hachalu's murder?

A, to be forgotten and overlooked by new cooked up agendas.

 This was particularly what happened to the cases of the killings of high profile individuals like that of the chief of staff major general seare mekonnen and the head of the Amhara regional state Dr ambacbhew.  The complicity of security forces during the communal violence following hachalus death suggests the intention of the regime to cook new attention-grabbing agendas.

B, The government will dare to sentence prominent Oromo figures by fabricated evidence.
Looking closely at the unspeakable madness of the regime this is also a very likely scenario. 

What's next for the regime and the Ethiopian state?

Only time will tell. But I can say that the current move of the regime is like putting a rubber stamp on the total wreckage of the already fractured state of Ethiopia.

Why does the International community keep silent?

It's very early to comment on the silence of the International community but if this silence continues to grow on, there could be no plausible reason other than the GERD. In due time the deal behind the GERD will eventually come out to light. 
And if the reason behind the silence is GERD, that means the silence will only continue until the rainy season of Ethiopia comes to an end. I am sure that the International community will not sit aside and watch Ethiopia becoming the new Libya under its nose.
U.S. Department of State British Embassy, Addis Ababa - UK in Ethiopia Royal Norwegian Embassy in Addis Ababa Council of the European Union

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Formation of Oromo Action Council

Press release on the formation of Oromo Action Council (OAC)

July 14, 2020

The Oromo society, which constitutes close to 50% of the Ethiopian population, is currently under serious attacks. The assassination of artist Hachalu Hundessa, an Oromo iconic singer and human rights activist, on 29th June 2020 in Finfinne (Addis Ababa), followed by the arrest of several prominent Oromo political leaders including Jawar Mohammed, Bekele Gerba, Dejene Tafa, Hamza Borana, Abdi Regassa, Dr. Shugut,…. and many other activists, journalists and thousands of innocent civilians has escalated the harsh treatment and targeted attack on the Oromo people as a whole and worsened the human rights abuses in Oromia region. Amnesty International’s recent report on Ethiopia titled “Beyond Law Enforcement” is to be noted, which stated… “a persistence of old-style patterns of violence perpetrated by the security forces threatens to derail sustained long-term gain”.

Security and intelligence forces under the command of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, a Nobel Peace Laureate of 2019, have incarcerated over 100,000 civilians, killed hundreds and injured thousands more brutally throughout the Oromia region over the past two weeks alone. In fact, the current crackdown is only an escalation of a state terror launched on the Oromo nation since the coming to power of the prime minister.

Abiy Ahmed, who jumped to the tower of power on the back of the Oromo people in 2018, in particular the sacrifices of thousands of Oromo Qerroos who gave their precious lives, didn’t spare time to turn his back on the very people that brought him to current latitude.

Many hoped that foundations for a democratic election could be laid down, fundamental questions of the marginalized communities be addressed, historical injustices rectified, and above all Oromo questions that accelerated the coming to power of the prime minister would be answered.

As a matter of fact, those hopes were dashed within a few months’ time because of the prime minister’s sinister, undue ambition to stay in power.

In a bid to hinging to power indefinitely, the Prime Minister manipulated differences and historical controversies in the heterogeneous country of more than 80 different nations and nationalities and over 110 million population. He dwelled on parsing and restoring the much-resented archaic imperial system that all non-Amhara communities of the country remember for its ruthless subjugation.  He deliberately aestheticized past injustices by erecting statues of Abyssinian emperors who were known to viciously murder, conquer and enslave the Oromo people and the southern people of the country. The man has done and is doing everything he thinks would serve his desire of power perpetuation, opening old wounds that left permanent scar on our people.

Analyzing the trend how the transition to democracy has so far stepped back, it is fair to conclude that the assassination of artist Hachalu Hundessa was politically motivated and orchestrated by the regime in power, principally to create crisis that will give them an opportunity to further postpone the election and in a way quell political opponents. The regime capitalized on the pre-calculated protest that would follow the murder of the artist, to imprison Oromo opposition leaders who rejected the unconstitutional term extension of the prime minister and his Prosperity Party.  

The Oromo now believe that their vocal voices are silenced. However, Oromo youth and the entire public are conducting peaceful struggle to get their leaders unconditionally released and to put an end to the regime’s return to tyranny. Meanwhile, Oromo community members across the globe are angrily flooding streets of their countries of residence to bring Ethiopia’s state unleashed terror to the attention of the international community and governments.

Following Hachalu Hundessa’s murder, the regime jailed prominent Oromo political leaders, shut down an independent Oromo broadcaster Oromia Media Network (OMN), confiscated properties of the media outlet, arrested journalists, and activists in a humiliating raid. The where about of some Oromo prominent figures is yet unknown. The government also cut internet to hide atrocities committed by security forces from the world.

The regime has unleashed all its institutional powers including the security forces, the police, the national army and its attorney general’s office to hunt down and kill Oromos in every town, every village and on every street in Oromia with impunity.  Tens of thousands of youth are packed into tight overflown and unsafe prison cells endangering the health and wellbeing of innocent civilians which will likely lead to the spread of COVID-19 pandemic.

Our people can not fight this systemic onslaught alone. Therefore, it is necessary to bring together Oromo intellectuals, community representatives, opinion leaders and youth from across the world to create a network to support the struggle of the Oromo people for equality, justice and democracy. To help alleviate the suffering of our people we are creating an agency that will organize and coordinate all our efforts from round the world to defend our people and intensify our campaign against Abiy Ahmed’s brutal regime, and expose its gross human rights violations to the world. We want to mobilize our human, financial and material resources in support of our people and step up our collective response to speak up for Oromo people’s just cause.

Accordingly, Oromo Action Council (OAC) is officially established to serve as a voice for the Oromo people. The Council is a non-political, not-for-profit pan Oromo organization whose main purpose is to mobilize and coordinate all our financial, moral, legal, and material resources in support of the Oromo people’s cause OAC will also work to inform the international community, human rights organizations and governments about the Oromo people and their struggle for equality, justice, human dignity, and democracy.  In doing so, we will work in solidarity with other marginalized nations and nationalities in Ethiopia to achieve our common objectives.

While publicizing its formation OAC would like to state the following points:

The Oromo people have the right to exist as a nation, the right to democracy, justice, and peace, and the right to express their free will on all matters pertaining to their political, economic, cultural and other aspirations without state interference. These fundamental demands and aspirations have been enshrined in the constitution and the regime has no right to deny.
OAC condemns in the strongest terms possible, the assassination of our beloved Oromo artist Hachalu Hundessa and the sabotage being orchestrated by Abiy’s government to obscure the political intent of the murder and the blatant state fabricated indictments to divert responsibility towards opposition parties and deny the victim due justice. 
OAC rejects unqualified investigations conducted by the regimes police and demands an impartial investigation for the assassination of artist Hachalu Hundessa by an independent international body.
OAC would like to declare that it shall work closely with organizations who stand for justice and other marginalized nations and nationalities in Ethiopia and beyond
OAC would like to call upon all diaspora Oromo organizations, civil or otherwise, to stand together at this difficult time, urgently hold an all-inclusive conference of delegates and establish a unified leadership to coordinate our actions in support of the Oromo people.
OAC would like to call up on all federalist forces to defend pluralism from neo-Neftegna regime led by Abiy Ahmed which fights against diversity and self rule.
Last, but not least, OAC calls up on the International Community and Governments to stand with the just struggle of the Oromo and other nations and nationalities in Ethiopia and hold accountable the tyrannical regime of Ethiopia led by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for its appalling violations of human rights.


What was the hoopla all about? 

Before airing the full version of Haacaaluu's last interview with OMN, the government - through relentless media propaganda - had created much anticipation on potential revelations from his replies to journalist Guyo Wario's questions. It turned out to be much ado about nothing. There's hardly any content in the interview that supports the Attorney General's claim that he had been receiving death threats from OLF-SG. Even the  most die-hard of PP supporters hoping for incriminating material on OMN staff must have felt highly let down. If there's anything that stands out from the interview, it's the fact that Haacaaluu's last verdict on current state of affairs is that "the Prime Minister has blood on his hands". The interview is much more damaging to Abiy and his henchmen than to any other group or political entity. 

From the outset, the government showed little interest in finding the actual perpetrators and delivering proper justice for the victim's family. The morning after Haacaaluu's assassination, officials began telling the public about the parties involved in the killing and what their motive was with absolute certainty.There's no way they could have known at that point unless they had prior intelligence and if they had that why didn't they provide him protection in the first place? The entire thing is a poorly written drama whose purpose is to divide Oromos along pronvincial lines and help PP consolidate its grip on power. The government has already delivered a political verdict on this case and it's naive to expect a different outcome from this process. The probe into the killing has to be carried out by an independent and impartial body for it to have a meaningful and acceptable outcome.

What we're seeing now is a political show trial whose intent is annihilating political opponents with Haacaaluu's killing being used as a useful pretext. For all we know, the assassination may have been carefully planned and executed by a certain wing of PP. In fact it makes much more sense to suspect that he was targeted by reactionary forces working in cahoots with this government. In an older interview with Dejene Gutema of OMN, Haacaaluu had revealed that he'd been attacked at least five times by groups affiliated to these forces while going about his business in the city. And right after his killing, having found a convenient reason to jail and eliminate Oromo nationalists, their agents inside government pounced at this opportunity and arrested their long time nemesis, Jawar. Why on earth would they jail an innocent man who is mourning the killing of his closest friend and brother? It's just so heartless and vindictive.There's no doubt that Abiy finds himself impotent and emasculated in the presence of Oromo political heavyweight Jawar Mohammed. 

The man, who everyone once hoped would transition Ethiopia into a democracy, has now jailed his main political opponents with bogus charges and effectively transformed himself into an autocrat with fascistic tendencies. Abiy and those cheering from the side may temporary feel invincible at this point but they will fail and they will fail miserably.The movement will overcome this! The movement will prevail! 



This is the ‘OLF-Shane’ guy who according to the government reports who threatened to kill #HachaluHundeessaa - with his brand new military uniform and polished shoes. 
He was active on telegram until yesterday 4:34PM in a country where internet is shutdown for almost two weeks now. I can assure you that there will be no ID for a person  Jaal J M G to get SIMCard from Ethiotelecom too.
There is no dought that this guy is government security agent based at PM Abiy Ahmed's office accessing the precious internet right now.#Ethiopia reveal the killers of Our loved artist and activist Hachaalu right now.

#AbiyAhmedMustGo now


Journalist Guyo Wario of #OMN has said that he is extremely worried for his life and his family members life after #AbiyAhmed security officials have kidnapped his family members, took them to military camps and harassed them to confess the whereabout of their son, Guyo. Guyo has also said that he received numerous death threats from different interest groups. He added that #Ethiopia is now a lawless land where no one takes responsibility for the security of citizens. Committee to Protect Journalists Human Rights Watch Amnesty International


I just watched the 'unedited' OMN interview translated for us by the state broadcaster. This was supposed to be the smoking gun that would serve as conclusive evidence that links not just the OLF-Shanee group, but also OMN. Recall that during a briefing a few days ago, the AG's office stated, Haacaaluu complained about harassment and death threats from OLF-Shanee group during the OMN interview. The AG's office went on to ask: "why did they cut this out? what did OMN want? (Maaf kana keessaa muran? OMNiin maal barbaade"? 

Two points: First, nowhere in the interview does Haacaaluu state that he was threatened by OLF shanee as asserted by the government. What he said is this: " people called me from Kellem Wollaga, and the four zones of Wollaga, and said, please leave the country if you could, you would never who might kill you, we would never want to lose you Haacaaluu, go and leave the country". When the journalist pressed him asking about the people threatening him, he said, "who could threaten me, anyone who would want to kill me could come ..." 

Second: there is nothing suspect about what OMN edited out because there is nothing unique or of public interest that Haacaaluu said at that point. 

And the guy on the audio who also says I am the same person who sent you the text message? Why would anyone sending a threat to another person say something like that? What would that achieve? And how does he know what Haacaaluu said on OMN at the point he sent the audio? 

Abiy's government is taking people for fools. They are insulting people's intelligence.


I have never thought that I would be writing my disgust for Oromo ruling party. I am far more disappointed by those living in the diaspora who prioritize their party politics over the people for which the party was formed. 

Always OROMO FIRST then party second. When you see Oromo being chased by the government, and targeted by the Amharic speaking brethren for no other reason but because they are Oromo, you speak up, and you speak with to ensure our people are not unjustly abused. 

I don’t care what party you belong; or the group with which you associate or even who is paying your bill. One thing is for certain, Dammit, OROMO FIRST. It is shameful to turn into a flesheating scum. 

Take care of your own- for certain others are not.

Monday, July 13, 2020


My name is Tofik 
I am using my voice to stand with #OromoProtests in solidarity with Oromos worldwide. We are demanding justice against the assassination of #HacaaluHundessaa through independent investigation. 

We are demanding the immediate release of Oromoo political prisoners like #JawarMohammed, #BekeleGerba and many others who were detained unlawfully.

We are demanding the immediate release of all political Oromoo activists and journalists unlawfully arrested and immediate restoration of internet and mobile connection 🌳


If we compromise Ethiopia killing oromos and taking advantage of Oromos will not stop. Proof? 150 years of Oromo vs Ethiopia. #oromiaindependence #FreeOromia #OromoProtests #HacaaluuHundeessaa RIP Legend!


Oromos say Ethiopia has become a ‘dangerous country for us’ at Paris rally
Ethiopia has seen deadly unrest since Oromo singer Hachalu Hundessa was shot dead at the end of June, with Oromos denouncing their marginalisation within a country that many experts are saying is becoming an authoritarian regime once more – despite the election of Nobel Peace Prize-winning Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in 2018. Oromos in Paris gathered to protest on Monday.
As they gathered around the statue holding aloft the flame of liberty at Place de la République – a major site for demonstrations in the French capital,  near the ultimate symbol of protest, the Bastille – the Oromo protesters made their anger clear. Placards and banners read “Free all political prisoners”, “Abiy Ahmed, dictator” and “Justice for Hachulu”.
The demonstration was organised in response to the killing of popular singer Hachalu Hundessa, who was seen as a crucial voice for the Oromo people in Ethiopian politics. The day after he was shot dead in the capital Addis Ababa, crowds of demonstrators converged on several big cities – especially in the Oromia region, which surrounds the capital.
Violence soon flared, with at least 239 people killed in the protests that shook Ethiopia last week, according to the country’s police. Authorities said some people were killed during the security crackdown while other were killed in clashes between different ethnic groups. More than 3,500 suspects were arrested.
The Oromo demonstrating in Paris were worried about this crackdown and expressed support for sweeping political change. “We need equality and justice in our country,” said Mussa, a 25 year-old migrant from Ethiopia.

Notably, a statement from the association organising the demonstration said that Hundessa was murdered “on government orders”, motivated by the fact that “He was Oromo”. Since then there has been a twist in the case. On Friday, Ethiopian Attorney-General Abebech Abbebe said that “the assassination was intended to be a cover to take power from the incumbent by force”, without providing details.

Intra-Oromo ‘civil war’
Abiy Ahmed is himself an Oromo. But the community is divided. “There’s a civil war going on within the Oromo group at the moment,” said Ethiopia specialist René Lefort. “Oromo are fighting against other Oromo; there are those who support Ahmed and those who have taken up arms against the government,” Lefort said.
At Place de la République, one protester who gave her name as Duniya argued that Ahmed has not done enough for the Oromo: “We thought that Abiy Ahmed supported our cause because he is Oromo, but over the past year Ethiopia has became a dangerous country for us,” she said.
This is part of a broader “repression of human rights, which affects everyone in the country”, added Fisseha Tekle, an Amnesty International Researcher on Ethiopia.
Ethiopia is becoming “more and more of an authoritarian regime”, Lefort said. He noted in particular the “thousands of political prisoners locked up all over the country” and “a press that’s starting to censor itself”.
The demonstrators in Paris also denounced these abuses. “The internet has been cut off in Ethiopia since June 30; we don’t know how our families are,” Mussa said. “We don’t know what’s going on in Ethiopia from day to day,” Duniya added.
Ahmed was not always such a divisive figure. In April 2018, his electoral victory was seen as heralding a brave new world – with the release of thousands of prisoners, the lifting of bans on hitherto repressed opposition parties and the repeal of illiberal laws. To cap it all off, Abiy was awarded the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize for creating a peace deal to end longstanding conflict with neighbouring Eritrea.
But modern Ethiopia’s first-ever Oromo leader has failed to maintain the soaring popularity that characterised his honeymoon period, especially amongst the Oromo ethnic group. “Ahmed has done nothing to stop the country from being torn apart by inter-ethnic conflicts,” Lefort said. “His main objective is to assert his power.”

By Tiffany Fillon

France 24