Tuesday, July 14, 2020


I have never thought that I would be writing my disgust for Oromo ruling party. I am far more disappointed by those living in the diaspora who prioritize their party politics over the people for which the party was formed. 

Always OROMO FIRST then party second. When you see Oromo being chased by the government, and targeted by the Amharic speaking brethren for no other reason but because they are Oromo, you speak up, and you speak with to ensure our people are not unjustly abused. 

I don’t care what party you belong; or the group with which you associate or even who is paying your bill. One thing is for certain, Dammit, OROMO FIRST. It is shameful to turn into a flesheating scum. 

Take care of your own- for certain others are not.

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