Wednesday, July 1, 2020


The international community, particularly the United Nations,  the European Union, the Governments  of United States, the United Kingdom, and the international financial institutions financing Ethiopia  must not be oblivious to the clear and present genocidal instinct, danger and intent at full display against the Oromo people over the last two years.  The persistent and heightened racist political rhetoric immediately before and after the assassination of Artist Hachalu Hundessa should be duly noted. 

Both the assassination  of Artist Hachalu Hundessa, the arrest of  high profile Oromo political leaders, including but not limited to, Jawar Mohammad, Bekele Gerba and thousands of others,  the murder of family members of Artist Hachalu Hundessa,  the ongoing mass extrajudicial killings, mass detentions throughout Oromia Region of Ethiopia must stop and condemned right away.

Clearly, turning off the internet and shutting down the only or lone voice of the oppressed Oromo people, Oromia Media Network, in addition to purposefully denying of the burial ceremony worthy of the Iconic Artist in Addis Ababa are further inflaming an already volatile situation.  

The  Oromo people’s plea, demand, wish, and desire to bury their national Icon in Addis Ababa,  his place of residence and the Capital City of the Oromia Region, continue to be denied.  

These events are all preplanned to trigger and execute the genocidal political intent and instinct that became the modus operandi of the Ethiopian politics.  In the past and particularly over the last two years, the institutional racism and hatred against the Oromo people were encouraged and defended.

- Dr. Birhanemeskel Abebe Segni

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