Tuesday, July 7, 2020


I feel compelled to say this....

This is mostly to some of my non-Oromo Ethiopian friends - We all know peace is the most desired thing right now in Ethiopia. But I think there is one thing I often see which is a MUST to talk about before the topic of peace is brought up. I think most people have been ignoring, taking it lightly, or just turning their faces away from the demands and questions of the Oromo people (Simple and basic human right). I feel like a lot of people don't understand how serious this is. Without facing and dealing with those demands there could be one Ethiopia by force (I don't know for how long) but one thing  is for sure. There will not be a peaceful Ethiopia. Unrest and chaos is not what I want or by any means promote but that is a reality on the ground we cannot deny. You just have to understand how serious those demands and questions are. 

Any one who speaks about Oromo with a little passion is considered 'ዘረኛ '... Any one who protests is 'የ ጀዋር ቡችሎች' ..... any posts about the protests/Oromo (especially on the big social media accounts) is received with tons of hateful and racist comments....and above all, people are killed and oppressed on their land.. It's just unbelievable how Oromos have been demeaned by the general public and systematically oppressed and abused by governments so far. We should all know that we have got to a generation who will not by any means take that disgrace anymore.  

I have experienced several times in taxis, social gatherings (both here and back home), at school etc... just for speaking in Oromifa or because of my last name where people quietly try to make fun(ሙድ መያዝ)  or at Amharic speaking churches when some people say 'ጌታ ይባርክህ. ተባረክ. የት ቸርች ነዉ የምት ሄደዉ?' and  I say 'የ ኦሮምኛ ቸርች' all of a sudden there is this awkward silence and with uncomfortable and tensed face they say 'ደስ ይላል. ተባረክ'....🙂🙂 I've learned to laugh and move on at these situations but this is not OK...People need to understand that very recently(during my grandparents time) the identity 'Oromo' was on the verge of disappearing. There are many incidents where people were forced to change their names because it was an Oromo name. 

Sadly this is not just the story of the Oromo people. Many other nation and nationalities share the same story but didn't get the front page just because of the magnitude.  

I sometimes feel like the these truths and struggles are like people who were falsely accused and finally released after decades. No body cared about their truth except for their family. The institutions and medias  suppress  the truth and spread false information. The society doesn't bother to know because they are living at 'peace'. There are a lot of false information and misinformation on the social media and other medias. Lets please always seek the truth and stand with the truth, because truth always comes out and will always win not matter how long. 

I'm pretty sure there will be some people who will say 'አንዴ ልካ ዛክ አንዲ ዘረኛ ነው' for writing this. This is not politics or being 'ዘረኛ '. This is speaking and standing up for your dignity and against injustice - basic human right. 

I personally don't hate anyone especially because of their race. I am very sad and against the killings and violence that is going on. As sad as it is, we all know we are talking about Ethiopia and there has always been dirty politics. And on top of that in every society there will be some evil people.  But when you say 'ለ ሰላም ስንል ሁሉን ትተን, ዘረኝነትን ትተን አንድ እንሁን። ፍቅር ይሻለናል።' before hearing the anguish of the people its like saying saying I don't care about your pain and poking the wounds. I don't think its hard to imagine the backfire when that happens. 

My point of saying all this is before we speak of real peace we first have to recognize and hear the anguish of the people. 

For those who believe God put Dr Abiy there and refuse to criticize him I want to remind us all that Saul was God's first choice not David (1 Samuel 13:13). If Saul obeyed God we probably would have never heard of David. My point is just because God put people in  position doesn't mean they're gonna finish the race....


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