Friday, July 24, 2020


Oromo American citizens- Yusuf Beshir and Redwan Aman will have pre-trial hearing before the Ethiopian government court in a few hours from now. Here is what what we know about these two so far:

1. They left Ethiopia with family decades ago because of Ethiopia's violence and persecution against Oromo people. US became their home. They made life here with their parents.

2. In 2018/19, they went back to Ethiopia, trusting Mr. Abiy Ahmed with the reform. They wanted to help their people with the education and experiences US gave them.

3. Abiy's reform was short-lived. A Few months before Abiy put on authoritarian hat. They were arrested on their way to #HaacaaluuHundeessaa's funeral on June 30, 2020.  Haacaaluu was assassinated a week after he criticized the government for attempting to restore the old imperial Ethiopia, which the Oromos successfully resisted for decades. 

4. Since then, they are detained in one of the notorious detention center known for Covid-2019 expansion. The detention center is located around Enkulal Fabrica (local name). It was a elementary school turned makeshift prison.

5. Yusuf and Redwan were not allowed access to effective medical treatment, despite their deteriorating health situations and their lives being at serious risk.

6.Recent inmate *Bekele Gerba's son) who was released from the same detention a few days ago told me that Yusuf and Redwan are finding it difficult to cope. They lost weights and contracted allergy from the crowded cell. They are mistreated. 

7. Two weeks ago, Police requested several more days for investigation, keeping them in detention without bail right; and this is the second time they are returning to court without any charge prepared against them. 

8. They are being investigated of something they have no clue about. It is politically motivated accusation.

9. Bogus accusation, incompetent and partial court, delayed charging report == FAIR TRIAL AND DUE PROCESS is gonna be an illusion! 

They don't deserve to be there. Abiy must release them and send them back to families. #FreeYusuf #FreeRedwan

We will update you their court outcome as we receive details.


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