Tuesday, July 14, 2020


I just watched the 'unedited' OMN interview translated for us by the state broadcaster. This was supposed to be the smoking gun that would serve as conclusive evidence that links not just the OLF-Shanee group, but also OMN. Recall that during a briefing a few days ago, the AG's office stated, Haacaaluu complained about harassment and death threats from OLF-Shanee group during the OMN interview. The AG's office went on to ask: "why did they cut this out? what did OMN want? (Maaf kana keessaa muran? OMNiin maal barbaade"? 

Two points: First, nowhere in the interview does Haacaaluu state that he was threatened by OLF shanee as asserted by the government. What he said is this: " people called me from Kellem Wollaga, and the four zones of Wollaga, and said, please leave the country if you could, you would never who might kill you, we would never want to lose you Haacaaluu, go and leave the country". When the journalist pressed him asking about the people threatening him, he said, "who could threaten me, anyone who would want to kill me could come ..." 

Second: there is nothing suspect about what OMN edited out because there is nothing unique or of public interest that Haacaaluu said at that point. 

And the guy on the audio who also says I am the same person who sent you the text message? Why would anyone sending a threat to another person say something like that? What would that achieve? And how does he know what Haacaaluu said on OMN at the point he sent the audio? 

Abiy's government is taking people for fools. They are insulting people's intelligence.

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