Monday, July 20, 2020


What is really happening in Ethiopia?

Why do commentators keep saying "Ethnic tension?" When basically the tension is between a dictatorial unitary regime and the nation and nationalities of Ethiopia? Specifically with the Oromo nation.

What had happened following hachalu's assassination? Let's take a closer look.

A, 239 died.

This is the official report of the government but the death toll might be even higher than this. 
Now if I may ask how and where did all these people die?

As anyone can confirm it for himself from different sources the only places where there was ethnic communal violence were in Arsi, Shashemene, and Batu areas. 

Again according to the government report only 56 people died in those areas. 

Ok, so let's say all 56 people died of communal Ethnic violence so who killed the rest 193? And where did they die? We know they were not living in the areas that communal violence was reported, so where and why did they die?

They were killed by government security forces.
All the mumbo-jumbo about Ethnic tension and Ethnic communal violence is to put a blanket on this verity.

B, More than 7k arrested

Again this is the official number of the gov spokesperson so keep in mind that it might be even higher than this.

As I mentioned earlier, the communal violence occurs in the three places only - Shahemene, Arsi, and Batu. 

But the arrests are happening all over Oromia. And the targets are members of opposition political parties. This is a clear inkling that the ruling party is after ousting its political opponents, not after enforcement of Law and order.


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