Friday, July 31, 2020


Oromo: Chairman Dawud Ibsa under House Arrest

Members of the OLF in the Diaspora have denounced the house arrest of the organisation's Chairman, Mr Dawud Ibsa. Local sources have reported that Mr Ibsa's property is under siege by Ethiopian security forces, while his telephone line has been completely disconnected. Moreover, government security vehicles have been seen driving in and out of the compound of OLF headquarter in the Gullalle sub-district of Addis Ababa.

In the aftermath of the assassination of Oromo's beloved artist Hacaaluu Hundessaa, members of Ethiopia’s armed forces deployed throughout Oromia have crackdown on anyone accused of being a member or supporter of the OLF. Currently, senior leaders of the organisation are detained without due process, including UNPO Presidency Member Dr Shigut Geleta.

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