Wednesday, July 1, 2020


#Oromia_Protests (Dr Tsegaye Ararssa)
My Facebook account and public page has been closed. 

This makes it clear that the assassination of Haacaaluu; the arrest of Jawar, Bekele, and numerous others; the closure of OMN; the interruption of the internet and communication networks; and the reporting-towards-closure the facebook account and public pages of a few of us is a conclusive evidence of the fact that #Abiy_Ahmed's regime is the sole  perpetrator of the assassination and the only orchestrator of the arrests and the associated atrocities.

I am glad that they did this; for this in itself is a definitive indictment on the regime and on his neo-nafxanyaa social media mob that have long been calling for the assassination of Haacaaluu and other Oromo leaders for the last few years. (After all, these are the mobs that have been doing a (social) media crucifiction on Oromo leaders since September 2018.)

I am also glad they did this because it is an unwitting confirmation that I am doing something right.

I will therefore continue to communicate with the public through this platform so that other friends can take and share, via facebook et al, the information I get from home. 

Today, the resistance continues even as the assassinations, the mass arrests, and the repression intensifies. It continues in various forms until:

1. Haacaaluu gets a dignified (state) funeral and his assassins are properly apprehended and brought to justice;

2. All political prisoners, including Jawar and Bekele, are released;

3. All the current tide of violence by Abiy's security apparatus stops;

We anticipate huge protest rallies today and in the days to follow.

I will share more updates and important details on this platform in the hours and days ahead.

#The_Star_has_fallen_but_the_light_lives_on! #Haacaaluu_lives!
#Ethiopia_Protests#Oromia_Protests (Dr Tsegaye Ararssa)
My Facebook account and public page has been closed. 

This makes it clear that the assassination of Haacaaluu; the arrest of Jawar, Bekele, and numerous others; the closure of OMN; the interruption of the internet and communication networks; and the reporting-towards-closure the facebook account and public pages of a few of us is a conclusive evidence of the fact that #Abiy_Ahmed's regime is the sole  perpetrator of the assassination and the only orchestrator of the arrests and the associated atrocities.

I am glad that they did this; for this in itself is a definitive indictment on the regime and on his neo-nafxanyaa social media mob that have long been calling for the assassination of Haacaaluu and other Oromo leaders for the last few years. (After all, these are the mobs that have been doing a (social) media crucifiction on Oromo leaders since September 2018.)

I am also glad they did this because it is an unwitting confirmation that I am doing something right.

I will therefore continue to communicate with the public through this platform so that other friends can take and share, via facebook et al, the information I get from home. 

Today, the resistance continues even as the assassinations, the mass arrests, and the repression intensifies. It continues in various forms until:

1. Haacaaluu gets a dignified (state) funeral and his assassins are properly apprehended and brought to justice;

2. All political prisoners, including Jawar and Bekele, are released;

3. All the current tide of violence by Abiy's security apparatus stops;

We anticipate huge protest rallies today and in the days to follow.

I will share more updates and important details on this platform in the hours and days ahead.

#The_Star_has_fallen_but_the_light_lives_on! #Haacaaluu_lives!

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