Monday, May 25, 2015

OLF - The Ethiopian Sham Election Serves Only the Dictatorial Government

The Tigray dictatorial ruling class was built on excessive military power. The regime indulged the country into extreme poverty. The corruption of the ruling class was one of the main machinery that put the country into the highest level of economic inequalities where the few members of the ruling class became the richest and the majority of the citizens are unable to even earn their daily bread.  This high level of inequality resulted into absolute poverty, migration and loss of lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Today hundreds of thousands of Ethiopian people are living in hunger and insecurity in their own country.  Some are cherished in Sahara desert and Mediterranean Sea while they were trying to escape from unfair and abusive government.

For the last 24 years, since the Tigray ruling class  came to power, the corruption, displacement of people and human rights abuses have increased with the tremendous speed. This misery darken the political space and eradicated people’s hope for democracy. The Ethiopian people have been denied political freedom and rights of expression of their opinions. In this current regime, it is a crime to have different political opinion rather than supporting the Tigray ruling class’s party. The Ethiopian regime recorded highest level of Human rights abuses, killings, and intimidations not only in African continent but also in the world.
The Tigray ruling class came to power with military force; it has built its dictatorial regime on military power and will continue to do so. One party dictatorship rule was the vision they had from the very beginning. They proved their vision within the last 24 years. In the future, they want to rule Ethiopia under one party dictatorship rule. The Tigray ruling class never listened to the Ethiopian people, nor willing to listen in the future. The responses to peoples’ questions were imprisonments, tortures and killings.
The main priority for the Tigray ruling class is to stay on power. One of the strategy they designed to stay on power is to carry out fake election every five years. The last four elections proved that the ruling class is the most dictatorial regime on the planet. This 5th election that will take place on May 24, 2015 is not different from the previous elections. This election will not make any change to the political system and democracy in the country but it is only to renew the power of the ruling class for the next 5 years. This election is not democratic and not expected to fulfil the interest of the Ethiopian people. The election board is established by the current ruling class; the so called participating political parties are not treated fairly; the members of the opposition parties are arrested, harassed and beaten; the election process do not follow the democratic principle. Therefore, one can easily to judge the outcome of such unfair and sham election.
The Ethiopian people was struggling for peace and democracy for several years. Among the people struggling for their rights the Oromo people was on the forefront. The Oromo people was struggling for many years and made huge sacrifices to regain their freedom and democracy. The Oromo people is not struggling to gain nominal seats in dictatorial government system but to become free from a century long political, economic and social domination. This objective cannot be achieved through participating in the election organised by the dictatorial ruling class.
Particularly to the Oromo youngsters and students, you have made significant sacrifices to move the Oromo struggle forward. In order to make your sacrifices yield a fruit, you must continue your struggle for freedom and democracy. Participating in this fake election means that you forget the sacrifices your brothers and sisters made. Participating in this election means that you’re building the power of your perpetrators. From many years’ experience, the OLF knows the plan and behaviour the Tigray ruling class. The OLF knows that this regime is not prepared to leave its position even if they lose the election, which is unlikely within the current election process.
Therefore, the OLF wants to inform the Ethiopian people in general and the Oromo people in particular, that this election stands only to serve the Tigray ruling class and to keep them in power for the next 5 years. This election does not fulfils the interest the Ethiopian people and do not lead to peace, stability and economic development of the country. The OLF wants to remind the Oromo and other people in Ethiopia that it should not mislead by this sham election.
Particularly to the Oromo people, you are the first target of the Tigray ruling class. The power and strength of this regime works against you. So the OLF remind you to stay away from any activity, including the current election that build the Tigray regime and keep them in power.
Victory to the Oromo people!
Oromo Liberation Front
May 23, 2015

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

 Filannoo Ethiopiaa Baranaa

Akkuma beekamu filannoon Ethiopia Bara 5tti al-tokko geggeeffama, haaluma kanaan filannoon baranaa Caamsaa 24, 2015  guutuu biyyattiitti geggeeffama jedhamee eegamaa jira.Haata`u malee filannoon biyyattii keessatti geggeeffamu yeroo maraa mootummaa wayyaanee abbaa hirree harkaa ba`uuf carraa hin arganne.Mootummaan wayyaanee bara mootummaa cee`umsaa 1991 irraa jalqabee aangoo biyya sanaa ufirkatti hanbifachuuf dhaabbilee Siyaasaa adda addaa mara irratti dhiibbaa guddaa taasisee ture ammallee haala cimaan itti fufee jira.Akkasumas namoota kumaatamaan lakkaawaman ajjeesuu fi hidhuun bara dheeraaf aangoo biyya sanii haala dimokraatwaan ituu hin ta`in haala lolaatiin hanga qaamni tokko dhufee harkaa baafatutti waan eeggachuuf murteeffate fakkaata.fakkeenyaaf filannoo bara 2005 biyyattii keessatti geggeefame irratti dhibbaa dhibbatti mootummaan wayyaanee moo`amuusaa ummata ethiopia keessa jiran qofa ituu hin ta`in addunyaan marri quba qaba.Haa ta`u malee Mootummaan wayyaanee humna guddaa biyyattii guutuu irratti fayyadamuun namoota dhibbaan lakkaawaman ajjeesuun isa kaan hidhuun filannoo bara sanii haala dinqisiisaan ukkaamsuun umurii aangoosaa dheeraffatee jira.Mootummaan wayyaanee filannoon dimokraasii fi seera qabeessa wanni jedhu akka isaaf hin mijoofne bara 2005 waan mirkaneeffateef jecha filannoo bara 2010 biyyattii keessatti gegeeffame 99.9 mo`adheen jira jechuun Paartiilee mormitootaa hunda mana marii bakka bu`ootaa keessa haree gadi baasuun biyyatti akka fedhanitti geggeessutti jiru.Ammallee itti fufuun dhaabbilee mormitoota Siyaasaa kan biyyattii sana keessatti karaa nagaa fi seera qabeessaan sochii siyaasaa mataa jaraa geggeeffachuuf tattaafatan mara,  mootummaan wayyaanee  filannoo baranaa haala gaariin akka hin hirmaanne gochuuf dirree filannoo dhippisuun fi Miseensota jaraa hidhuu fi sodaachisuun itti fufee jira.Haata`u malee diddaan fincila garbummaa biyyattii sana keessaa yeroo ammaa kallattii adda addaatiin itti fufee jira, dhaabbibbileen siyaasaa biyyatti keessatti karaa nagaan socho`an marri sochii nafiladhaa haala quufsaanillee ta`uu baatu  itti fufanii jiru.Keessumaayyuu akkuma torban darban arginetti dhaabni siyaasaa OFC ( Oromo Federalist Congress ) kan DR Maraaraa Guddinaan hoogganamu Oromiyaa mara keessatti sochii nafiladhaa saffisaan gegeessuutti jira, kanumaan walqabatee motummaan wayyaanees miseensota OFC sababa adda addaa sababeeffachuun hidhaa fi dararaa adda addaatiin irratti duulee jira.Akka DR Maraaraan jedhaaa jiranitti  filannoon baranaa haala Dimokraasii dhugaa fi seera qabeessaan geggeeffamee jennaan filannoo kana ni moo`anna jechuun afaan guutuun dubbachaa jiru.Mootummaan abbaa hirrees filannoo baranaa keessa darbuuf human waraanaa biyyattii guutuu keessatti baayyinaan gadi lakkisuun ummata sodaachisuu fi hidhuun filannoo baranaa akkuma barootan darbanii ukkaamsee moo`uuf carraaqqii guddaa taasisaa jira.Miidiaa
Miidiaan biyyattii keessa jiran  marri mootummaa wayyaanee qofa faarsuun misoomaa fi dimokraasii amma irra jirru kana kabajsiifnee itti fufuuf Motummaa wayyaanee  qofa filadhaa jechuun holola jaraa itti fufanii jiru.Mootummaan wayyaanee biyyattiidhaaf numa qofatu jira,nuti aangoo gadhiifnaan biyyattiin ni babbaddi, ni diigamti, biyyattiin akkas akkana taati jechuun holola sodaachisaa ummata irratti gadi lakkisuunni fi ofumaan uffaarsuun Miidiaa biyyattii keessa jiran hunda irratti lallabuutti jira.Dimokraasiin dhugaa biyyattii keessa ituu jiraatee dhaabbileen siyaasaa filannoo irratti hirmaatan marri walqixxummaan miidiaa biyya sanaa fayyadamuun fiigicha na filadhaa Ummata biraan ga`hachuuf carraa ni hargatuu turan.Ummmataakkuma beekamu ummatni biyyattii keessa jiru marri jechuun haala danda`amuun Mootummaa wayyaanee waliin haala mufannaa guddaa keessa jira.ummatni Oromoo millioonni hedduun muffii  yeroo dheeraa qofa ituu hin taane bara darbe waa`ee Master Plaanii finfinneen wal-qabatee mootummaa wayyaanee waliin muffii guddaa hangana hin jedhamne keessa jira. kanaafuu haala kanaan guutummmaa guutuutti ummatni Oromoo Mootummaa wayyaanee hin filatu jedhamee eegama.Akkasumas Ummatni muslimaa biyyattii guutuu keessa jiran waggaa sadiin dura gaaffiilee Amantii jaraatiin walqabatee seeraa biyyattii irraatti hunda`uun  karaa seera qabeessaan gaaffilee adda addaa mootummaaf dhiheessanii turan, haaluma kanaan mootummaan wayyaanee gaffiilee karaa nagaan ummatni muslimaa gaafate kanaaf deebii Ajjeechaa,Hidhaa fi  dararaa gurguddaa ummata muslimaa irraan ga`uutti jira.Muffii kanaan kan ka`e  ummatni musilmaa millionaan lakkaawamu Ammaa jalqabuun mootummaa wayyanee akka hin filanne karaa adda addatiin gurmaa`uun ibsuutti jiru.Ummatni biyyattii keessa jiran kan biroos haala adda addaatiin mootummaa wayyaanee waliin muffii keessa waan jiraniif filannoon baranaa mootummaa wayyaaneef haala salpaa ta`a jechuun na dhiba.Akkuma dhaabbileen siyaasaa, waldaaleen amantii fi Mootummoonni biyya adda addaa jedhaa jiranutti dhugaan Motummaan wayyaanee filannoo baranaa haala dimokraatawaa ta`een geggeessuf ni eeyyamaa?Akkasumas Mootummaan wayyaanee filannoo baranaan yoo mo`ame dhugumaan Aangoo karaa nagaa fi seera qabeessaan dabarsee qaama siyaasaa isa moo`ateef ni kennaa? Mee walumaan kan ilaalu ta`a.

Tofik Abdullah

Thursday, May 7, 2015

ጂቱ ለሚ:- "ከኦነግ ጀርባ የኦሮሞ ሕዝብ አለ!" | ሊሸሽጉት ያልተቻለ እዉነታ!

በጂቱ ለሚ* | April 2015
ሰዉዬዉ ቁጭ ብለው ሌሊት-ሌሊት ያሰባሰቧቸዉን የፈጣን ሎተሪ ቲኬታቸዉን እየቀያየሩ ሲፍቁ፣ ሲያስፍቁና ከሎተሪ መዉጫዉ ጋር ሲያመሳክሩ ያድሩ ነበር አሉ። እናማ አንደኛዉን ሲሞክሩት ውጤቱ ሌላ ነዉ። በሌላኛዉ ቢመኩም የባሰበት ሆነ! ሌላም ቢተካ ተስፋ ዬለውም። ላይተዉት ነገር የቤቱ ምሰሶና ማገሩ ‘በፈጣን ሎተሪዎቹ’ ተስፋ ላይ የተዋቀሩ ናቸዉ። አንዱ ሲጣል በሌላዉ ሲተካ ዉጤቱ እየራቀ ተስፈዉም እየመነመነ ቤቱ አልጸና ብሏቸዉ ላይ-ታቹን ሲኳትኑ በእልህ የመጨረሻ ዕድል ለመሞከር ባሕር ማዶ ድረስ ተሻግረዉ ታላቁን ‘ቶምቦላ’ በዉድ ዋጋ ይጋዛሉ። ዕድሉ ቀንቶኣቸው እነዚያን ‘ፈጣንና ፈጣጣ’ ሎተሪዎችን ለአንዴና ለመጨረሻ አራግፈዉ ለመገላገል ተመኙ። ግን ክፉ ዕድል ሆኖ ብዙ የደከሙለትን ‘ቶምቦላ’ መጨረሻዉን ለማየት ሳይታደሉ የመሄጃ ጊዜያቸዉ ደረሰና የያዙትን ሁሉ ለዘመድ አዝማዶቻቸዉ በዉርስ ሰጥተዉ ይሰናበታሉ።
የሰዉዬዉ ወራሾችም የነገሩን አያያዝ አልቻሉበትምና አንዱን ሲይዙ ሌላዉ እየሸሸ ገና ከጅምሩ በሰዶ- ማሳደድ ጨዋታ ልባቸዉ ዉልቅ ይላል። “ልፋ ያለዉ በህልሙ ዳዉላ ይሸከማል” ይባል የል! ዉድ ዋጋ የተከፈለበትና እጅግ የተደከመበት ታላቁ ሎተሪም ገና ተፍቆ ሳይፈተሽ ዉጤቱ ከወዲሁ ባለማማሩ ከመጠቅለያዉ እንኳ በወጉ ሳይገለጥ እንደተሸፋፈነ ወደመጣበት መልሰዉታል። ፈጣኖቹም ቢሆኑ ኣንድ በኣንድ እየተመዘዙ ሲፋቁና ሲጣሉ የተቀሩት ደግሞ አንዳችም ተስፋ የሚጣልባቸዉ ባለመሆናቸው የሰዉዬዉ ቤት ግድግዳዉ ተንዶ ጣራዉ ሊፈራርስ የቀናት ዕድሜ ቀርተዉታል።
ጎበዝ! በዚህ ወቅት ብርቱ ጉዳዮች ኣሉብን። ለሕዝባቸዉ ነጻነትና ክብር የወደቁ ጀግኖቻችንን እናስባለን። የተያያዝነዉን ትግል ለማፋጠን ደግሞ ራሳችንን የበለጠ እናዘጋጃለን። ስለኦሮሞ ሕዝብ ነጻነት ሲሰሙ የሚያምማቸዉን ደግሞ ጠንካራ ዉጋት እየለቀቅን የባሳ እናቃዣቸዋለን። ስለዚህም በፍጥነት ወደ ጉዳዬ ልዝለቅ!
አንድ ሕዝብ ነጻነት ከሌለዉ ህሊዉናዉ አደጋ ላይ ይወድቃል። ይህ መሰል ኣደጋ የተጋረጠበት ሕዝብ ራሱን ከመከላከል የቀደመ አሳሳቢ ጉዳይ አይኖረዉም። ለዚህም ነዉ የዚህ ዓይነቱን አደጋ መከላከል ዉዴታ ብቻ ሳይሆን ግዴታም ጭምር የሚሆነዉ። ለዚህ ዓይነቱ ግዴታ ሕዝቡ የጋራ ኃላፊነት ይኖረዋል። ይህን ሃላፊነት ለመወጣት መሪዎችንና አመራሮችን በየደራጃዉ ይሰይማል። የፖለቲካ ፕሮግራሞችን ይነድፋል። ኣዋጭ የሆኑ የትግል ስልቶችን ይቀይሳል። አሳታፊና ዉጤታማ የትግል መዋቅሮችን ይዘረጋል። ኃይሉንና ጉልበቱን ያቀናጃል። ነጻነት ያለመስዋዕትነት በነጻ ኣይገኝምና ትግሉ የሚጠይቀዉን መስዋዕት ሁሉ ያቀርባል። ይህ በሕዝቡ ፍላጎትና ዉሳኔ ብቻ የሚሆን እንጂ ከየትኛዉም ኃይል ፍላጎትና ተጽዕኖ አንጻር የሚመዘንና የሚመጠን አይደለም። እንደዚያ ሊሆንም አይችልም።
ይህ አብዛኛዉ የዓለማችን ሃገራት ነጻነታቸዉን ፍለጋ ያለፉበት ጎዳና ስለሆነ የኦሮሞ ሕዝብም ነጻነቱን ለመጎናጸፍ ሊያልፍበት በሂደት ያለ ነዉ። መሪ ድርጅት አለዉ። ግልጽና ቀጥተኛ የፖለቲካ ፕሮግራምን ይከተላል። ለሠላም ቅድሚያ ይሰጣል። ሠላምን ከሚጋፉ፣ በጦርና ጦርነት ብቻ መብቱን እየረገጡ መቀጠል ለሚሹም ተገቢ ምላሽ ይኖረዋል። ለዚህ ደግሞ ለሕዝባቸዉ ክብር ዉድ ሕይወታቸውን ለመስጠት የተዘጋጀ ሕዝባዊ ኃይል ኣለው። የሕዝባዊ ኃይል ጫና ያስጨንቃል። ጭንቀቱ ወጥሮ ሲይዝ ደግሞ ያስለፈልፋል። የሕወሃት ሰዎች ይህንን በሚገባ አይተዉታል። ጭንቀቱ ሳት ያረጋቸዉና አንዳንዴም በምጸት አንዳንዴ ደግሞ በግላጭ ከኦነግ ጀርባ የኦሮሞ ሕዝብ እንዳለ እቅጩን ይነግሩናል።
እርግጥ ነዉ! የኦሮሞ ሕዝብ ከመሪ ድርጅቱ ኦነግ ጋር ነዉ። ለእዉነቱ ማረጋገጫ የግድ የጠላት መስካሪ አያሻም። ሆኖም ግን ጠላት እንደዚያ እየመረረዉ እዉነቱን ለመቀበል ሲገደድ መስማቱ እዉነት መቼም ቢሆን እንደምታሸንፍ ማሳያ ይሆናል። በበራቸዉ ደጃፍ ያቆሙአቸዉን ምልምል አሽከሮቻቸዉን እንኳ ማመን ተስኖአቸዉ በወጡና በገቡ ቁጥር ዐይን ዐይናቸዉን እያዩ “… እነ እንቶኔ ሲፋቁ ኦነግ ይሆናሉ …!” ሲሉ እዉነቱን ኣልሳቱም። ይብዛም ይነስም በእያንዳንዱ ኦሮሞ ልብ ዉስጥ ኦነግ ተተክሏልና።
መልካም! በሂደት ሲስሟሽሹ በቀላሉ ይጨፈለቃሉና ጫን ጫን እያልናቸዉ ማስተንፈሱን እንቀጥልበት። “… ከኦነግ መፈክር ዙሪያ የኦሮሞ ሕዝብ አለ …!” ሲሉን ለቅንጣት እንኳ ብዥታ እንዳይኖረቸዉ ኦነግም ሆነ የኦነግ መፈክር ምንጩ የኦሮሞ ሕዝብ ስለመሆነ አንዱን ከሌላዉ መነጠል ፈጽሞ እንደማይቻል በድጋሚ ሙሉ መረጋገጫ እንሰጣቸዋለን። በመሠረቱ የኦሮሞ ሕዝብ የትግል አቅጣጫ የሀገር ባለቤትነቱንና ሁለንተናዊ ነጻነቱን መልሶ ማግኘት ነዉ። በሌላ አባባል የማንንም መብት ሳይጋፉ የራስን መብት ማስከበርና መጠበቅ ማለት ነዉ። እናም ታዲያ የኦሮሞ ነጻነት ግንባር ሕዝቡ የተነጠቀዉን የሀገር ባለቤትነትና ሁለንተናዊ ነጻነትን የመመለስና የመጠበቅ ግዴታ አለዉ። ለዚህም ነዉ ኦነግን ከኦሮሞ ሕዝብ ነጥሎ ለማየት የሚደረጉ ሙከራዎች ህልም እንጅ እዉን መሆን ያልተቻላቸው።
ሀሳቤን ላጠቃልል! ከዓመታት በፊት “ከዚህ ወርቅ ሕዝብ በመፈጠሬ በጣም እኮራለሁ …” ያሉን የሕወሃቱ ቁንጮ ሰዉ ለሕዝባቸዉ ያላቸዉን ፍቅርና አድናቆት በፈለጉት መልኩ የመግለጽ መብት እንዳላቸዉ መቀበል ይቻል ነበር። ሆኖም ግን አካሄዱ ለአንዱ ወርቅ ለሌላዉ ነሃስን የሚያሰጥ፣ የገዢና ተገዢ ስሜትን ለማስረጽ የተጠቀሙበት ጤናማ ያልሆነ ስልታዊ ማነጻጸሪያ መሆኑ ሲጤን ሀሳቡን በቅንነት የመቀበሉ ጉዳይ አስቸጋሪ ይሆነል። እንደዚያ ባይሆንማ ኖሮ ሌሎች ስለሕዝባቸዉ በመናገራቸዉ፣ ጭቆናንና የመከራ አገዛዝን በመቃወማቸዉና ነጻነትን በመጠየቃቸዉ በአሸባሪነት ተፈርጀው እንዲገደሉና እንዲታሰሩ ባልተደረገ ነበር። ይህ ዓይነቱ መብት ‘ለወርቃማዉ ሕዝብ’ ብቻ የተገባ እንጅ ሌሎች ሊመኙት እንኳ እንደማይገባ በተግባር አረጋግጠዉታል። ማንም የራሱን ወርቅ በአግባቡ ሊያጌጥበት ይችላል። “ወርቅነኝ …!” ብለዉ ሌላዉን ለመርገጥ መነሳት ግን ነዉር ነዉ።
እና አሁንስ ምን ቀራቸዉ? ይህን አጥርቶ ለማየት ስለሚሳናቸዉ ቀሪ ዕድላቸዉን እኛዉ ብናመላክታቸዉስ!
እንዲህ ነዉ የሚሆነዉ፥ አንድ ነፋሻማ ወረት ይመጣል። በዚያን ጊዜ እሩቅ የመሰላቸዉ እሳት በቅጽበት ይደርስና የሚመኩበትን የገለባ ክምር ይበላል። ያን ጊዜ ዓይናቸዉ ይገለጥና የተጓዙበት መንገድ ምንኛ የተሳሳተ እንደሆነ ወለል ብሎ ይታያቸዉ ይሆናል። አሁንም ባይታያቸዉ ነዉ እንጂ እሳቱም ነፋሱም በዙሪያቸው አድፍጧል – ያ እሳት ሕዝባዊ ኃይል ነዉ። ሕዝባዊ ኃይሉ ደግሞ ነዉረኛዉን ከነነዉሩ ያስወግዳል።
ድል ለኦሮሞ ሕዝብ!
ጂቱ ለሚ ነኝ

Wallaggaa Qellem Aanaa Jimma Horroo Keessaa Uummanni 50 Ol Tahu Yakka Tokko Malee Mana Hidhaatti Guurame, FDGs Itti Fufee Jira!‏

Posted: Caamsaa/May 7, 2015 · Finfinne Tribune | | Comments
Caamsaa 6, 2015 – Gabaasa Qeerroo Qeellam Wallaggaa
Oromiyaa keessa FDG qabsiifamaa jiruu yeroo ammaa mootumma Wayyaanee muddeen, godinaalee garagaraa keessaa fi manneen barnootaa Yuuniversitiilee fi koollejjiwwan naannootti humni waraanaa fi poolisiin bufatee jira, kun Oromiyaa Wallaggaa, Jimmaa fi baha Oromiyaa irratti kan mul’achaa jiruudha, Qellem Jimmaa Horroo irratti uummata nagaa qonnaan bulaa fi barattoota mootummaa Wayyaanee dura dhaabbatan kan jedhuun Caamsaa 5, 2015 irraa kaasee Oromoonni mana hidhaatti funaanamaa jiru.
Humni waraana mootummaa Wayyaanee fi poolisiin naannoo uummata naannichaa keessatti galee sodaa jiruuf jireenya eegalee achuma keessa uummata waliin jiraachuu kan eegale bultii hedduu fixeera. Mootummaan Wayyaanee humni WBO Qellem aanaalee garagaraa keessatti uummata waliin jiraata kan jedhuun humna isaa hanga gandaatti qubachiisee jira, kana irraas kan hubatamu sodaa mootummaan Wayyaanee qabuudha, kanumaan sabboontota Oromoo FDG uummata waliin qabsiisu jedhamuun yakka tokko kan irratti hin mul’anne namoota nagaa 50 ol tahan Aanaa Jimmaa Horroo keessaa qabee mana hidhaatti guure namoota muraasa maqaan isaanii Qeerroon gabaase akka armaan gadiiti.
1. Shuumataa Danuu-Qonnaan Bulaa
2. Abdiisaa Indaaluu-Ogeessa Fayyaa
3. Masarallaa Dinbaashaa-Hojjetaa Mootummaa
4. Charinat Tamasgeen-Daldalaa
5. Geetuu Tamasgeen-Daldalaa
6. Tigistuu Tamasgeen Daldalaa — namootni kun sadan obboloota.
7. Caalii Ganjoosaa-Barataa
8. Kariim Abdulkariim-Qonnaan Bulaa
9. Effawuu Abdulkarim-Qonnan Bulaa
10. Taaddalee Tasfaa-Qonnaan Bulaa
11. Nabiyyuu Tashoomee-Qonnaan Bulaa
12. Wangeeluu Bajoosaa-Barataa
13. Mallasaa Alamuu-Qonnaan Bulaa-Abbaa Maatiiti
14. Geetuu Tasfaayee-Barataa
15. Solomoon Gurichoo-Konkolaachisaa
16. Lataa Wiirtuu-Daldalaa-deggeraa fi miseensa WBO jechudhaan akkasuma mana isaa keessa meeshaa lolaatu argame jechuudhaan tika mootummaan qabame,
17. Bulchaa Qalbeessaa-Konkolaachisaa
18. Abdii Aseffaa-Barataa
19. Saamsoon Solomoon-Barataa
20. Phaawoloos Atoomsaa-Hojjetaa Mootummaa-kanaan dura irra deddebiidhaan uummata ijaarte, miseensa ABOti jedhanii hiraarsaa turan,
21. Gammachuu Bantii-Barataa
22. Ishete Zakkaariyaas-Barataa
23. Naggaa Balaachoo-Barataa
24. Dirribaa Oljirra-Qonnaan Bulaa
25. Fedhesaa Bashanaa-Qonnaan Bulaa
26. Yoohannis Qixxeessaa-Qonnaan Bulaa
27. Yaadasaa Danuu-Hojjetaa Mootummaa-kanaan duras mana hidhaa Wayyaaneetti hiraarfamaa ture,
28. Abdulkarim Jamal-mana jireenya isaa keessa sakatta’uudhaan meeshaa about argame, jechuudhaan qabame.
Namoota hafan gabaasa Qeerroo aanaa Jimmaa Horroo irraa argannuun kan walitti deebinu ta’a. Uummannis daandi gubbaatti bahee hidhamtootni keenya gadhiifamuu qabuun falma gaggeessaa jira, mana hidhaa namootni kun muraasni keessatti argaman waajjira poolisii aanichaatti nyaata namootaaf akka hin geessine humni waraanaa Wayyaanee dura dhaabbate jaallan kun hundi hidhamuu qofa osoo hin taanee miidhaa qoonqootiin saaxilamaa jiru, Qeerroon Oromiyaa bakka hundaa nuuf birmadhaa diina uummata Oromoo hidhuuf duulaa jiru dura dhaabbannaan dhaamsa Qeerroo Qellem irraa darbuudha.

Oromo Voice Radio (broadcast) 6 May 2015

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Yaada Ummataa Hundeefama OMN Bitootessa 10, 2015

Caamsaa 5, 2015 – Qeerroo

Qeerroo: Walitti Bu’iinsa Uummataa fi Poolisoota Wayyaanee Jidduutti Uumameen Godina Wallaggaa Magaalaan Qassoo Goolamaa Jiraachuu Qeerroon Gabaase

Barruuleen warraaqsaa maxxanfame ykn faca’eera sababaa jedhuun, Wallaggaa aanaa Waamaa Hagaloo magaalaa Qassoo Keessatti warraaqsa Bilisummaa ka’een uummataa fi Poolisoota Wayyaanee jidduu walitti bu’iinsi uumameen Poolisoonni mootummaa Wayyaanee afur uummataan reebamuun kaan ammo magaalicha gadhiisanii bahanii kan turan duubaan humna Poolisa Federaalaa gurmeeffachuun gara magaalaatti deebi’anii uummata gooluu fi hidhuutti babba’anii akka jiran Qeerroon gabaase.
Haala kanaan poolisiin maqaa isaa Gulummaa jedhamu kanneen reebaman keessaa madaan cimaa kan irra gahe yeroo ta’u kanneen hafan kaan dabalatee konkolaataa mootummaan mana yaalaatti ergamuu beekame.
Poolisoonni Federaalaas dargaggoota magaalaa ari’anii qabuun badii tokko malee hidhanii reebaa kanneen jiran keessaa hamma ammaatti kan maqaan beekame.
1. Dargaggoo Asaffaa Dabalaa
2. Dargaggoo Asfaw Mootii
3. Dargaggoo Nagaasaa Beekumaa
4. Jiraataa Qannoo Fiqaaduu
Ta’uu Qeerroon magaalaa Qassoo gabaasee jira.
Caamsaa 4, 2015 Mootummaan Abbaa Irree EPRDF/TPLF yakka tokko malee ilmaan Oromoo sabboontota ta’an ukkamsaa jira haala kanaan guyyaa har’aa sabboonaan Qeerroo Oromoo kan ta’ee barataa Urgeessaa Dammanaa Kumsaa humnoota tikaa mootummaa EPRDF/TPLF magaalaa Finfinnee keessatti ukkanfame.
Barataa Yuunivarsiitii Rift Valley kan ture, Sabboonaan Qeerroon Oromoo Urgeessaa Daammanaa yakka tokko illee utuu hin qabaatiin daa’imummaa isaa irraa eegaluun Oromummaan yakkamee manneen hidhaa biyyattii garaagaraa keessatti hidhamuun dararamaa kan ture, fi bara 2011 Mana hidhaa Maa’ikalaawwii, fi Qaalliittii Waggaa tokkoo oliif badii tokko malee hidhamee dararamaa kan turee fi yeroo garaagaratti mana hidhaa lixaa Shaggar magaalaa Amboottis hidhama kan ture yoo ta’uu, Guyyaa har’aa kanas badii tokkoo malee FDG Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo gaggeessa jiru qinddeessiteetta jechuun yeroo dheeraa erga hordofamaa ture, ammas humnoota tikaa mootummaa Wayyaanee EPRDF/TPLF’n guyyaa hardhaa ukkanfamee eessa buuteen isaa hin beekamne.
Sabboonaan Qeerroon barataan Oromoo kun FDG Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo biyyattii keessatti qindeessee gaggeessa jiru keessa harka qabda sabaabaa jedhuun nannoo dhaloota isaa Godina Lixaa Shaggar Magaalaa Amboo kolleejjii Rift Valley Amboo utuu barachaa jiruu yeroo sochii Warraaqsaa FDG bara darbee Ebla 2014 Qeerroon barattootni fi uummatni Oromoo sirna bittaa Wayyaanee balaaleffachuun mormii guddaa gaggeessa turanitti FDG kana qindeessuu keessa harka qabda jechuun naannoo dhaloota isaa magaalaa Amboo irraa baqachiifame, barnoota isaas akkatti baratuu dhabuun haala baay’ee rakkisaa ta’ee keessatti gara magaalaa Dirree Dawaatti barnoota isaa itti fufuuf akkuma Koolleejjii Rift Valley Damee Dirree Dawaatti galmaa’ee barnoota eegaletti hordoffiin humnoota tikaa fi dabballoota Wayyaanee itti jabaachuun akka barnoota isaa itti fufee barachuu hin dandeenye dhorkatame akkatti baratuu dhabuun gara magaalaa Finfinneetti deebi’uun hojiilee wardiyummaa fi hojiiwwaan humnaa garaagaraa hojjechuun utuu of jiraachisuu guyyaa hardhaa humnoota tikaa mootummaa EPRDF/TPLF’n ukkanfamee eessa buuteen isaa dhabamee jira.
Ilmaan Oromoo biyya abbaa isaanii keessa jiraachuu dadhabuun Mootummaan Wayyaanee diina itti ta’uun mirga namummaa fi dimookiraasii mulqamnee guyyaa irraa gara guyyaatti ilmaan Oromoo ukkaanfamaa jiraaniif dhaabbileen mirga namummaa addunyaa fi mootummootni gamtooman uummata Oromoof dirmachuu qabu, ilmaan Oromoo biyyoota garaagaraa keessa jirtan dhaabilee Idil-Addunyaa mirgoota namummaa kabachiisan hundatti akka uummata keenyaaf iyyaannu Qeerroon bilisuumma Oromoo dhaamsa

Oromo TV:Oromo Chamber of Commerce, MN 2015

Friday, May 1, 2015

The Stateless Oromo Persecuted at Home, Harassed Abroad – Announcing March for Oromo Refugees (May 1, 2015)

Statement of the Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria Inc.
Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria Inc
A.B.N. 52 554 165 204
225 Bourke St; Melbourne VIC 3000
P.O.BOX 2123; Footscray, VIC 3011
Tel: + 61 3 9663 9092
1 May 2015
The Stateless Oromo Persecuted at Home, Harassed Abroad
The Australian Oromo Community in Victoria will be gathering at Spring Street and the corner of Treasury Place, next to the Victoria Parliament in a bid to express our grave concern and appeal to the recent tragedies on Oromo and other refugees from the Horn of Africa.
The recent killings of Oromo refugees in Libya and South Africa, and displacements of Oromo refugees in Yemen due to the war are heartbreaking. Oromo refugees, who have escaped the dire situation in their home country, where they had faced daily terror at the hands of the Ethiopian regime, have fled from the widespread extra-judicial killings, abductions and disappearances, removals from their ancestral land, tortures and constant humiliations that have been going on for years. Hence, many Oromo refugees have been forced to flee from their homeland.
However, the intimidation and harassment of Oromo refugees have continued to the extreme. On Sunday, the 19th of April 2015, the terrorist group ISIS in Libya released videos of men being beheaded, and another group of men being shot. As a community, we describe the executions of those innocent refugees is absolutely barbaric and unacceptable. Similarly, the current situations of Oromo refugees in Yemen and South Africa gravely concern us. As the result of the war and conflicts in Yemen, and the widespread anti-immigration sentiment in South Africa, the current situations of Oromo refugees are terrifying. It is very disheartening to hear about these developments of communal hatred on our refugee population, and the intolerance and politicization of religion.
Oromo refugees are experiencing agonizing dreadful of human rights violations in countries where they are seeking UNHCR protection as refugees. The Ethiopian government is hunting these refugees in Yemen, even in the refugee camp while they are under UNHCR – to forcefully take them back to Ethiopia by bribing security forces in the host country.
Ethiopia’s human rights abuses are well documented by Human Rights watch and the U.S. State Department, and the current Oromo protests have renewed support to launch an international investigation to bring the responsible perpetrators to justice.
In response, more than 10 international cities, including Washington, Toronto, Oslo, Frankfurt and London, have staged mass peace protests, picking up interest globally and trending heavily on social media. Many Oromo community members have also established emergency appeals and fundraising to support people who are in need.
On Friday, the 1st of May 2015, the Australian Oromo community will call on the Australian government to urgently consult UNHCR and other international aid agencies to rescue Oromo refugees, particularly in Libya, Yemen and South Africa. It will also appeal to the Australian government to set an example by using its influence in the United Nations to put political, economic and diplomatic pressures upon the Ethiopian government to stop its continued attacks on Oromo lives, their political organisations, educational establishments and their right to self-determination.
Members of Australian Oromo community in Victoria will be gathering at Spring Street and the corner of Treasury Place, next to the Victoria parliament in Melbourne on Friday, the 1st May 2015, at 10am.
For information, please call Yadata Saba (0412 795 909)