Friday, August 7, 2015

Four Liberation Fronts, viz. OLF, ONLF, SLF & SHEPMODSOJ, Form Alliance/PAFD to Stop Repression by Current Regime in Ethiopia

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Posted: Hagayya/August 7, 2015 · Finfinne Tribune | | Comments
The following are the Statues of the Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD), established from the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), the Sheckacho People’s Movement for Democracy and Justice (SHEPMODSOJ) and the Sidama Liberation Front (SLF).



The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF),
The Oromo Liberation Front (OLF),
The Sheckacho People’s Movement for Democracy and Justice (SHEPMODSOJ),
The Sidama Liberation Front (SLF)
Hereinafter referred to as the Parties,
Whereas united effort among the oppressed people has become essential in the struggle to stop a continuous and gruesome repression perpetrated by the current regime in Ethiopia,
Recognizing the fact that true and lasting cooperation to fight repression could only exist among the oppressed people and political organization that stand and promote the causes of the people, including genuine and unfettered acceptance of the right of selfdetermination for all peoples in Ethiopia;
Reaffirming their unwavering determination to put an end to the underlying causes of repression, bloodshed, insecurity, political instability and marginalization in Ethiopia and the region, which is inflicting severe hardships and suffering on all the people, and seriously hampers the prospects for sustainable peace, freedom, and the attainment of equality, social justice, and development;
Reaffirming their commitment to shape political order and system of governance inspired by the universal aspiration for freedom and founded on the values of justice, liberty, equality, democracy, good governance, pluralism, respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms, solidarity, mutual understanding, tolerance and cooperation and the right of choice;
Convinced that the realization of all these aspirations and ideals demands the cooperation of the Parties and the coordination of their activities towards the establishment of a genuine democratic process leading to genuine healing and reconciliation and lasting peace based on the free will and choice of all peoples concerned;
Conscious that the failure of the opposition political forces to develop mutual understanding and coordinate their struggle benefited no one but rather contributed in prolonging tyranny by the TPLF regime and perpetuated the misery and agony of all,  Resolved therefore to bring and guarantee freedom of choice and genuine democracy in Ethiopia and the region, Have in consequence decided to set up the Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD) and have for this purpose adopted this Statute:

Click Here to Read the Entire 13-Page Statues of PAFD (pdf)


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