Friday, August 18, 2017


It was to be recalled that a nation-wide call for a two day stay-at-home protest was made for 21-22 August, 2017.
However, it has become necessary to change the date from 21-22 August to 23-27 August, going continuously non-stop.
The reasons for the change are:1) the fact that it falls on the holiday (of breaking fasts commonly known as "Filseta Tsom" among the adherents of the Orthodox Christian faith); and 2) the fact that more time is needed in order to prepare for a more effective protest.
Consequently, the stay-at-home protest shall be effective for five consecutive days starting from the 23rd of August through to the 27th of August 2017.
To the people of the faith who break their fast of the season, we wish them all a very happy and festive holiday. Our goal is to try to have our peoples' rights protected without offending any groups thereof.
Victory to our people!
(From Qeerroo of Ambo)."

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