Friday, January 5, 2018


The winner is Lemma Magarsaa!
Here is how I've graded the performance of EPRDF leaders during the much-anticipated press conference.
The only person who spoke from his heart with immense confidence was Lammaa Magarsaa. Hailemariam, Mekonnen and Debretsion had no substance to offer as they were just lying through their teeth. These incompetent and corrupt powermongers do not qualify to be leaders of our country in the first place.
I salute the rising star PM Lammaa Magarsaa who spoke with charisma, integrity, clarity and confidence. He has clearly articulated the aspiration of Ethiopians for radical change.
This man has undoubtedly taken a bold stand against TPLF's repression and corruption in Ethiopia. I believe the reformist deserves to take over the premiership from good-for-nothing Hailemariam Desalegn.

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