Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Why are tensions rising in the 

Red Sea region?

Why are tensions rising in the Red Sea region?
The recent visit by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was the first by a 
Turkish head of state 
1956 when Sudan gained independence
SOURCE: AL JAZEERA NEWSTensions in the Red Sea region have been brewing 
'Sudan in Turkish hands'

Military reinforcements
Ethiopian Dam project
Eritrean-Ethiopian tensions

for months but came to the fore when Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Sudan last month.
The visit, hailed as historic, was the first by a Turkish head of state since 1956 when Sudan gained independence.Sudan's official state news agency said the two countries agreed to set up a strategic planning group to discuss international affairs, and that theyintended to conclude amilitary deal.Among more than a dozen agreements signed by Erdogan and Sudanese President
 Omar al-Bashir was a deal to temporarily hand over 
the Red Sea island of Suakin to Turkey.
Ankara and Khartoum said Turkey would rebuild the ruined,
 sparsely populated Ottoman
 island to increase tourism and create a transit point for pilgrims 
crossing the Red Sea to Islam's holiest city of Mecca.
Egyptian and Saudi media have harshly criticised the agreement, and 
alleged Turkey would build a military base on Suakin.
Turkey and Egypt, an ally of Saudi Arabia, have had frosty
 relations for some time. 
Ankara strongly condemned Egypt's military coup in 2013, which
 overthrew the first
 democratically elected president, Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim
Saudi newspaper al-Okaz ran a headline that read: "Khartoum hands
 over Suakin to Ankara … Sudan in Turkish hands."
"Turkey's greed on the African continent seems to have no limits,
" the report noted, 
referring to Turkey's recent move to set up its biggest overseas
The Sudanese embassy in Saudi Arabia responded by saying that 
"Suakin belongs to Sudan,
 no one else", and promising that the deal with Ankara would not
 harm the security of Arab countries.
The ripples, however, were immediately felt across the African
In what may have been a response to fears that Turkey was
 expanding its influence in the 
region, Egypt sent hundreds of its troops to a UAE base in Eritrea
on the border with Sudan.
Khartoum responded by recalling its ambassador to Cairo, hours 
after the
 head of the
 Sudanese Border Technical Committee, Abdullah al-Sadiq, accused
 Egypt of trying to "drag Sudan into a direct [military] confrontation".
Days later, Sudan shut its border with Eritrea and deployed 
thousands of troops there.
The Suakin island deal with Turkey has merely
 heightened an already tense political 
situation in the region. For months, Sudan and Egypt 
have exchangedaccusations,
 with Cairo claiming that Khartoum had been supporting
 Muslim Brotherhood members
 and Khartoum alleging Cairo was supporting Sudanese
 dissidents.Also straining relations between the African
 nations is the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance
 Dam (GERD) project, the largest hydroelectric dam project 
in Africa.Unhappy with Khartoum, Egypt last week reportedly 
proposed to Ethiopia to exclude Sudan
 from contentious negotiations over the future of the dam.
Egypt has been at odds with its neighbours over the $4.8bn 
megaproject, with Cairo
 fearing that its position downstream may affect its access to
water from theNile River basin, which will feed the dam.
The Egyptian proposal, sent by Egyptian President
Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, suggested
 that talks proceed with Ethiopia alone,
 according to the Addis Fortune newspaper. Egypt was
 quick to deny the claims.
On Monday, Hailemariam received Sudanese army 
chief Emad al-Din M Adawi and 
discussed how to further strengthen their "strategic partnership".
Adawi said the two neighbours would continue in their 
collaborative efforts to contain problems in the region.
The deployment of Egyptian troops to Eritrea has sent longtime foe Ethiopia 
into a frenzy.
 Aware of the poor relations between Egypt and Ethiopia over Nile water use, 
Eritrea eagerly welcomed the Egyptian troops.
Ethiopia, which has the third-largest army on the continent, responded by 
sending more
 troops to the border with its regional rival, Eritrea. Asmara and Addis Ababa have
 had two bloody wars over border disputes.
Ethiopia is also uneasy that the United Arab Emirates, which has cosy relations
 with Cairo, 
has been stepping up its presence in the region. It recently acquired military 
and naval basesin countries that
 have borders with Ethiopia, Somalia to the east and Eritrea to the north,
 as well as Yemen. This has led
 Ethiopia to steam ahead with construction of the dam, saying that more than 
60 percent has
 already been completed.
"Construction has never stopped and will never stop until the project is completed. 
We are
 not concerned with what Egypt thinks. Ethiopia is committed to benefit 
from its water resources without causing
 harm to anyone," Seleshi Bekele, Ethiopia's minister for irrigation, water and
 electricity, said in November.
As Egypt, Turkey and the UAE make efforts to expand their influence and
 secure allies in
 the region, it is unclear whether relations between African states will
 continue to sour. Further twists and
 turns could be ahead as African heads of state prepare to meet in Addis 
Ababa later this month for the African Union summit.

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