Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Requirements to Conduct Closed meeting in the House of peoples representatives
-Article 58(5) of the FDRE constitution says the following on how to conduct meetings in the house
“Meetings of the House shall be public. The House may, however, hold a closed meeting at the request of the Executive or members of the House if such a request is supported by a decision of more than one-half of the members of the House.”
Then my question is - To hold a closed meeting in the house two requirements must be gratified
1- The executive or the house itself must request it and
2- it must be supported by majority ( 50+1)
- Did they really went through this procedure to hold a closed meeting or they just did to satisfy the request by Executive ( in our case the PM) ?
- Under House of Peoples' Representatives Working Procedures and Code of Conduct regulation number 2(2005) article 16 it says the following about closed meetings of the house :-
- “Where the members of the House or the Federal executive body request for a closed meeting of the House and if such a request is supported by more than half of the members of the House, a closed meeting may be held.
- why closed meeting then ?, what kind of business they wanna hide from the public?
Zak Kedir

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