Saturday, July 4, 2020


Thousands of people died for PM Abiy to change Ethiopia, not to make him a king.... Fortunately, for winning a title of a Nobel Peace Prize winner, he has joined the likes of Aung San Suu Kyi who happily murdered her own people. #OromoProtests #AbiyMustGo #Oromolivesmatter


Today, the Amharic speaking Neo Neftagna group fast overtaking state power in Addis Ababa arrested Mr. Lidetu Ayalew and Mr Yilkal Getinet, both ethnic Amharas. 

This is intended to divert and cover-up the ongoing  massive extrajudicial killings and massive mass arrest exclusively targeting the Oromo people and Oromo political leaders since the assassination of Artist Hachalu Hundessa,  an Oromo.

The international community and the broader Ethiopian public must immediately and unconditionally condemn the genocidal instinct and intent of this ethno racist regime  against the Oromo people in this fast evolving political crises unfolding in Ethiopia.


What really Happened during #Jawar & #Bekele s arrest

by Henok G. Gabisa


1. Jawar&Bekele left home to accompany #HaacaaluHundeessaa’s body to Ambo. 
2. They joined the convoy & continued accompanying the crowd. In OMN video you can hear “Jawarfaa dhufaniiruu”- Jawar and them are here 

3. While the conviy is en route to Ambo, Shimelis (Oromia President) &Takele  (Addis Mayor) made phone calls to the Convoy announcing that #HaacaaluHundeessaa is gonna be buried in Finfinnee.

4. They wanted all including Jawar to return to the Oromo Cultural Center in Laghar

5. #HaacaaluuHundeessaa’s body was temporarily held in the Oromo Cultural Center. At this point, I have have chance to talk to Hacaaluu’s friend who was at the center. He confirmed that Shimelis & Takele made decision to return to Addis Ababa.

6. Jawar and Bekele with their security details (8 of them) and several cars carrying Redwan and Yusuf (Jawar’s friends) arrived at the Center- honestly believing (may be surprised)  that Gov’t decided to bury #HaacaaluuHundeessaa in Finfinnee! But it was not!

7. Little did Jawar and Bekele knew the Gov’t was setting them up. How? 

8. Jawar et al were told to enter the Center from behind (not public entrance gate) with a VIP access and attend the service. They did. They thought service is going to be done at the Center.

9. As soon as they entered the gate, they were told to get out of the car. Jawar’s security details were told to disarm themselves.

10. Jawar, as the principal of security details, told them to comply with the govt police order. They all disarmed themselves without any hesitation

11. At this point, Oromia Police was ordered to make an arrest of Jawar and everyone in his convoy- all of them about 35 in total. That includes, Redwan, Yusuf, Sami and Bontu (Bekele’s children), 8 security details and other friends from Jawar family and Bekele family.

12. Oromia police didn’t want to arrest Jawar b/c they didn’t see any crime that Jawar, Bekele & his friends were committing except that they came for funeral serivice of their friend-a prominent Oromo singer who was gunned down a week after he spoke on a media Jawar founded (OMN

13. When Oromia Police resisted the order to arrest Jawar, Abiy personally ordered Federal Commandos to rush to the Center (Lagahaar) to execute the arrest. 

14. Engagement b/n Oromia police and Abiy’s Federal Commandos picked ang got heated.

15. Jawar and Bekele didn’t like the situation. They realized what was happening and they realized Gov’t’s call to everyone to gather at the Center was a set up. 

16. Both tried to cool everyone down and told them that they are ready to be arrested peacefully.

17. At this point, I was in a three way phone call (DC-Texas-Finfinnee) taking note of the situation. I tweeted “Jawar is surrounded. Not legally arrested.”  This is a moment they were cooling down the escalating situation b/n Oromia police and Abiy’s Federal Commando.

18. Jawar and Bekele and their family members all got picked by Federal force and detained in different locations. 

19. Some more friend’s cars who were far behind Jawar’s car didn’t get to the  Center’s gate. So, they weren’t arrested. Some of them shared with us what they saw

Henok G. Gabisa
July 2020
Washington DC

Thursday, July 2, 2020

#Ethiopian # AbiyMustGo

Abiy's government must release Jawar Mohammed, Bekele Gerba, and others currently in detention. Over the last two years, his government made several strategic blunders, mismanaged the transition and wasted the massive opportunity he had for reconciliation and healing. 

This latest move to detain and drag leaders of the opposition before courts at a time when the community is mourning the loss of one of its most cherished sons is beyond disrespectful.  The government can avoid yet another strategic disaster that will risk complete chaos and an unnecessary loss of lives. 

Abiy must release them all and work with elders to bring the temperature down. It is the government's duty to de-escalate the situation and calm people.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020


The international community, particularly the United Nations,  the European Union, the Governments  of United States, the United Kingdom, and the international financial institutions financing Ethiopia  must not be oblivious to the clear and present genocidal instinct, danger and intent at full display against the Oromo people over the last two years.  The persistent and heightened racist political rhetoric immediately before and after the assassination of Artist Hachalu Hundessa should be duly noted. 

Both the assassination  of Artist Hachalu Hundessa, the arrest of  high profile Oromo political leaders, including but not limited to, Jawar Mohammad, Bekele Gerba and thousands of others,  the murder of family members of Artist Hachalu Hundessa,  the ongoing mass extrajudicial killings, mass detentions throughout Oromia Region of Ethiopia must stop and condemned right away.

Clearly, turning off the internet and shutting down the only or lone voice of the oppressed Oromo people, Oromia Media Network, in addition to purposefully denying of the burial ceremony worthy of the Iconic Artist in Addis Ababa are further inflaming an already volatile situation.  

The  Oromo people’s plea, demand, wish, and desire to bury their national Icon in Addis Ababa,  his place of residence and the Capital City of the Oromia Region, continue to be denied.  

These events are all preplanned to trigger and execute the genocidal political intent and instinct that became the modus operandi of the Ethiopian politics.  In the past and particularly over the last two years, the institutional racism and hatred against the Oromo people were encouraged and defended.

- Dr. Birhanemeskel Abebe Segni


#Oromia_Protests (Dr Tsegaye Ararssa)
My Facebook account and public page has been closed. 

This makes it clear that the assassination of Haacaaluu; the arrest of Jawar, Bekele, and numerous others; the closure of OMN; the interruption of the internet and communication networks; and the reporting-towards-closure the facebook account and public pages of a few of us is a conclusive evidence of the fact that #Abiy_Ahmed's regime is the sole  perpetrator of the assassination and the only orchestrator of the arrests and the associated atrocities.

I am glad that they did this; for this in itself is a definitive indictment on the regime and on his neo-nafxanyaa social media mob that have long been calling for the assassination of Haacaaluu and other Oromo leaders for the last few years. (After all, these are the mobs that have been doing a (social) media crucifiction on Oromo leaders since September 2018.)

I am also glad they did this because it is an unwitting confirmation that I am doing something right.

I will therefore continue to communicate with the public through this platform so that other friends can take and share, via facebook et al, the information I get from home. 

Today, the resistance continues even as the assassinations, the mass arrests, and the repression intensifies. It continues in various forms until:

1. Haacaaluu gets a dignified (state) funeral and his assassins are properly apprehended and brought to justice;

2. All political prisoners, including Jawar and Bekele, are released;

3. All the current tide of violence by Abiy's security apparatus stops;

We anticipate huge protest rallies today and in the days to follow.

I will share more updates and important details on this platform in the hours and days ahead.

#The_Star_has_fallen_but_the_light_lives_on! #Haacaaluu_lives!
#Ethiopia_Protests#Oromia_Protests (Dr Tsegaye Ararssa)
My Facebook account and public page has been closed. 

This makes it clear that the assassination of Haacaaluu; the arrest of Jawar, Bekele, and numerous others; the closure of OMN; the interruption of the internet and communication networks; and the reporting-towards-closure the facebook account and public pages of a few of us is a conclusive evidence of the fact that #Abiy_Ahmed's regime is the sole  perpetrator of the assassination and the only orchestrator of the arrests and the associated atrocities.

I am glad that they did this; for this in itself is a definitive indictment on the regime and on his neo-nafxanyaa social media mob that have long been calling for the assassination of Haacaaluu and other Oromo leaders for the last few years. (After all, these are the mobs that have been doing a (social) media crucifiction on Oromo leaders since September 2018.)

I am also glad they did this because it is an unwitting confirmation that I am doing something right.

I will therefore continue to communicate with the public through this platform so that other friends can take and share, via facebook et al, the information I get from home. 

Today, the resistance continues even as the assassinations, the mass arrests, and the repression intensifies. It continues in various forms until:

1. Haacaaluu gets a dignified (state) funeral and his assassins are properly apprehended and brought to justice;

2. All political prisoners, including Jawar and Bekele, are released;

3. All the current tide of violence by Abiy's security apparatus stops;

We anticipate huge protest rallies today and in the days to follow.

I will share more updates and important details on this platform in the hours and days ahead.

#The_Star_has_fallen_but_the_light_lives_on! #Haacaaluu_lives!

Saturday, June 13, 2020


Ethiopia’s Tigray Region to Proceed With Vote, Stoking Tensions

Friday, June 12, 2020


በህገ ወጥ መንገድ የመንግሥት የሥልጣን ጊዜ መራዘሙን ተከትሎ የኦነግ እና ኦፌኮ የጋራ መግለጫ

የፌዴሬሽን ምክርቤት የመንግስትን የስልጣን ዘመን በማራዘሙ ያደረብንን ስጋት መግለጽ እንወዳላን፡፡ ድርጊቱ ሕገ ወጥና ህግን ያልተከተለ ድርግጊት ስሆን ህገ መንግስቱን ከመጣሱም በላይ የሀገሪቱን ሰላም እና መረገጋት አደገ ላይ የሚጥልም ነዉ፡፡ ከመጀመሪያዉም ጀምሮ ህገ መንግስቱ የመንግስትን የስልጣን ዘመን ማራዘም የማይፈቅድ መሆኑን ስንገልጽ ቆይተናል፡፡ በመሆኑም አማራጭ የመፍትሄ ሐሳብ ማቅረባችን የሚታወስ ነዉ፡፡

መንግስት ያቀረበዉን አማራጭ በመቃወም ሌላ አማራጭ የመፍትሄ ሐሳብ ብናቀርብም፤ መንግስት በተናጥል ዉሳኔዉ ጸንተዉ የተወካዮች ምክር ቤት ጉዳዩን ወደ ህገ መንግስት አጣሪ ካዉንስል መርቶታል፡፡ ካዉንስሉም የመንግስትን አቋም ከሚደግፉት ባለሞያዎች ጋር ብቻ የይስሙላ ዉይይት በማድረግ በአሚከሱ (amicus) ላይ የተለየ ምልከታ ያለቸዉ የመደመጥ ዕድሉ ተነፍጓል፡፡ በተጨማሪም የጥቅም ግጪትን የማስቀረት መርህ ተጥሷል፡፡ ስለሆነም ዉሳኔዉ የመንግስትን ፍላጎት የሚያንፀባርቅ መሆኑ የሚገርም አይሆንም፡፡

ከመሠረታዊ የዉክልና ድሞክራሲ መገለጨዎች አንደኛዉ በመደበኛነት በተወሰነ ጊዜ ምርጫ ማካሄድ እና የተመረጡትም የሕዝብ ተወካዮች የሥራ ዘመናቸዉም ለተወሰነ ጊዜ ብቻ ስሆን የስራ ዘመናቸዉም ስጠናቀቅ ኃላፍነታቸዉን የምለቁ ይሆናል፡፡ የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ምርጫ ቦርድ የኢትዮጵያ ጠቅላላ ምርጫ ለማካሄድ ለነሐሴ 21 2012 ዓ.ም እቅድ ተይዞለት እንደነበር የሚታወስ ነዉ፡፡ ሆኖም ግን የምርጫ ቦርድ መንግስት የኮሮናን ቨይረስ ስርጭትን ለመከላከል በእንቅስቃሴ እና በመሰብሰብ ላይ ገደብ በመጣሉ ምርጫ ለማካሄድ እንደማይችል ገለጸ፡፡ በወቅቱ ምርጨን ለማራዘም ምንም ዓይነት የህገ መንግስት መሠረት ሰይኖር አጠቃላይ ምርጫን ማንሳፈፍ ህገመንግስታዊ ቀዉስ የሚያስከትል እና ከመስከረም 30 2013 ዓ.ም በኃላ አድስ የተመረጠ የህዝብ ተወካዮች ምክር ቤት ሳይኖር ማንኛዉም መንግሥታዊ ዉሳኔና ድርጊት በህገ መንግስቱ በግልጽ የተቀመጠዉን የአምስት ዓመት የስራ ዘመንን የምጥስ ይሆናል፡፡  የህገመንግስቱ አንቀጽ 54(1) እና 58(3) እንዲሁም የምርጫ ህጉ አንቀጽ 7 ምርጫ በየአምስት ዓመቱ መደረግ እንደለበት ይደነግጋል፡፡ የምርጫ ጊዜን ለማራዘም በር የሚከፍት ነገር አያሳይም፡፡

የአሁኑ የኢትዮጵያ ህገ መንግስት በ1987 የፀደቀ ስሆን የመድበለ ፓርቲ ስርዓት እና በየጊዜዉ የምደረግ መደበኛ ምርጫን በሀገሪቱ እዉን ያደረገ ነዉ፡፡  የህዝቦችን በመንግስት አስተዳደር የፖለቲካ ተሳትፎ በሚየረጋግጥ መርህ የተቃኛ ስሆን፤ ህገመንግስቱ የኢትዮጵያ ዲሞክራሲ የፖለቲካ ብዘሃነትን እንደ ወሳኝ መርህ የተቀበለ ነዉ፡፡ የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎች መብት እና ተግባራትም ከህገ መንግስቱ የተቀደ ሆኖ በሀገሪቱ የፖለቲካ ፓርቲ ህግ ዉስጥ ተካቷል፡፡

በሀገሪቱ የመድበለ ፓርቲ ምህዳር ዉስጥ ተመዝበዉ፤ ንቁ ተሳትፎ በማድረግ ላይ የሚገኙት የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎች ሁሉ ከላይ በተጠቀሱት ህጎችና መርሆዎች መመራት አለባቸዉ፡፡ ስለሆነም የአከባቢያዊ እና የፌዴራል ምርጫን በተናጠል በአንድ ፓርቲ ብቻ የማራዘም ስልጣንን አጥብቀን እንቃወማላን፡፡ የፌዴሬሽን ምክርቤት ዉሳኔ በዚህ መንግስት ለህዝብ የተገባዉ ቃል በመታጠፉ በቋፍ ላይ ያለዉን የህዝብን ቅራኔ የሚያባብስ ይሆናል፡፡ በመሆኑም ወደ አመጽ ልያመራ የሚችል ሰፊ ህዝባዊ ንቅናቄ ልቀሰቀስ እንደምችል ስጋታችንን መግለጽ እንወደላን፡፡ ይህም ወደ አደባባይ የሚመልሰን ብቻ ሳይሆን ከዘርፈ ብዙ ማህበራዊ፣ ኢኮኖሚያዊ እና የህብረተሰብ ጤና ተግዳሮቶች ጋር እየተጋፈጠ ላለዉ መንግስት ችግሩን ለመቆጣጠር አዳጋች ይሆናል፡፡

በገዢዉ ፓርቲ የኛን እና የሌሎች የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎችን የመፍቴ ሐሳብ እንዲሁም የዜጎችን ጥሪ  ሙሉ በሙሉ ቸል መባሉ ከመስከረም 30 2013 ዓ.ም በኃላ የሚከሰት ህገ መንግስታዊ ቀዉስን ለማስቀረት ሁሉን አካታች የፖለቲካ ዉይይት አለማድረጉ እጅጉን የሚያሳዝን ነዉ፡፡ የገዢዉ ፓርቲ የራሱን መንግስት የሥራ ዘመን በተናጠል የማራዘም ዉሳኔ ግልጽ የሆነ ህገ መንግስታዊ ጥሰት ከመሆኑም በላይ ስልጣንን ካለአግባብ መጠቀምም ነዉ ብለን እናምናለን፡፡ በተጨማሪም በህገ መንግስቱ የተረጋገጣዉን የዲሞክራሲ እና መድበለ ፓርቲ የመንግስት አስተዳደር መርህ ጋር የሚፃረር ከመሆኑም በላይ በመንግስት ኃላፍነት የተወሰና የሥራ ዘመን የሚለዉን የህገ መንግስት መርሆን የሚሸረሽር ይሆናል፡፡ በዚህም መሠረት የገዢዉን ፓርቲ በተናጠል እና  ኢህገ-መንግስታዊ በሆነ መንገድ የመንግስት የሥራ ዘመንን ለማራዘም  የወሰነዉን የተናጠል ዉሳኔ አጥብቀን እንቃወማለን፡፡ አሁንም በድጋሜ ገዢው ፓርቲ መድረክ አመቻችቶ ከተፎካካሪ ፓርቲዎች ጋር በጥልቀት ተወያይቶ መፍትሄ በማመንጨት ከፓለቲካዊ መግባባት ይደረስ ዘንድ ጥሪያችንን እናቀርባለን።

የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ግንባር
የኦሮሞ ፌዴራላዊ ኮንግረስ
ሰኔ 3, 2020


Viele Äthiopier sind von Abiy Ahmed enttäuscht

Der Hoffnungsträger und Friedensnobelpreisträger regiert zunehmend repressiv. Wandelt er sich zum Diktator?

Thursday, June 11, 2020


Qacceen Ofii Dhaaneeti Ofiimmoo Iyya 

Documentry OBN dabarse kan kanaan dura TPLF dabarsaa ture: dhumaatii baddannoo, arbaa guugguu 'cifcefaa' qilee hinquuftuu Haadha quree, aklidaamaa, Addis Abeban inde bagdaadiifi kanneen biroo hedduu olola Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo xureessuuf taasifamee darberraa adda miti. Kan adda taasisu yeroo San OPDOn garbittii Tigree taatee dabarsuufi ammammoo gooftummaan dabarsuu ishii qofa.  
 Ummata Oromoo keessa sosso'aa jirru yeroo carraa walitti qabnee dubbisaa turre dhaamsiifi barnoonni laataafii turre dhugaa jirtu ibsu ragaan hedduu jiraatus ammaaf video kana ilaaluun qofti gahaadha. Barnoota akkasii guutuu dhihaatti WBOn kennamaa ture keessaa kun fal'aanaan kan fuudhamtedha.  
 Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo ofii isaa akka OBN jedhuun nama dararuu mitii ummata yeroo qaawwi uumamee haala mootummaan TPLFn durfamu jigaa deemee keessa qaawwa argateen quurama qabuun haaloo walbahuuf tureyyuu akka kun tahu hin hayyamne. Kanas video kanarraa nihubattu. OPDO ummata ganna 27f ajjeestee ajjeesisteyyuu ummanni akka of keessa jiraachisu kadhate WBOn, sun gatii har'a kafalaa jirruufuu deebi'ee balaa nutti fide. Akka jiraatan goonee har'a jireenya nudhorkuuf muuxatanii ka'an. Ummanni gaafas nu dhagahee warra kana of keessa jiraachises har'a aarsaa guddaa kanfaluutti jira. Dhugaan jiru kana.  
 Documenteryn OBN gubbaa baate garuu waan sadiif: 
 1• amnesty international ibsi inni baase haqa galaana guddaa keessaa kan shinii tokkoyyuu hin taane sun abbootii irree rifaasise. Ajjeechaa, hidhaafi reebichi isaan gaggeessan dhokachuu akka hin dandeenye, dhugaa diida bahe kanas akkitti dhoksan waan dhibeef, WBO isaan hadheessan kana keessatti yakka dalage jedhamees waan himatamuu dhabeef(wanti ittiin himatamus yakki WBOn godhe hin jiru) kanaaf deebbii dhabuurraa waan yaada nama gara biraa jallisu tolchuuf dirqamnaan documentry kana tolchan, 
 2• Oromoon rakkoon isa bokoksee ukkaamfatee gaafa dadhabu roorroo ofirraa qoluuf daandiitti bahuu eegaluun OPDO akkaan rifaasiseera. Galaanni ummataa Balaa inni qabu mmoo gaafa TPLF waliin turan bateechanii beeku waan ta'eef, kanas akkaataa itti laamshessaniif karoora tolfatanii qophiin taa'aa turan keessaa tokko documentry kana gad baasan, 
 3• Inni sadaffaan Jaalalaa fi mararfannaan Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo saba isaa biraa qabu akka hadhaahu, ummata dugda itti galchuun duula qawween dadhaban ololaan cabsuuf documentry kana tolchan.  
 Dhugaan Garuu Hadhooftuu dha. Murtiin Kan Saba Keessa Jirruuti.


ONLF Position regarding the postponement of the elections and continuation of the current status quo in Ethiopia
The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) expresses its grave concern regarding the process that resulted in the decision of the House of Federation to postpone the 2020 elections and extend the mandate of the government and its institutions beyond what the constitution allows.
Out of our concern for public safety, the ONLF was one of the prominent political parties that saw the necessity of taking into consideration the effects of the COVID19 Pandemic on the planned elections. However, we believe that any extension of the current governments mandate should have been done through an inclusive and consultative process resulting in a political consensus rather than a unilateral decision by the one-party dominated two-tier parliament. A political consensus whereby the views of the opposition political parties were taken into consideration and a climate of trust and fruitful collaboration was promoted would have been more likely to create an environment where the promised peaceful and comprehensive democratic transformation of Ethiopia would have been possible.
Now that the government has taken this unilateral decision despite clear warnings by opposition parties, the ONLF wishes to affirm that Ethiopia is entering a more dangerous political phase which can only be described as a sudden and profound halt in the democratisation process.
For all regions, there are security issues and transition crisis, therefore, this delay in elections is sure to further endanger peace and stability. Thus, Across Ethiopia, the ONLF is concerned that increased tensions will be catastrophic and benefit no one.
Therefore, the ONLF calls upon the government to enter into immediate and comprehensive dialogue with all opposition groups for the purposes of reaching a settlement that averts a return to habitual conflicts in Ethiopia. The COVID 19 Pandemic need not halt Ethiopia's democratic transformation and it need not reverse the political gains achieved thus far at a time when unity of purpose in confronting this Pandemic is desperately needed. The unilateral nature of making this decision actually undermines the political and social stability needed to join hands in the face of this Pandemic which is a threat to us all.
ONLF Press Release
For immediate release
11 June, 2020
Jigjiga, The Somali State


Joint statement by OLF & OFC on the illegal Extension Term of Government.

We would like to express our dismay with the decision of the House of Federation to extend the term of office of the government. It is an illegal and illegitimate act that not only violates the constitution but also endangers the peace and stability of the country. It is to be recalled that from the outset we have been expressing our view that the constitution does not allow the extension of the government’s term of office and had proposed and submitted an alternative solution.

Despite our objection and submission of alternative solutions, the ruling party stubbornly continued with a unilateral action, by making the House of People’s Representative refer the matter to the Council of Constitutional Inquiry (CCI). The Council undertook a disingenuous process whereby experts advocating the ruling party’s position were invited while amicus brief submissions by those holding a different opinion were excluded from the hearing. Moreover, principles of avoiding conflict of interest were violated. Hence, it is not surprising at all that the final decision reflected the ruling party’s initial position.

One of the basic features of representative democracy is that elections take place at regular intervals and elected officials remain in office only for a specific period of time, and step down after completing their term of office. It is remembered that Ethiopia’s General election was originally scheduled for 29 August 2020 by the Ethiopian National Electoral Board of Ethiopia. Later the Board declared that it would not be able to conduct elections due to prohibitions of movement and gathering by the government to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. We expressed our concern at the time that suspending General elections in the absence of any provisions in the constitution that would allow for the postponement of an election would lead to a constitutional crisis, and that any activity after September 2020 without a newly elected HoPR will violate the five-year term clearly set by the constitution. Articles 54(1) and 58(3) of the constitution and article 7 of the Electoral law which stipulates elections to be held every five years do not show flexibility with regard to election period.

The current constitution of Ethiopia was ratified in 1995 which introduced a multiparty democracy system to Ethiopia allowing for the realization of regular elections in the country. Guided by the principle of ensuring the people’s rights to political participation in matters of governance, the constitution defines political pluralism as the guiding principle of Ethiopian democracy. The rights and duties of political parties derived from the constitution are also included in the political party law of the country.

Operating within the parameters of the aforementioned laws and principles the multiparty landscape in the country today includes registered, credible and active political parties. Therefore, we strongly oppose the unilateral decision to extend the mandate of regional and federal legislators by a single party. The decision by the House of Federation will exacerbate the discontent of the public, which has already overflown due to broken promises by the current government. We would like to express our concern that large-scale mass uprisings which could transform into violence may arise, and this will not only take us back to square one, it will also be difficult to contain for a government already dealing with multiple socio economic and public health challenges.
It is regrettable that our proposal and other proposals presented by many opposition parties and citizens that called for inclusive dialogue for political settlement to prevent a constitutional crisis after September 2020, are totally disregarded by the ruling party. We believe that the ruling Party’s unilateral decision of extending the term of office of its own government is a sheer violation of the constitution and an abuse of power which is antithetical to the ethos of a democratic and multiparty governance system enshrined in the constitution, and erodes the democratic principle that limited term of office. On this basis, we strongly reject the unilateral decision taken by the ruling party to unilaterally and unconstitutionally extend its term. Once again we call on the ruling party to sit down with the opposition parties to thoughtfully discuss the issue in order to find a solution and reach a political settlement.

Oromo Liberation Front
Oromo Federalist Congress
June 10, 2020