Thursday, August 13, 2020


Qabiinsa Hidhamtootaa fi Rakkoo Maatiin Keessa Jiru
Jawaar Mohaammad fayyaa isaa laalamuu akka barbaadu ibsatus manni hidhaa tursiifamanii jira hakiima dhuunfaa hayyamuufii hin dandeenye. Hakiima dhuunfaa kiyyaa yoo naaf hayyamameen alatti kan biraa hin fedhu waan jedheef yaala argachuu ykn fayyaasaa ilaalamuu hin dandeenye. 

Gama biraatiin Shamsaddiin Xahaa yaala kan isa barbaachisu ta'us yaalamuun hiika hin qabu. Dawaan hakiimni namaaf ajaju mana hidhaa keessatti bakka gaarii hin kaa'amu. Miikkaa/peestaalatti godhamee alatti fannifama. Kana malees obboleewwan Shamsaddiin (Warqii Xahaa fi Saadam Xahaa) erga hidhamanii torban darbuusaaniiti himama.

Obbo Baqqalaa fi maatii isaanii hunda jala herregni baankii ugguramee rakkachaa jiru. Makiinaan maatiin itti dhimma bahuu qabullee sababa tokko malee erga Waxabajjii 23/2012ALH'tii eegalee hidhamee nyaata fi waan biroo mana hidhaatti deddeebisuuf rakkoo hamaa argaa jiru. Herregni baankii maatii Jawaar dabalatee kan hidhamtoota hundaatu uggurame maatii hedduun rakkoo guddaa keessa jiru. 

Eegdota Jawaariif nyaanni galuu waan dideef, haalli fayyaa isaanii sababa Koronaatiin balaarra waan bu'eef, abukaatoo (darbee darbee qofa argu) fi maatii agarsiisuu waan didaniif lagannaa nyaataatti jiru. Isaan rakkoo kana keessa waan jiraniif anis hin nyaadhu jedhee, Jawaaris lagannaa nyaataarra jira. 

Kun akka hidhamtoonni siyaasaa fi maatiin itti jiran keessaa waan baay'ee muraasa dha. 

Oromo Political Prisoners Defence Team


ይህ ዜና እዉነት ከሆነ በፍትህ ስርዓት ላይ ለዉጥ ያላመጣ መንግስት ምንም መተማመኛ የለዉም! ምክንያቱም ለመንግሥትም፣ ለተፎካካርዎቹም ሆነ ለሕዝቡ ዋስትናው የመንግስት ባለስልጣናት በጎ አሳቢነት ሳይሆን መሰረቱን የያዘ ሁሉም የሚተማመንበት የፍትህ ስርዓት መኖሩ ነው !


ዜናው እንዲህ ይላል 
 የOMN ጋዜጠኛ ጉዮ ዋሪዮ በሐሰት እንዲመሰክር መጠየቁን ለጠበቃው ገለጸ
መንግስት ጋዜጠኛ ጉዮ ዋሪዮን ከመጋረጃ ጀርባ ቁሞ እንድመሠክር መጠየቁን ጋዜጠኛው ለጠበቆቹ በመንገር አጋለጠ። ነገሩ እንዲህ ነው። የጉዮ ዋሪዮን ቤተሰቦች በዳኛው ቢሮ ጠሯቸው። እሱንም ፍ/ቤት እንወስደሃለን ብለው ወደ ቢሮ ወሰዱት። ከዛም "አንተ ምንም ጥፋት የለብህም ነገር ግን እውነቱን አልናገር አልከን። ጀዋር ነው የሚመራኝ ብለህ ከመሰከርክ ከመጋረጃ ጀርባ ሆነ እንድትመሰክር እናደርገሃለን። ከዛ በኋላ በነፃ እንለቀሃለን" አሉት። እሱም "የእኔ አለቃ እና አመራር ደጀኔ ነው ከእሱ በላይ ያለው ደግሞ ግርማ ጉተማ ነው። ከጀዋር ጋር ምንም ግንኙነት የለኝም" በማለት መለሰላቸው።


Qabiinsa Hidhamtootaa fi Rakkoo Maatiin Keessa Jiru
Jawaar Mohaammad fayyaa isaa laalamuu akka barbaadu ibsatus manni hidhaa tursiifamanii jira hakiima dhuunfaa hayyamuufii hin dandeenye. Hakiima dhuunfaa kiyyaa yoo naaf hayyamameen alatti kan biraa hin fedhu waan jedheef yaala argachuu ykn fayyaasaa ilaalamuu hin dandeenye. 

Gama biraatiin Shamsaddiin Xahaa yaala kan isa barbaachisu ta'us yaalamuun hiika hin qabu jedha. Dawaan hakiimni namaaf ajaju mana hidhaa keessatti bakka gaarii hin kaa'amu. Miikkaa/peestalatti godhamee alatti fannifama. Kana malees obboleewwan Shamsaddiin (Warqii Xahaa fi Saadaam Xahaa) erga hidhamanii torban darbuusaa odeeffannee jirra.

Obbo Baqqalaa fi maatii isaanii hunda herregni baankii irraa ugguramee rakkachaa jiru. Makiinaan maatiin ityi dhimma bahuu qabullee sababa tokko malee erga Waxabajjii 23/2012ALH'tii hidhamee nyaata fi waan biroo mana hidhaatti deddeebisuuf rakkoo hamaa argaa jiru. Herregni baankii maatii Jawaar dabalatee kan hidhamtoota hundaatu uggurame maatii hedduun rakkoo guddaa keessa jira. 

Eegdota Jawaariif nyaanni galuu waan dideef, haalli fayyaa isaanii sababa Koronaatiin balaarra waan bu'eef, abukaatoo (darbee darbee qofa argu) fi maatii agarsiisuu waan didaniif lagannaa nyaataatti jiru. Isaan rakkoo kana keessa waan jiraniif anis hin nyaadhu jedhee, Jawaaris lagannaa nyaataarra jira. 

Kun akka hidhamtoonni siyaasaa fi maatiin itti jiran keessaa waan baay'ee muraasa dha. 
Horaa Bulaa!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Hearing from credible sources that Ethiopia's Defence Minister, Lemma Megersa, is under a house arrest as of this morning. Last night, the Chief of the Army, General Adam, called Lemma and told him that: (1) the PM doesn't believe his services are needed any longer, and (2) that he should not leave his house until further notice.
Not sure where to start on this but if there is one thing that exposes Abiy Ahmed's zero-sum politics and his dangerously Machiavellian mindset, it is his betrayal of Lemma Megersa. Yes, he betrayed the Oromo cause that brought him to power and singled out Oromo nationalism and unity as a threat to his power and things that must be eviscerated, but Lemma is the man who put Abiy ahead, and made him a PM. Without Lemma, Abiy would not have become a PM, and indeed the entire OPDO cabal would not have received the backing of the Oromo public. If he is capable of betraying Lemma Megersa, everyone else must be expendable cogs within his political machine.
His party is now purged of all dissenters and critical voices and the opposition camp is totally muzzled. Abiy is so intolerant that he even arrested Lidetu Ayalew. What kind of threat does Lidetu represent to Abiy?
Some people might see this as a momentary power-struggle between individuals and groups but it is impossible to isolate this event from the larger events that dominated Ethiopia's politics since Haacaaluu's assassination. And it goes to the core of whether the Ethiopian body-politic, as an idea and a project of the future, will survive or not.
. Mohamme

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - At least 10 people died in clashes between protesters and security forces in Ethiopia’s southern region on Monday, health officials said, the latest violence as myriad ethnic groups clamour for more autonomy.
The protests were sparked by Sunday’s arrest of local officials and activists seeking a new autonomous region for their Wolaita ethnic group, said Matheos Balcha, spokesman of the opposition party Wolaita National Movement Party. One of their party members was arrested, he said.
Security forces shot dead at least six people in Boditi on Monday, a town 295 km (180 miles) southwest of the capital Addis Ababa, said Temesgen Hilina, a senior official at Boditi health center.
“They were shot in the head, abdomen, and their chest,” he said. “I was the one who gave them the first treatment and later they died.”
A 14-year-old boy was among the dead, he said, and 34 people injured.

Monday, August 10, 2020


A distress call from a high ranking official about the PP meeting.
The trio (Lamma, Tayeba and Milkessa) were summoned to appear at the ODP CC meeting (though there is no such a thing as OPP CC). Lemma and Milkessa ignored the invitation. Tayeba attended the gimgema reluctantly. At the meeting, she was searched and dehumanized. The entire session was literally about four people (under the guise of cleaning the house of fifth columnists and correcting discipline issues). The fourth person is the deputy mayor of Finfinne.
The trio were accused of everything under the sun: Association with Jawar; working with opposition and Bandas (OLF and OFC) to undermine PP; plotting a coup under the guise of Gaaddisa Hoggansa Oromoo; organizing Qeerroo in Shashamane (TH) to burn the city to the ground and to attack minorities; working with TPLF; lack of discipline, etc, etc.
Abiy now wants them to a) apologise and get in line b) go public and complain about mistreatment and hijacked reforms. The later will serve as a pretext to eliminate them. The idea is, they will go public and speak to the media. Protests (encouraged by PP) erupts in parts of Oromia. The trio will be blamed for instigating conflict and killed.
All in all, this was a distress call. A plea for understanding. The situation is dire. They are under enormous pressure. The source says the public must know that if something happens to any of these leaders, even if it's a "car accident," Abiy and PP will be responsible. These people are stuck. Arrest is the best they can hope for at this stage. The worst is feared as prison makes them martyrs and the issues will continue to linger. If they don't repent during this "temporary suspension," they will be eliminated. That's the fear.
The official’’s final statement: “Speaking out is not an option now. Our survival is under a big question mark. It will also play into Abiy's hands. Our people should understand this. Please kana gurra uummata nuu buusii.”


#FinfinneeIrraaOolmaaDhaddacha Guyyaa Hardhaa!

"Abbaan seeraa naaf haa jijjiiramu" Jalqabumarraa kaasee abbaan seeraa kun anis ta'ee abukaatonni keenya akka hindubbanne nu dhoowwaa ture, dabalataan dhaddacharra taa'ee namoota biroo hinbeekamne waliin bilbilaan dubbachaa, gad ba'ee oldeebi'aa ture. Kanaaf abbaan seeraa kun goonkumaa dhimma keenya bilisaan ilaaluu hindanda'u! Akka Nuuf jijjiiramu manni murtii mirga keenya nuuf haa eegu!"
Jawaar Mohaammad dhaddachaa har'aarratti.
Waan isin dhibu manni murtii har'a Ragaawwan sobaa qopheeffatee Jawaar fa'aarratti shiraan raggaasisuuf eegalee ture. Jawaar garuu goonkumaa hinta'u jechuun mormii isaa dhageessifate. Achumaan jarri sardamtee murtee abbaa seeraa jijjiiruutti ceete. Walumaagalatatti dhaddachi har'aa dhaddacha otoo hintaane lolatu ture jechuun ni dandaa'ama. Warri soba ragaa ba'uuf fe'amtee Oromiyaarraa dhufte qaanitee deebite. Abukaatonnis ta'ee Jawaar Mohaammad nama ajaayibaati! Walfalmii isaan godhanii, afaan jaraa cufsiisan Otoo hin ajaayibsiifatin darbuun hindandaa'amu!

Sunday, August 9, 2020


tgJltSupsly 1fdc2umi nfnat Stom8Sngs:1orie2 dPM
Many people were shocked by the recent revelations about the true identity of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia. According to these revelations, Abiy Ahmed was named after his stepfather, Ahmed Ali, and not his biological father, Abraha Khasay, who was an Eritrean cross country bus driver.
On July 13, 1975, Abiy Ahmed's Orthodox Christian mother, Tezeta Wolday, was working in a small hotel in present day Eritrea as a receptionist when she met his biological father, Abraha Khasay, and Abiy Ahmed was conceived from this relationship. When Ms. Wolday found out she was pregnant, she moved to the Beshasha, Oromia region in Ethiopia where she encountered Abiy Ahmed's future stepfather, Ahmed Ali, and the current Prime Minister of Ethiopia was born at his stepfather's farm.
Throughout his entire life, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has tried very hard to conceal his true identity while living with his stepfather but, those who knew him closely said that his strong desire to meet his Eritrean biological father was evident and they were not surprised when he reached out to Eritrea to sign a peace agreement despite opposition from many people in Ethiopia. Soon after he became a Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed invited his stepfather, Ahmed Ali, to the national palace for a spectacular dinner and a few days later his stepfather passed away in a hospital from undisclosed conditions.
The main source of this information was a former Belgian UN peacekeeping officer who served with Abiy Ahmed (Abiy Abraha) in the Republic of Rwanda. While they were serving at this mission in Rwanda, Abiy Ahmed (Abiy Abraha) told the Belgian officer both his parents were Eritreans and requested the information to be kept confidential. Abiy even asked the Belgian officer not to mention any of his secrets to Ethiopian military peacekeepers stationed in Rwanda at the same time. What is even more fascinating about Abiy’s deception was he went to Eritrea during a vacation when he served as a peacekeeping officer in Rwanda and told Belgian & German officers about it but, he lied to the Ethiopian officers saying he went to Ethiopia instead. This entire story was revealed when the Belgian officer, who spoke French fluently, went to Djibouti for a visit and shared his experience with a retired Djiboutian Navy captain.
In conclusion, Abiy Ahmed (Abiy Abraha) is neither an Oromo nor an Ethiopian but, 100% Eritrean. It is no surprise that Ethiopia is in a huge turmoil right now. It looks like the Ethiopians, including the Oromo, are finally colonized by Eritrea because of Abiy Ahmed (Abiy Abraha).