#Ethiopia: #US Visa restriction will affect Ethiopia's counter-terrorism and other security related operations in the region: Amb. Dina
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Monday, May 24, 2021
United States’ Actions to Press for the Resolution of the Crisis in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia
The United States has deepening concerns about the ongoing crisis in Ethiopia’s Tigray region as well as other threats to the sovereignty, national unity, and territorial integrity of Ethiopia. People in Tigray continue to suffer human rights violations, abuses, and atrocities, and urgently needed humanitarian relief is being blocked by the Ethiopian and Eritrean militaries as well as other armed actors. Despite significant diplomatic engagement, the parties to the conflict in Tigray have taken no meaningful steps to end hostilities or pursue a peaceful resolution of the political crisis. The United States condemns in the strongest terms the killings, forced removals, systemic sexual violence, and other human rights violations and abuses. We are equally appalled by the destruction of civilian property including water sources, hospitals, and medical facilities, taking place in Tigray. We call on the Ethiopian government to meet public commitments to hold accountable all those responsible for human rights violations and abuses, to protect civilians, and to ensure unhindered humanitarian access. We call for the Eritrean government to live up to its public commitment and immediately return its troops to internationally recognized Eritrean territory. Without an immediate cessation of hostilities and a rapid expansion of humanitarian access, current and significant food insecurity could lead to famine.
The time for action from the international community is now. Today, I am announcing a visa restriction policy under Section 212(a)(3)(C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act on the issuance of visas for any current or former Ethiopian or Eritrean government officials, members of the security forces, or other individuals—to include Amhara regional and irregular forces and members of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF)—responsible for, or complicit in, undermining resolution of the crisis in Tigray. This includes those who have conducted wrongful violence or other abuses against people in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, as well as those who have hindered access of humanitarian assistance to those in the region. Immediate family members of such persons may also be subject to these restrictions. Should those responsible for undermining a resolution of the crisis in Tigray fail to reverse course, they should anticipate further actions from the United States and the international community. We call on other governments to join us in taking these actions.
Additionally, we have imposed wide-ranging restrictions on economic and security assistance to Ethiopia and will bring our defense trade control policy in line with them. We will continue humanitarian assistance and certain other critical aid to Ethiopia in areas such as health, food security, basic education, support for women and girls, human rights and democracy, good governance, and conflict mitigation, consistent with available authorities. The United States will continue its existing broad restrictions on assistance to Eritrea.
The United States reiterates its calls for a durable, political solution to the crisis. We are committed to supporting efforts to resolve the crisis in Tigray and help Ethiopians advance reconciliation and dialogue to overcome current divisions.
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Friday, May 21, 2021
Addis Abeba, May 20, 2021- The brother of Jimma University graduate Mohammed Deksiso, Sultan Deksiso told Addis Standard that Mohammed was brought to Addis Abeba after weeks of being detained without his family knowing his whereabouts. Sultan said “ We don’t know his where he is taken.”
Mohammed was arrested after calling out ‘Free Jawar Mohammed, Justice for Hachalu Hundessa’ at a graduation ceremony of Jimma University in February. He was arrested alongside Mulugeta Shitee and University staffer Wondimu Legesse Abba Dafar (PhD). After facing accusations of ‘inciting violence and being affiliated with an armed group, the three were granted bail by the end of February. The court closed the file for lack of sufficient evidence and ordered their release. The police in Jimma city, Oromia regional state, defied court order and transferred them to a different police station to which the court’s order for bail wasn’t addressed to.
The court hearing went well into March where they faced new accusations for alleged involvement in a grenade attack which took place in October 2020 in Jimma city. Wondimu Legesse Abba Dafar (PhD) was released in March and Mulugeta was released a couple of weeks later on April 1, 2021.
On that day, Mohammed was taken by what were described as men dressed in civilian clothes after the paperwork was processed and he was making his way towards his friends who were waiting for him outside. “He was taken by a car carrying plate numbers of Oromia Special forces who drove him first to Jimma university premises then later to the Federal police camp in the city.” Mohammed’s brother Sultan Deksiso told Addis Standard at the time.
The EHRC denounced the physical abuse Mohammed suffered at the hands of security forces and repeatedly called for his release. Imad A. Tune, head of the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC), Oromia branch, told Addis Standard that the commission, although unsure of Mohammed’s whereabouts since April 1st, has made sure of his safety. AS
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
1. Releasing all Oromo political prisoners
Monday, May 17, 2021
'Ajjeechaan murtee seeraa malee Dambidollootti raawwatame yaadeessaadha' -Komishinii Mirga Namoomaa Itoophiyaa

Ajjeechaan kaleessa godina Qeelam Wallaggaa magaalaa Dambidollootti dargaggoo Amaanu'el Wandimmuu jedhamu irratti murtee seeraatiin ala raawwatame kan isa yaaddeessee ta'uu Komishiniin Mirga Namoomaa Itoophiyaa beeksiise.
Komishinichi kana kan beeksiisee ibsa taatee kana ilaalchisuun har'a Caamsaa 12, 2021 baaseen.
Dargaggoon Amaanu'el Wandimuu jedhamu guyyaa Kibxataa hidhattoota motummaatiin magaalaa Dambidolloo Addabaabaayirratti ajjeefamuu isaa jiraattoonni BBCtti himaniiru.
Qondaaltoonni mootummaa godinichaas ajjeefamu dargaggoo kanaa kan mirkanneessan yoo ta'u, "gurbichi ummataatti akka mul'atu taasifame malee adabaabaayiirratti hin ajjeefamne,'' jedhaniiru.
Qondaaltoonni mootummaa kunneen dargaggoon ajjeefame kun miseensa garee ''Abbaa Torbee' waan ta'eef 'tarkaanfiin irratti fudhatameera jechuun ibsan.
Ibsi komishinichaa maal jedhaa?
Ajjeechaan Godina Qeellam Wallaaggaa magaalaa Dambidoollootti murtee seeraa malee (extrajudicial killing) bakka ummanni walitti qabameetti addabaabaayirratti dargaggoo Amaanu'el Wandimuu irratti raawwatame akka yaaddeessee Komishiniin Mirga Namoomaa Itoophiyaa kan ibse.
Komishinichi ajjeechaa seeraan ala raawwatamu kamu kan balaaleeffatu ta'u beeksiisuun, qaamoleen seera raawwachisan hundinuu karaa seeraa qofa akka hordofamaniif waamicha dabarseera.
''Ajjeechaawwan seeraan ala raawwataman ummanni olaantummaa seeraa irratti amantaa akka dhaban kan taasisuufi bu'aaleen gama kanaan argaman akka gatii dhaban taasisa,'' jedheera.
Kana malees, aanga'oonni dhimmicha atattamaan qoratanii tarkaaniif barbaachisaa akka fudhataniif Komishinichi gaafateera.
Akkasumas, Komishinichi dhimmicha itti dhiheenyaan hordofee bu'aasaa ifa kan taasisu ta'u beeksiiseera.
Aangaa'oo mootummaa naanichaa dargaggoo Amaanu'e miseensa 'Abbaa Torbee' waan ta'eef tarkaanfiin irratti fudhatame jedhan.
Waajirri Kominikeeshinii magaalaa Dambidoolloo gama isaatiin nama namoota ajjeesaa tureefi miseensa garee 'Abbaa Torbee' ta'e irratti tarkaanfiin fudhatameera jechuun fuula Feesbuukii isaarratti barreesseera.
Waajirri magaalichaas fuula Feesbuukii isaarratti viidiyoo osoo dargaggoon kun hin ajjeefamiin agarsiisu maxxanseera.
Naannawaa sana keessa garee "Shane" manni maree bakka bu'oota ummataa shororkeessaadha jechuun farraje akka socho'u ni himama.
Viidiyoo sana irratti maaltu mul'ata?
Fuula Fesbuukii kana irratti dargaggoon kun osoo hin ajjeefamiiniin dura gaaffiiwwan isaaf dhiyaataniif osoo deebii kennaa jiruu mul'ata. Namni viidiyicha waraabaa tures maqaa isaatiifi bakka dhaloota isaa isa gaafata.
Dargaggoon harki isaa duubatti hidhameeru kun morma isaarratti ammoo shugguxiin rarraafamee ni mul'ata. Miilla dargaggoo kanaafi naannawaa sanatti dhiigni kan mul'atu yoo ta'u, uffannaan isaa ammoo dhoqqeen dibameera.
Dargaggeessi addabaabaayii fuuldura dhaabbate kun maqaan isaa Amaanu'eel Wandimuu Kabbadaa akka jedhamuufi dhaloonni isaa magaalaa Dambidoolloo ganda 07 akka ta'e dubbata.
Viidiyoo sana irratti humnoota nageenyaa mootummaa uffata dambii uffataniin marfamee mul'ata.
Dargaggoon kun maaliif ajjeefame?
Akka waajirri Kominikeeshinii maagaalichaa jedhutti dargaggoon kun miseensa garee 'Abbaa Torbee' jedhamu aanga'oota mootummaa ajjeesuun beekamuu ture.
Dargaggoon kun to'annoo jala ooluun dura ganama nama Gammachuu Mangashaa jedhaman rasaasaan dha'ee milquuf otoo yaaluu''qaamolee nageenyaatiin miillisaa rukutamee qabameera,''jedha.
Kanatti dabaluun, guyyoota muraasan dura magaalaa Dambidoollootti gaazixeessaan OBN Sisaay Fidaa kan ajjeese 'Abbaa Torbeeeti' jedheera.
Namoonni ijaan argan maal himu?
Jiraataa magaalaa Dambidoolloo kan ta'aniifi nagenyasaaniif jecha maqaan isaanii akka hin heeramne kan gaafatan akka himanitti, dargaggoon kun wayita addabaabahiitti ajjeefamu arguu BBCtti himaniiru.
''Amaanu'eel nama hawaasni jaalatu ture," jechuun erga to'atamee booda ''rasaasaan rukutamee ajjeefamuu ijaan argineerra," jedhan.
Jiraataan magaalichaa akka himanitti, qaamoleen nageenyaa mootummaa dargaggoo kana qabuuf wayita dhaqan suuqiidhaa mi'a bitaataan ture jedhan.
Dargaggoo addabaabahitti ajjeefameetti dabaluun namoonni lama biroon rasaasaan dha'amanii wal'aansaaf gara biraatti geeffamuu beeka jedhan.
Itti-gaafatamaan Waajjira Bulchiinsaaf Nageeenyaa Godina Qeellam Wallaggaa Obboo Tasammaa Waariyoo gamasaaniitiin, dargaggoon kun rasaasaan madaa'ee erga qabamee booda hawaasatti mul'ifame malee, addabaabahiitti hin ajjeefamne jedhanii waakkatan.
''Yakkamaa ta'uun isaa mirkanaa'eera,'' kan jedhan Obbo Tasammaan, namoota lama rasaasaan rukutee otoo miliquu qaamoleen nageenyaa rasaasaan dhahanii qabanii jedhan.
Dargaggoon kun otoo dhaddacha mana murtiitti hin dhiyeeffamiin maaliif ajjeefame? gaaffii jedhuuf, ''dargaggoon kun yakkamaa ta'uun isaa mirkaneeffameera,''jechuurra kan darbe Obbo Tasammaan ibsa bal'aa hin kennine.
Dhimma kanarratti qondaaltoonni naannoo Oromiyaarra deebii akka kennan gaafachuuf yaallee hin milkoofne.
Obbo Tasammaan naannawaa magaalaa Dambidoollootti tibbana hidhattoonni ''Shanee'' jedhanii waamaniifi qaamolee nageenyaa mootummaa gidduutti dhukaasni akka ture mirkaneessaniiru.
''Shugguuxiin gmormaa dargaaggoo ajjeefamerratti rarraafame qaamolee nageenyaa mootummaafi namoota nagaa kan itttiin ajjeesaa ture,''jedhan.
BBCn qondaalota poolisii Godina Qeellam Wallaggaarraa odeeffannoon argate kan Obbo Tasammaan himaniin walfakkaata.
Kibxata darbe gartuu''Abbaa Torbee''jedhamuun jiraataan magaalichaafi abbaan qabeenyaa Obboo Gammachuu Mangashaa namni jedhaman rasaasaan dhahamuu qondaaltoonni magaalicha himaniiru.
'Sirni seera kabachiisuu haala seeraa hordofeen' ta'uu qaba...
Komishiniin Mirgoota Namoomaa Itoophiyaa adeemsa seera kabachiisuu naannoo Oromiyaa keessatti gaggeeffamaa jiruun walqabatee ibsa torbe darbe keessa baaseen ''sirni seera kabachiisuu haala seeraa hordofeen'' akka gaggeeffamu gaafatee ture.
Komishiniin Mirgoota Namoomaa Itoopjiyaa gabaasa isaa kessatti mirgi namaa kanneen hidhamani jiranii sarbaamaa akka jiruu, maatiin wal arguu akka hin dandeenye, xalayaa mana murtii malee namootni qabamaa akka jiraniifi tarkaanfiin madaalawaa hin taane fudhatamaa jiraachuu ibseera.
Kana malees, maatiin ijoollee isaanii miseensa 'ABO Shane' jedhaman akkasumas haati-warraa abbaan warraa ishee miseensa garee kanaati jedhamee shakkame fidaa jedhamuun akka hiraarfaman addeessee ture Komishinichi.
Haata'u malee, Komishini Poolisii Oromiyaafi Abbaan Alangaa Waliigala Oromiyaa ibsa waloo Caamsaa 12, 2021 midiyaaleef kennaniin, gabasni Komishiniin Mirgoota Namoomaa Itoophiyaa sarbama mirgoota Oromiyaa keessatti raawwatamaa jiru ilaalchisuun baase ragaa garee tokko irratti kan xiyyeeffateefi madaalawaa akka hin taanedha jechuun mormeera.
addisstandard Addis Abeba, May 15/2021 – The Oromo Liberation Army, OLA, said in a statement that its forces have “detained three Chinese nationals involved in mining operations around Mendi, West Wellega.”
There are no reports so far of missing Chinese nationals in the area, and the statement sent to several media outlets this afternoon didn’t specify as of when the three were detained, nor the name of the mining company they are affiliated with, but it said “they are all in safe hands and in good health.” OLA identified the three Chinese as “Mr Huang, Mr He, Mr Wang.”
The statement was also tweeted by Odaa Tarbii, OLA spokesperson.
On May 06 the House of People’s Representatives (HoPR) approved a bill presented to it by the council of ministers to designate Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) and “Shene” as terrorist organizations. Later on the Federal Attorney General Gedion Timotios (PhD) explained to the local media that “Shene” was in reference to the OLA.
In response to the earlier designation by the Council of Ministers , OLA released a statement accusing the federal government of declaring “war on the Oromo people” and vowed to “engage in total war.”
In the statement released this afternoon, the OLA accused mining companies operating in this area of being “responsible for the displacement of many farming communities that were not adequately compensated,” adding that “the environmental impact of these mining operations has been very costly and that there has been no effort put into mitigating the effects these operations have had on the health of surrounding communities.”
The rebel group operating in Oromia also referred to a statement it released on “September 3rd, 2020”, in which it said “any contract entered with the Abiy regime became null and void after October 10th, [2020]. Therefore, these mining companies are illegal and must immediately cease their operations.” OLA’s “October 10” is an apparent reference to the constitutional end of term for the incumbent, which was extended by a year after a recommendation by the Council of Constitutional Inquiry was approved by the House of Federation.
On October 05/2020, President Sahle-Work Zewde announced the start of the incumbent’s mandate to govern in her speech delivered to the joint session of the House of People’s Representatives (HoPR) and the House of Federation (HoF).
“While we are not anti-development, we are vehemently anti-exploitation and therefore have taken action against this unfair exploitation of natural resources that is being enabled by Ethiopia’s ruling tyrannical clique”, OLA’s statement concluded. AS