Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 #Ethiopia: #US Visa restriction will affect Ethiopia's counter-terrorism and other security related operations in the region: Amb. Dina

In his weekly press briefing today, Ambassador Dina Mufti, Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said the decision by the US to restrict visa for Ethiopian officials will affect Ethiopia's counter-terrorism and other security related operations in the region, the state owned EPA reported.
Ambassador Dina is quoted as saying the decision will have a negative impact on Ethiopia's efforts to prevent terrorism in the region. He further said that the decision is likely to hurt the US government itself, EPA said.
He reiterated Ethiopia's statement yesterday to reconsider its bilateral relations with the United States if the US government's decision is to intervene in Ethiopia's internal affairs and failed to take into account centuries-old friendship between the two countries.
With regard to reports of a joint military exercise between Sudan and Egypt Ambassador Dina said they can hold the said joint military exercises but Ethiopia and Ethiopians are always ready to defend their sovereignty.
Although Sudan and Egypt have been conducting joint military exercises along the border, it should not be a loss to Ethiopia, EPA quoted him as saying. However, if it's meant to affect Ethiopia in anyway, Ethiopia will always be ready to retaliate. The Ambassador further said that the Ethiopian government is acting with faith at this stage.

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