Sunday, February 21, 2016


Breaking News (By Nageessaa Oddoo Duubee)
The OFC Head Quarters in Finfinne Invaded by TPLF Security Forces
The Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) had a central committee meeting today Feb 21, 2916 at its head office in Finfinne Sidist Kilo around Afinchober. However, the Security personnel took over the office and prevented Dr. Marara, the leader of the party and others from getting into the party compound.
This is the manifestation of how arrogant, uncivilized and tyrant the system is. For TPLF country, democracy, development , civilization doesn't make sense. For them, political power is the only thing that matters! That's why they carry gun and act like bandit all along. They are still, after ruling the countey for 25 years, lawless insurgents- no respect for rights-only the rule of the jungle.
Shiftaan Woyyaanee Waajjira Koongiressii Federaalawaa Oromoo kan Finfinnee weeraruun himame.
Shiftaan woggoota 25 dura Biyya bulchuu jalqabe kunniin woggoota 25 duuballee amalasaa kan bineensummaa San dhiisuu waan dadhabeef Waajjira KFO kan 6kilo naannoo Yuunivarstii Finfinnetti argamu weeraruudhaan koreen jiddugaleessa KFO wolgayii aka hin godhanne ugguree jira!
Waajjira toowachuudhaan itti fayyadamuu hin dandeessan jedhee hoggantoota Dhaabaa ugguree jira. Mootummaan kun yoo lafa nagaa Nama Haa fakkaatu malee yo mormiin isa qunnamtu amala bineensummaa Akkasii Fida.
Furmaatisaa ofirraa Darbuu qofa waan ta'eef uummanni keenya qabsoo jalqabe daran finiinsuu malee akka duubatti hin deebine dhaamna!
Injifannoon Saba baldhaaf!
Laluta continua

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