Monday, February 15, 2016


‪#‎OromoProtests‬| The people of west Arsi have declared new chapter in our struggle for justice, democracy and equality: through the liberation of Oromia from an enemy force that has occupied it for so long.
Today, farmers and militia defended themselves from brutality of Agazi killing machine. They successfully repelled TPLF occupying army multiple times at multiple locations throughout the day. In some cases, the farmers and local militia ambushed and overwhelmed the Agazi killing some of them. They freed prisoners.
Oromos are now on that blur line between defensive and offensive phase. We know we don't have a formal military that can wage a conventional war against TPLF: thanks to OLF's internal un-fucking-ending problems. But we have our people. Nothing is more powerful than a united nation fighting for a common goal: bilisummaa, birmadummaa, wal-qixummaa.
One thing I tell you that I can say with passion for freedom, with full confidence and bright hope is that Oromo people have said enough to TPLF and Abyssinian rule. And what else is there more than giving one's precious life? Oromos are dying. And now they have started to kill too in self-defence. That is legitimate. And it is a new milestone in our struggle. We have died far for long. And that will not stop unless we attack, which I believe has started not by the rebel force OLA the regime labeled ‘’terrorist’’ but by the militia and farmers whom it has armed.
What is not legitimate is the government. The regime has lost its legitimacy. I can say that 100 percent as far as Oromo nation is concerned. No Oromo is willing to live under the current regime even for a day. Do or Die, as my good friend Birra Gemedi said (greetings to him wherever he is). No Oromo will have rest unless TPLF is gone for good, democracy is instated and equality of all people is ensured. [By Biyya Oromiyaa]

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