Saturday, June 25, 2016


Lets be very clear. The Oromo Liberation Front was not and is not a terrorist organization. It has never committed an act of terrorism which is defined as the use of violence against civilians to advance a political agenda. In fact despite existence of several rebel groups, there is no single opposition organization that is engaged in terrorist activity in Ethiopia. The only entity that uses violence against civilians to advance politics the the Tigrean Liberation Front. If there is a terrorist, its the ruling party. Just because the Tigrean mafia declares an opposition group a terrorist, it doesn't make it one. We might disagree with ideologies, tactics and leaders of these organization, but we shall not distance ourselves just because the ruling mafia barked the word 'terrorist'.
Remember, every person or organization that opposes TPLF is labeled terrorist to justify persecution. Journalist who write dissenting views, farmers who oppose being evicted from land, teachers who protect their students, political leaders of legal opposition are in jail accused and convicted of terrorism by the kangaroo court. Thus, by buying into TPLF's narrative about terrorism for whatever reason, would inadvertently be contributing towards its strategy of using the 'terrorism' discourse to silence dissent and prolong totalitarian rule.

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