Tuesday, June 22, 2021


 #Ethiopia: 102 polling stations in Benishangul-Gumuz State cancel the election; preparing to rerun another

The #BenishangulGumuz Regional State Electoral Branch Office Head, Tadesse Lemma, said the election held in 102 polling stations located in Asossa Hua and Asossa Mengele was canceled due to a shortage of ballot papers Tadesse told DW Amharic that the Electoral Board will re-run the election.
According to Tadesse, the election was held peacefully and in all six other constituencies where the election was held on the day. However Asossa Hua and Asossa Mengele constituencies have reported a shortage of ballot papers for the 102 polling stations. There are six constituents in BG regional state with a total of 302 polling stations in Assosa Zone.
The Boro Democratic Party, one of the opposition political parties operating in the Benishangul-Gumuz region, said it supported the decision of the Branch Electoral Office. Yohannes Tessema, the party's head, said he has been complaining to the Electoral Board several times during the voting yesterday and that the decision was fair and just.
More than 360,000 citizens in Asossa Zone have registered to cast their votes.
Pictures: DW Amharic and Benishangul Gumuz Mass Media


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