Thursday, December 31, 2015

Statement by the European Union’s (EU’s) spokesperson on “recent clashes” in Ethiopia

Statement by the European Union’s (EU’s) spokesperson on “recent clashes” in Ethiopia

The following is a statement by the spokesperson of the European Union.

Statement by the spokesperson on recent clashes in Ethiopia

The recent unrest in the Oromia and Amhara regions of Ethiopia has caused a considerable number of casualties and only a constructive dialogue among all affected parties can lead to a peaceful and sustainable resolution of such disputes. Working within the framework of Ethiopia’s Constitution, all stakeholders need to continue such a dialogue and refrain from recourse to violence and inflammatory statements.
The EU extends its condolences to the families and friends of the deceased. The reassurance of the consultation with the concerned communities is encouraging.

Dhaamsa Bara Haaraa 2016 HD ABO J/ Daawud Ibsaa Irraa | New Year’s Message from OLF’s Chairman Dawud Ibsa

Dhaamsa Bara Haaraa 2016 HD ABO J/ Daawud Ibsaa Irraa | New Year’s Message from OLF’s Chairman Dawud Ibsa



Afaan Oromoo:


Dhaamsa Waggaa Haaraa HD-GS-ABO

Ummata Oromoo Kabajamaa, Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo, Miseensota ABO biyya keessaa fi alaa, akkasumas, ummatoota Cunqurfamoo Itoophiyaa keessa jirtan maraaf, baga waggaa haaraya 2016 geessan jechaa, waggaan haaraan kunis kan bilisummaa fi nagaa itti argannu hunda keenyaaf akka nuuf tahu hawwiin qabu ibsa.
Nagaatti aansuudhaan, lammiilee Oromoo mirga ummata isaaniif jecha falmaa karaa nagaa hiriira adeemsisaniin mootummaa shororkeessaan gara-laafina malee ajjeefamanii lubbuu isaanii bakka bu’aa hin qabne wareeganiif Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo gaddi itti dhagahamu ol’aanaa tahuu ibsaa hundi isaanii tarree wareegamtoota kabajaa olaanaa qabaniitti kan galmaawan tahuus hubachiisa. Wareegama isaaniitti firii gochuufis falmaa hadhaawaa kana hanga bilisummaan mirkanaawuu kan itti fufu tahuu mirkaneessa.
Kanneen haqa ummata isaanii kabajsiisuuf jecha gaaffii mirgaa kaasuu isaanii qofaaf, barataa, hojjataa fi qotee-bulaa Oromoo magaalaa fi baadiyyaa irraa mana hidhaa suukanneessaa keessatti dhamaafamaa jiran hundaaf ABOn kabajaa qabuuf ibsachaa onnee Oromootaa hunda keessatti guyyuu kan yaadataman tahuu beeksia.
Ilmaan Oromoo biyya abbaa isaanii irratti, qe’ee dhalootaan irra jiraatan irraa humnaan buqqaafamuun jireenya dhala namaaf hin malle keessatti gatamanii jiran hunda, miidhaan irra gahaa jiru hundi sababa sabummaa isaaniitiin tahuu hubachiisaa, rakkoon irra gahaa jiru kan Oromoo hundaa tahuu yaadachiisuu barbaada. Furmaatni rakkoolee kanneen hundaas falmaa kana finiisuudhaan bilisummaa ofii qabsoon gonfatuu qofa tahuu kana waliin hubachiisuu fedha.
Yaa Ummata Oromoo,
Waggaan dhumataa jiru waggaa yeroo hundaan olitti eenyummaa Oromoo dhabamsiisuuf shira mootummaan Wayyaanee shire dura dhaabbatuuf wareegamni Ol’aanaan itti kafalame dha. Falmaan Ummatni Oromoo daangaa Sudaan irraa hanga Somaaleetti, Kaaba Impaayerittii irraa hanga Daangaa Keenyaatti adeemsise kan ummata Ormoo hunda hirmaachise tahuun, sadarkaa guddinni QBO irra gahe kan firaa fi diina hubachiise, ummata Oromoo tokkoomse, kanneen mooraa diinaa keessatti hiriiranii turanillee gara mooraa qabsootti deebisuun ummata isaanii cinaa akka dhaabbataniif dirqe waan taheef seenaa keessatti bakka guddaa qaba. Hubannaa fi dammaqinsi, qaroominaa fi bilchinni ummatni Oromoo fincila geggeessu keessatti agarsiise, kan seenaa Itoophiyaa keessatti mul’atee hin beekne kan nama boonsuu fi egeree Oromoo dukkana keessaa ifatti baase dha. Kunis firii falmaa hadhaawaa ummatni Oromoo, ABO fi WBO godhanii tahuu kan haalu jira jennee hin amannu.
Waggaan haaraan wayta seenu kan fuula duraa karoorfatuuf kan dabre ilaallatuun waan barame tahuu irraa, haala siyaasaa biyyattii, haala dinagdee fi hawaasummaa irratti dhugaa mul’ataa fi qabatamaa jiru wal yaadachiisuun barbaachisaa taha. Gareeleen seenaa dabre hin kaasiinaa, irraanfadhaa jechuun miidhaan ummata keenya irra gahe dhokatee akka hafu barbaadan akka jiran beekamaa dha. Haa tahu malee kan dabre kaasan malee kan keessa jiran hubatuu fi fuula dura ofii beekuun ulfaataa waan tahuuf qaphxiilee garii kaasuun dirqii taha.
Hundeen rakkoo ummatoota Itophiyaa, rakkoo siyaasaa dhuma jaarraa 19ffaa irraa eegalee gan- galataa dhufe tahuu haaluun hin danda’amu. Sirni jaarraa kana irraa jalqabee Itophiyaa irratti diriirfame, sabaa fi sab-lammoota biyyattii kan biyya isaanii weeraree qabatuun mirga isaanii ol aanaa sarbe, moggeessee fi sabummaan xiqqeesse, cunqursaa siyaasaa fi saamicha dinagdee kan tarkaanfachiisu tahuu irraa biyyattii nagaa fi tasgabbii dhorkate. Mirgi eenyummaa sarbamee, dhimma biyyaa fi matayyaa irratti murteessaa tahuu hanqatuu, mirga-dhablummaan ajajamaa tahanii jiraatuuf dirqamuun hundee rakkoo siyaasaa Itophiyaa ti. Haa tahu malee ummatootni Itophiyaa sirnoota humnaan irratti of irroomsuun isaan bitaa turanii fi jiran kanneeniif yeroon itti jilbeenfatanii bulan akka hin turre irra deebiin yaadachisuu baraabaachisa. Yeroo adda addaatti bakkoota gara garaatti qabsoo hadhaawaa gochaa diddaa isaanii agarsiisaa turan.
Bittootni Itophiyaa kan ofittummaan jaaman, dantaa biyyaa fi ummatootaa irra kan garee fi dhuunfaaf dursa kennan, sirna dimokraatawaa dhugoomsuu irra Abbaa-irrummaa dagaagsan waan tahaniif qabsoon waggoota dheeraa mirga Abbaa-biyyummaa, wal-qixxummaa, bilisummaa fi dimokraasii argamsiisuuf eegalame har’as itti fufee jira. Kana irraa waggoota 24 dabraniif falmaan ummatootni Itophiyaa mootummaa TPLF/EPRDF of irraa darbuuf adeemsisan kan wareegama hedduu baasise dha. Addatti ammoo mootummaan kun ummata Oromoo irratti xiyyeeffatuun lolli irratti bane murna hawaasaa Oromoo hunda kan dabalatee fi wareegama qaalii baasise dha.
Mootummaan murna bicuu Itophiyaa irratti of irroomsee jiru kun yeroo ammaa kana waan hunda dhuunfatuu fi to’atuun cunqursaa isaa itti fufuuf murteeffatee jira. Kana irraa har’a mootummaa fi paartii ummatootaan filamee jira jedhee of himu gidduu garaagarummaan jiraatee hin beeku. Qondaalota, ajajootaa fi dabballootni hundi sirnicha irraa bu’aa guddaa waan argataniif imaammata paartii aangoo irra jiruu gara-laafina malee humnaan hojii irra oolchuu irratti argamu. Humni Waraanaa, humni tikaa, poolisni Federaalaa fi bulchiinsa naannoolee, hidhattootni gandaa fi humnootiin maqaa adda addaan ijaaraman hundi kan sirna kana tiksuuf ijaaraman tahuu tarkaanfii suukanneessaan isaan ummatoota irratti fudhataa jiran bareechee hubachiisa. Waan taheef bittootni Itophiyaa hundi kan aangootti dhufanii fi aangoo irra jiraatan humnaan waan taheef, ummatootni Itophiyaa falmaa bifa hundaa itti jiran jabeessuun sirna bittaa abbaa irree kanatti xumura itti gochuun alatti furmaatni biroo tokko illee hin jiru. ABO kana irra deddeebiin hubachiisaa ture, hubachiisaas jira. Kana tolchanii hubatan malee furmaatatti siquun rakkisaa taha.
Mootummaan Wayyaanee/IHADEG guyyaa aangoo siyaasaa Itophiyaa dhuunfatee eegalee humna, kijibaa fi waadaa hin guutamneen ummatoota gowwoomsaa bittaa isaa hanga har’aa dheereffatuu yeroo of duuba deebi’anii ilaalan hedduu nama gaabbisiisa. Mootummaa misoomaa of moggaasee guddina galmeessuu isaa kan guyyuu himatu kun, ummatoota Itophiyaa beelaa baasee guyyaatti marroo sadii akka sooratan dandeessisa jechuun dhaadataa ture. Haa tahu malee irra deddeebiin miliyoonota beelessee, deggertoota isaa qubaan lakkaa’aman duroomsuun, miliyoonata hedduu hiyyoomsuun farra ummatootaa tahuu, ummata caalaatti kan beelessuu fi hiyyoomsu tahuu isaa mirkaneessee jira. Saamicha lafaa fi qabeenyaa daangaa dabreen, akkasumas, daldala garee mootummaatiin dhuunfatameen ummatootni Itophiyaa sadarkaa hiyyummaa laafaatti keessaa bahuu hin dandeenye keessa seenanii jiran. Saaminsa daangaa hin qabne kanaan caalaatti kan miidhamaa jiru ammo ummata Oromoo lafa abbaa isaa irraa buqqaafamaa jiru akka tahe hin falamsiisu. Kanatti dabalees ummata Oromoo aangoo siyaasaa fi dinaggee fi akkasumas misooma irraa fageessanii tahe jedhamee beelessuuf shira hojjatamuun miliyoonotaan beelaaf saaxilamee daa’imman, maanguddoo fi haawwan miidhamaa akka jiran mootummaan kun dhoksuuf yaalu illee addunyaan argee ifa baasuun gochaa mootummaa kanaa saaxileera.
Kana irraa kan hubatamu, daandiin mootummaan Itophiyaa hordofaa jiru, kan wayyaba ummatoota Itophiyaa hiyyoomsee murna bicuu irra guddaan saba tokko keessaa bahe duroomsu, ummatoota cunqurfamoo beelessuun deggertoota sirnichaa quubsu dha. Waan taheef rakkoo gama dinagdeen mul’atu kanaafis furmaatni sirna nama-nyaataa kana qabsoodhaan of irraa qaarsuu qofa.
Tajaajila fayyaa gahaa argatuu dhabuun, barnoota qulqulluu fi sadarkaa isaa eeggate barattootaan gahuu hanqatuun, malaammaltummaan olii hanga gadiitti babal’atuun, hoji-dhablummaan heddummaatuun, nagaan bahanii nagaan galuu dadhabuun, rakkinoota hawaasummaa kan ummatoota Itophiyaa hudhee qabee jiru dha. Rakkooleen kanneenis sirnicha xumura itti godhan malee akka hin dhabamne hubatuu feesisa.
ABOn rakkoon ummatoota Itophiyaa walii galaa, addatti ammoo kan ummata Oromoo akka furmaata argatuuf qabsoo waggoota dheeraaf adeemsiseen mirgoota argamsiise hedduu qabaatullee gahaa waan hin tahiiniif Qabsoo Bilisummaa itti jiru jabeessee itti fufee argama. Akeeka ittiin ijaaramee fi kaayyoo ittiin durfamu bakkaan gahuufis, ummata Oromoo barsiisuu, dammaqsuu fi ijaaruutti dabalee Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoof firoottan argamsiisuu keessatti qoodni gumaachaa turee fi jiru kan hamlachiisuu fi abdachiisu dha. Farreen ummata Oromoo Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo kophxeessuuf olola adeemsisan cabsee Tumsa Ummtootaa Bilisummaa fi Dimokiraasiif (TUBD) ijaaruu danda’uun milkii har’aatti qofa kan murtaawe osoo hin taane ollummaa fi obbolummaaf, akkasumas, waliin jireenya fedhii ummatootaa irratti hundaawe argamsiisuuf akka bu’uraatti kan ilaalamu dha.
Farreen ummata Oromoo Qabsoon Bilisummaa Oromoo (QBO) ummata kamiinuu akka hin deggeramne taasisuuf carraaquu qofa irratti hin dhaabbatan. Mooraan QBO akka hin tasgabboofne taasisuuf tattaafatni itti fufinsaan waggoota 24 darban gochaa turanii fi jiran kan laayyootti ilaalamu miti. ABOn kana hunda irra aanuuf carraaqqii godheen mooraan qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo yeroo kamiyyuu caalaatti akka jabaatu taasisee walitti dhufeenya qabsaawotaa cimsuu danda’uun kan qabsoo keenya fuula dura tarkaanfachiise dha. Kun amma illee dhawaataan kana caalaa kan irratti hojjatamuu qabu tahuun ifaa dha. Kana caalatti gabbisaa deemuun dirqamni kan ABO qofa osoo hin taane kan hunda keenyaa tahuu yaadachiisuu barbaadna.
ABOn mooraa qabsoo tasgabbeessuutti dabalee humna isaa jabeessuuf tarkaanfii bara kana fudhataa tureen WBO aynaa fi baay’inaan guddisuu danda’uun dhaamsa gammachuu diina rifaasisuu fi ummata keenya gammachiisu dha. Tarkaanfiin Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo yeroo adda addaatti diinaa fi lukkeelee diinaa irratti fudhataa ture hanga ummatni keenya barbaadu tahuu hanqatullee kan diinatti mataa dhukkubbii tahee fi shoorarkeesse tahuun waan eenyu illee haaluu danda’u miti. Ummatni keenya falmaa jihaa kanaan godhamu caalaatti yoo nu tinnise kana caalaa ol guddiisuuf haala aanjaa kan durii caalaatu diriirfamee jira.
Falmaa ummatni keenya godhaa jiruu fi addatti ammoo falmaa dargaggotni Oromoo miliyoonotaan humna isaanii tokkoomsanii akka dungootti baqaa qabsoo itti fufiinsaan wag- goota 14 darban godhaa bahan keessatti gumaachi ABO sadarkaa ol’aanaa kan qabu tahu illee murannnoo fi bilchinni jarmyaa dargaggootaa kan qooda daran ol aanaa qabuu fi seenaa qabsoo ummata Oromoo keessatti bakka addaa kabajamaa qabu tahuu ABO hunda hubachiisuu fedha. Ummatni Oromoo ilmaan isaa qaroo fi gootota kanatti kan boonuu qabu tahuu hubachiisaa qabsoo hadhaawaa bobaa diinaa jala ta’anii qoma isaanii rasaasa diinaaf kennaa jiraniif deggarsa of qusatnaa hin qabneen akka bira dhaabbatan ABO gadi jabeessee dhaama. Dargaggootni keenyas jarmyaa fi muuxannoo qabsoo argatan daran jabeeffataa sadarkaa ol’aanaa falmaa bilisummaaf godhamuutti akka ol guddisaa deeman gadi jabeessee hubachisa. Kanuma waliin diinaa fi farreen jarmyaa isaanii fi qabsaawota Qeerroo harka keessa galfatuun facaasuuf tattaaffii irra deddeebiin godhaniif, cufaa tahuudhaan jarmayaa isaanii akka qaroo ija isaaniitti akka tikfatan yaadachiisa.
Yaa Ummata Oromoo,
Haalli keessa jirtu akkaan ulfaataa tahuu irraa gabrummaan haa gahu! jechuun dargaggoo fi barattoota cinaa hiriiruutti dabalee ilmaan keenya dura nuutu du’uu qaba! jechuun wareegamni abbummaa fi haadhummaa baasaa jirtan galmee seenaa keessatti akka Bakkalchaatti ifee bara baraaf jiraata.
Ilmaan keessan roorroon ummata Ormoo irra gahaa jiru haa dhaabbatu jechuun harka qullaa diina dura dhaabbatuudhaan falmaan adeemsisaa jiranis akkanuma kan nama boonsuu fi seenaa keessatti bakka cululuqaa qabu dha. Waan taheef diddaa kee itti fufi. Tokkummaa kee cimsatuun mormii agarsiiftuun diina kee akka jilbeenfachiisuu dandeessu beeki. Seenaa keessatti qawween ummata injifatee waan hin beekneef qabsoo kee jabaadhuu itti fufi. Kanneen ollaa kee jiranis tumsa godhatuuf qaroominaa fi obsaan irratti hojjadhu.
Har’a egereen ummata Oromoo maal akka tahuu danda’u wallaalaa doofaan iyyuu tilmaamuu hin rakkatu. Kanneen akka abbootii isaanii ummata Oromoo saamaa jiraatuu akeeka godhatan, akeeka yeroon itti dabre tahuu beekuu qaban. Ummata Oromoo cunqursaa fi saaminsi haa gahu jechuun murteeffatee gootummaa fi murannoon ka’e humnaan ukkaamsuuf yaaluun egeree ofii dukkaneessuu tahuu hubatuu qaban. Kanneen dhimmi ilaalu hundis furmaata waaraa fi ijaaraa argamsiisuu irratti akka bobba’an, kanneen moggaa dhaabbatanii ilaalanii fi sodaa irraa qabsoo ummataa irraa fagaataniis tarkaanfiin kun ijaaraa akka hin tahin hubachiisuu barbaada.
Dhuma irratti waamicha armaan gadii akkan dabarsu naaf hayyamaa.
Diinni ummata Oromoo humnaan bitaa jiru, ummata Oromoo fi Oromiyaa dhabamsiisuu irraa of duuba kan hin jenne tahuu gochaa raawwatuu fi karoora baafatuun agarsiisaa jira. Waan taheef miseensoti ABO biyya keessaa fi alaa marti yeroon amma keessa jirru murteessaa tahuu hubattanii Qabsoo Bilisummaa itti jirtan hifannaa tokko malee dachaa dachaan guddisuun bittaa mootummaa farra ummatootaatti xumura akka itti goonu waamicha kiyya dabarsa. Ofii keenyaa akka shaamaa baqnee dhumnee mirgi ummata keenyaa kabajamuu akka qabu murtii keenya akka tahu gadi jabeesseen hubachiisa. Mootummaa kanatti xumura itti goonu malee ummatni keneya mirga isaa argatuun kan hin abjootamne waan taheef xumura itti gochuun murtii keenya tahuu hundi akka hubatu.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

No Jarsumma - Jawar Mohammed

No Jarsumma - Jawar Mohammed

Jawar argues that Tadesse Birru fell because of jarsumma. Waqo Gutu fell for jarsumma. Maca Tulama fell for jarsumma.  No jarsumma with current Ethiopian leadership. 
HUBACHIISA: Jaarsummaan ammatti balaa malee fala hin fidu.
Yeroo ammaa kanatti bakkoota adda addaatti dubbii tana manguddummaan laalla jechuun jaarsolii biyyaatti dhihaachaa jiran. Mangummaan dubbii fixuun aadaa teenya taatus, haala amma jiruufi amala diina kanatin kan ka'e ammatti furmaata mit. Tooftaan diinaa maqaa mangudummaatin warra mormii kana hogganaa jiran suuta adda baafate erga dubbiin qabanoofte booda rukutuuf. Kanaaf ammoo seenaan nuuf ragaadha. Janaraal Taaddasaa Birruu manguddummaan harkatti galfatanii hidhatti darban. Waldaya Maccaa Tuulamaas diigan. Akkasumas janaraal Waaqoo Guutu jaarsummaan nagaya buufna jedhanii amansiisan. Erga isa harkatti galfatanii booda qabsaa'ota inni hogganu rukutanii sochii isaanii diigan. Innis booda bosonatti deebi'uuf dirqame.
Mootummaan tunis yeroo ummanni lubbuu itt rakkee jiru kanatti maqaa jaarsummaatin qabbaneessitee booda ilmaan keessan fixuu waan hedduuf, manguddoon biyya jalaa hin dhagayina. yoo dhugaa nagaya barbaadan joolletti dhukaasuu dhiisanii,Maastar Pilaanii ifatti dhaabanii ummataan haa 

Sagalee Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo (SQ) Mudde 25, 2015

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Friday, December 25, 2015

Members of U.S. Congress write to Secretary of State Kerry on Oromo Protests in Ethiopia

The following is a letter written by members of the U.S. Congress: Reps. Keith Ellison (MN), Betty McCollum (MN) and Tom Emmer (MN), to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.
December 24th, 2015
Ellison, McCollum, Emmer Send Letter to Secretary of State Kerry Regarding Protests in Ethiopia
WASHINGTON DC – Reps. Keith Ellison, Betty McCollum, and Tom Emmer sent the following letter to Secretary of State John Kerry regarding the student protests in the Oromia region of Ethiopia calling for stronger action against human rights violations:
December 23, 2015
The Honorable John F. Kerry
Secretary of State
United States Department of State
Washington, D.C. 20520
Dear Secretary Kerry:
We are writing in regards to the recent student protests in the Oromia region of Ethiopia that have erupted in response to the Ethiopian government’s Master Plan to expand Addis Ababa into surrounding farmland. Minnesota is home to the largest Oromo population in the United States and we have been contacted by hundreds of constituents concerned about the violence and intimidation these protesters have faced from government security forces. We would like to commend you for condemning the recent killings and violence against peaceful Oromo protesters. However, our constituents feel that stronger action is required to address the deteriorating human rights situation in the region.
The United States and Ethiopia have shared a long, fruitful relationship and are partners on a number of issues important to the region. This ongoing relationship, coupled with the extensive foreign assistance that the United States provides Ethiopia each year, should be used to leverage the United States’ position that inclusive democracy be practiced in Ethiopia.
Numerous reports from organizations such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and Committee on the Protection of Journalists have revealed the growing practice of government security forces using arbitrary arrests and prosecution to silence journalists and Ethiopian citizens who are simply exercising freedom of expression—a fundamental right and the cornerstone of a democratic society. These individuals are often charged under the draconian 2009 anti-terrorism proclamation. The continued mistreatment and displacement of the Oromo ethnic group in the Oromia region is especially troubling. Furthermore, the Charities and Societies Proclamation (CSO law), enacted in 2009, has made it nearly impossible for non-profits to operate in Ethiopia.
Similar protests last year left dozens of Oromos dead and hundreds arrested. This year, there have already been five officially recorded deaths, although constituents close to the issue have informed us the true number of deaths is much higher with a death toll of at least 75. Recently, Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said that authorities “will take merciless legitimate action against any force bent on destabilizing the area.” This aggressive approach to peaceful protesters is cause for major concern by the United States and we therefore urge you to engage the Ethiopian leadership in a serious dialogue in order to prevent further loss of life and to ensure that Ethiopia is adhering to democratic principles.
The United States Congress has already sent a strong message regarding Ethiopia’s response to protests. The 2015 Omnibus Appropriations Bill has provisions to ensure that the U.S. funding to Ethiopia cannot be used to support forced evictions in the country. Furthermore, the bill requires U.S. assistance to be used to support local community initiatives aimed at improving livelihoods and be subject to prior consultation with affected populations. The bill also opposes U.S. funding to international financial institutions such as the World Bank for programs that could lead to forced evictions in Ethiopia.
We respectfully ask you to conduct a full, thorough review of this ongoing situation. We cannot look the other way when our allies are violating the human rights of their citizens. If during your investigation you find violations of the Leahy Law, we ask that you respond by taking appropriate action. Thank you for your attention to this important human rights matter.
Keith Ellison
Member of Congress
Betty McCollum
Member of Congress
Tom Emmer
Member of Congress
Cc: Susan Rice, National Security Advisor, White House
Samantha Power, United States Ambassador to United Nations
Congressman Ed Royce, Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee, United States House of Representatives
Congressman Elliot Engel, Ranking member of Foreign Affairs Committee, United States House of Representatives

Thursday, December 24, 2015


‪#‎OromoProtests‬ As tens of thousands of TPLF soldiers are currently occupying almost every town and village in Oromia, rape of women and girls is widely reported. In villages and small towns men and boys are jailed and soldiers raid house at night terrorizing women and children. Thousands of female students and civil servants in make shift prisons guarded by soldiers. Medical personnel has been sending credible information that is too graphic to share in public and we are compiling and sending it to human rights organizations. This heinous crime must be condemned by every human being. Tigrean elites within or outside the regime must act now before its too late to reverse course.
Yeroo loltoonni Wayyaanee kumatamaan Oromiyaa weeraranii jiran kanatti yakki humnaan gudeeddi dubartootaa bal'inaan ragaa waliin nutti dhufaa jira. Araddaalee baadiyyaafi magaalota xixiqqoo keessatti abboonnifi dargaggoon hidhaa waan jiraniif, halkan waraanni manneen irra deemee durbartootaaf daa'imman shoororkeessaa jira. barattoonnifi hojjattooni dubartootaa kumaatamaan man hidhaa keessatti miidhaan suukaneessaan irra gayaa jira. Ogeeyyonni fayyaa bakka hedduu irraa ragaa yakka kana agarsiisu nuuf ergaa jiran. Ummatatti agarsiisuuf waan hin danda'ameef gara dhaabbilee mirga namoomaa dabarsuuf qindeessaa jirra.

Jawhar Mohammed

Oduu Amma Nu Gahe2 Muddee 242015

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Blood and terror in Ethiopia as protests sweep the streets

Blood and terror on the streets as protests grip Ethiopia
Blood and terror on the streets as protests grip Ethiopia
Wolenkomi (Ethiopia) (AFP) - Two lifeless bodies lay on the ground as the terrified crowd, armed only with sticks against gun-toting Ethiopian security forces, fled the fierce crackdown on protesters.
Blood seeped through a sheet covering one of the bodies on the road outside Wolenkomi, a town just 60 kilometres (37 miles) from the capital Addis Ababa.
"That was my only son," a woman sobbed. "They have killed me."
Back at the family home of 20-year-old Kumsa Tafa, his younger sister Ababetch shook as she spoke. "He was a student. No one was violent. I do not understand why he is dead," she said.
Human Rights Watch says at least 75 people have been killed in a bloody crackdown on protests by the Oromo people, Ethiopia's largest ethnic group.
Bekele Gerba, deputy president of the Oromo Federal Congress, puts the toll at more than 80 while the government says only five have been killed.
The demonstrations have spread to several towns since November, when students spoke out against plans to expand the capital into Oromia territory -- a move the Oromo consider a land grab.
The sight of the protesters on the streets of towns like Wolenkomi -- shouting "Stop the killings! This isn't democracy!" -- is rare in a country with little tolerance for expressions of discontent with the government.
Tree trunks and stones are strewn on the asphalt on the road west from Addis to Shewa zone, in Oromia territory, barricading the route for several kilometres.
Chaos broke out on a bus on the road when it emerged that the police were again clashing with demonstrators in Wolenkomi.
"My husband just called me," said a woman clutching her phone, as others screamed and children burst into tears.
"He's taking refuge in a church. Police shot at the protesters," she said.
The man next to her cried in despair: "They're taking our land, killing our children. Why don't they just kill everyone now?"
The army raided Wolenkomi again the next day, the rattle of gunfire lasting for more than an hour.
"They grabbed me by the face and they told me, 'Go home! If you come back here, we'll kill you'," said Kafani, a shopkeeper.
Rights groups have repeatedly criticised Ethiopia's use of anti-terrorism legislation to stifle peaceful dissent, with the US expressing concern over the recent crackdown and urging the government to employ restraint.
But Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn declared on television that the government would act "without mercy in the fight against forces which are trying to destabilise the region."
- 'Land is everything' -
Oromo leaders have vowed to keep up their resistance against proposals to extend Addis, and Human Rights Watch has warned of "a rapidly rising risk of greater bloodshed".
"The government can continue to send security forces and act with violence -- we will never give up," said Gerba.
Land is at the heart of the problem. Under Ethiopia's constitution, all land belongs to the state, with owners legally considered tenants -- raising fears amongst the Oromo that a wave of dispossession is on its way.
"For farmers in Oromia and elsewhere in the country, their land is everything," said Felix Horne, a researcher at Human Rights Watch.
"It's critical for their food supply, for their identity, for their culture," he said.
"You cannot displace someone from their land with no consultation and then inadequately compensate them and not expect there to be any response," Horne warned.
Some Oromo have already seen their lands confiscated.
Further west, in the town of Ambo, a woman named Turu was expropriated of her two hectares, receiving only 40,000 birr ($1,900, 1,700 euros) in compensation.
"We had a good life before," she said.
Today she struggles to support her four children and her disabled husband with the 30 birr a day ($1.40, 1.30 euros) she earns working in a factory.
With their own language distinct from Ethiopia's official Amharic tongue, the 27 million Oromo make up nearly 30 percent of the country's population.
"The Oromos are seen as more of a threat by the government in part because they are by far the largest ethnic group," said Horne.
The proposed expansion of Addis is part of a 25-year development plan to boost the city's infrastructure and attract new investors.
It sparked demonstrations last year, but on a smaller scale.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Oromo TV: #OromoProtests

Ethiopia: Lethal Force Against Protesters

Ethiopia: Lethal Force Against Protesters

he United States Concerned By Clashes in Oromia, Ethiop

The United States Concerned By Clashes in Oromia, Ethiopia

Press Statement
Mark C. Toner
Deputy Department Spokesperson
Washington, DC
December 18, 2015

The United States is deeply concerned by the recent clashes in the Oromia region of Ethiopia that reportedly have resulted in the deaths of numerous protestors. We greatly regret the deaths that have occurred and express our condolences to the families of those who have lost their lives.
We urge the government of Ethiopia to permit peaceful protest and commit to a constructive dialogue to address legitimate grievances. We also urge those protesting to refrain from violence and to be open to dialogue. The government of Ethiopia has stated publicly that the disputed development plans will not be implemented without further public consultation. We support the government of Ethiopia’s stated commitment to those consultations and urge it to convene stakeholders to engage in dialogue as soon as possible.