Thursday, December 24, 2015


‪#‎OromoProtests‬ As tens of thousands of TPLF soldiers are currently occupying almost every town and village in Oromia, rape of women and girls is widely reported. In villages and small towns men and boys are jailed and soldiers raid house at night terrorizing women and children. Thousands of female students and civil servants in make shift prisons guarded by soldiers. Medical personnel has been sending credible information that is too graphic to share in public and we are compiling and sending it to human rights organizations. This heinous crime must be condemned by every human being. Tigrean elites within or outside the regime must act now before its too late to reverse course.
Yeroo loltoonni Wayyaanee kumatamaan Oromiyaa weeraranii jiran kanatti yakki humnaan gudeeddi dubartootaa bal'inaan ragaa waliin nutti dhufaa jira. Araddaalee baadiyyaafi magaalota xixiqqoo keessatti abboonnifi dargaggoon hidhaa waan jiraniif, halkan waraanni manneen irra deemee durbartootaaf daa'imman shoororkeessaa jira. barattoonnifi hojjattooni dubartootaa kumaatamaan man hidhaa keessatti miidhaan suukaneessaan irra gayaa jira. Ogeeyyonni fayyaa bakka hedduu irraa ragaa yakka kana agarsiisu nuuf ergaa jiran. Ummatatti agarsiisuuf waan hin danda'ameef gara dhaabbilee mirga namoomaa dabarsuuf qindeessaa jirra.

Jawhar Mohammed

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