Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The regime is turning the country into be ‪#‎Dystopian‬ Land

The regime is turning the country into be ‪#‎Dystopian‬ Land
It is painful to witness that our people are being sandwiched and pushed to verge of death between two evil forces. Millions are left in desperation without any kind of hope because of famine in one hand while the regime is very busy crushing legitimate popular demand by brute force and closing down the out flow of information about famine on the other. The regime is turning the country into inhabitable dystopian land.
Nevertheless, our people need to and should continue its resistance with‪#‎resilience‬ and ‪#‎vision‬ to change the dystopian land into livable place where people can enjoy human diginity and right .

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