Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Ethiopian Government Brutal Army and Paramilitary Police Use Lethal Force against Oromo Students Demonstrating Peacefully

The Ethiopian Government Brutal Army and Paramilitary Police Use Lethal Force against Oromo Students Demonstrating Peacefully

pafdPress Statement by ‘Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD)
The Ethiopian government brutal army and paramilitary police are shooting at Unarmed Oromo students demonstrating against the implementation of Addis Ababa land grabbing master plan.
Just over a year ago, TPLF’s regime has planned to exponentially expand Oromia’s capital, the city of Finfinne (Addis Ababa) under the scheme known as ‘Addis-Master-Plan’. This plan aims to incorporate the rural agricultural areas in Oromia state surrounding Addis Ababa. This Plan will totally displace the entire Oromo rural population in the area without their consent. The said plan has seriously angered the Oromo’s communities, who went on a peaceful demonstration of opposing the plan. The regimes security and armed forces’ unprecedented and violent response to peaceful demonstration has left over 60 Oromo University and high Scholl students and the others Oromo civilians dead, and over 200 wounded.
After remaining silent for around a year, the Prime Minister and others government officials have recently announced their decisions to re-implement ‘Addis-Master-Plan’ Again the Oromo students’ demonstration started demonstrating, beginning in West Oromia towns such as Mattuu, Ambo and others places has widened its horizons to almost entire Oromia Zones and districts.
On December 01 and 02, 2015 there have been series of demonstrations in various Oromia regional Zones and districts including in Madawalaabuu university, Agarfaa, Ayira (Guuliso), Bantuu, Burrayyuu, Chanco, Dalloo, Dinshoo, Finfinnee, Gaasaraa, Gimbi, Gudar, Haromayaa, Horro Guduruu, Jaarraa, Maattu, Sabroo, Jaarsoo, Laaloo, Asabi, Jiddaa, Ayyaanaa, Mandi, Najjoo, Qilxuu Karraa, Sabataa, Walisso, Sabroo, Xuqur Incinni and others various high schools, Universities, towns and villages. In these all places the responses of TPLF security and police personnel has been as brutal as always. Several deaths have been reported since last week. The number of wounded Oromo students including children has reached to a several hundreds.
PAFD categorically condemns the brutal treatments of the civilians and calls all liberation fronts and opposition parties to unite in ending the current undemocratic rule and create a new system that respects the rights of all peoples in Ethiopia. We call all nations and peoples in Ethiopia to rise up and support this illegal displacement of Oromo people from their ancestral lands as is happening in all other parts. We call upon the international community to denounce the unlawful action of the Ethiopian brutal regime and urge it to abide with international laws in respecting citizens’ rights, dignity and safety. We also call upon all nationals working for TPLF’s repressive apparatuses such us military, police and security that are inflicting pain on their brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers to unconditionally stop their alliance with the regime brutalizing all peoples and join a genuine struggles for democratic change to bring about equality for all.
Finally, with deepest sadness that PAFD sends its condolences to the families of Oromo Students who have been murdered by authoritarian Ethiopian regime.
People Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD)
December 04, 2015

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